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Main Questions for Neutrino Detector R&D EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting 4 December 2007 Paul Soler University of Glasgow
Contents 1. Conclusions from ISS report 2. R&D MIND & TASD 3. R&D Water Cherenkov 4. R&D Liquid Argon 5. R&D Emulsion 6. R&D Near Detectors 7. Hybrid detector concepts 8. Strategy EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 2
Baseline Detectors (ISS report) Beam Far detector R&D needed Sub-Ge. V Beta and Super Beams (MEMPHYS, T 2 K) Megaton Water Cherenkov photosensors! cavern and infrastructure 1 -2 Ge. V Beta and Super Beams (off axis NUMI, high g Beta Beam , Wide Band Beam) no established baseline Totally Active Scintillator Detector -TASD (NOv. A-like) or Liquid Argon TPC or Megaton WC photosensors and detectors long drifts, long wires, LEMs Neutrino Factory (20 -50 Ge. V, 2500 -7000 km) ~100 kton Magnetized Iron Neutrino Detector–MIND (golden) + ~10 kton non-magnetic Emulsion Cloud Chamber-ECC (silver) straightforward from MINOS simulation+physics studies ibid vs OPERA EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 3
Beyond the Baseline Detectors (ISS report) Beam Far detector Sub-Ge. V Liquid Argon TPC Beta and Super Beams (100 kton) (MEMPHYS, T 2 K) R&D needed clarify what is the advantage wrt Water Cherenkov? 1 -2 Ge. V no established baseline Beta and Super Beams (off axis NUMI, high g Beta Beam, Wide band Beam) Neutrino Factory (20 -50 Ge. V, 2500 -7000 km) platinum detectors! Magnetised TASD Magnetised Liquid Argon Magnetised Emulsion Cloud Chamber EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 engineering study for magnet! simulations and physics evaluation; photosensors, long drift, etc… 4
Beam Instrumentation, Near detectors Beam Instrumentation, Near Detectors R&D needed Sub-Ge. V Beta and Super Beams (MEMPHYS, T 2 K) concept simulations T 2 K example…. CONCEPT for theory precision measurements? 1 -2 Ge. V NOv. A example. . Beta and Super Beam CONCEPT for (off axis NUMI, high g Beta precision measurements? Beam, Wide band Beam) ibid Neutrino Factory (20 -50 Ge. V, 2500 -7000 km) need study -need study need concept simulation+study ibid+Vertex det R&D beam intensity (BCT) beam energy +polarization beam divergence meast shielding leptonic detector hadronic detector EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 5
R&D Programme MIND & TASD o R&D programme to test detector concepts being developed for neutrino factory: wrong sign muon “Golden” signature 100 15 m 15 Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detector (MIND) m m Totally Active Scintillating Detector (TASD) EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 6
R&D Programme MIND & TASD o Design, cost and engineering solutions for the magnet system for MIND. Simple scaling from MINOS? o Design, cost and engineering solutions for the magnet system for TASD Superconducting transmission line EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 7
R&D Programme MIND & TASD o o R&D on photon detector technology Measurements we want to make: Test different photon detector technologies: Avalanche Photodiodes (APD), Geiger Mode APDs (GMAPD), Silicon photomutiplier (Si. PMT), Multi Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC), Multi-anode Photomultiplier Tubes (Ma. PMT), Hybrid Photon Detectors (HPD). Measure light output, PE yield, quantum efficiency, cross-talk and effect on resolution in real operating conditions Put different PD in test beam EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 8
R&D Programme MIND & TASD o R&D on extruded scintillator: attenuation as function of length, fiber insertion, optimal geometry (ie. square vs triangular or segmentation and sampling rate) Important for very long bars (10 -20 m) Not necessarily at test beam EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 Eg: MINOS good 9
R&D Programme MIND & TASD o RPC vs scintillator RPC prototype for the India Neutrino Observatory (INO) MINOS CALDET INO: 67%/sqrt(E)+10% EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 10
MIND/TASD Prototype? o o Forthcoming prototypes to come online soon: What can we learn from these? EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 11
MIND/TASD Measurements o Measurements we want to make: Muon identification: building particle ID likelihood functions based on test beam ID Measure PID eff. vs length of track Charge identification (as function of B-field and length of track) Optimal segmentation: transverse and longitudinal EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 12
Water Cherenkov detectors o Engineering and cost of cavern excavation for Megaton Water Cherenkov detectors (covered by LAGUNA proposal) EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 13
Water Cherenkov detectors o o R&D on photon detectors (large area Hybrid Photon Detectors-HPD, or Photo Multiplier tubes): Reduction cost, Reduce risk implosion, Electronics, Low activity materials. Engineering studies of mechanics to support photon detectors. EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 14
Water Cherenkov detectors o Studies of energy resolution of water Cherenkov detectors, especially at low energy (ie ~250 -200 Me. V). EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 15
Liquid Argon R&D o o o Feasibility & cost of industrial tankers for underground liquid argon storage (also part of Laguna project). Demonstration and detector performance for very long drift paths Liquid argon purification. 5 m “Argontube” Charge readout plane GAr Extraction grid E-field E ≈ 3 k. V/cm E≈ 1 k. V/cm Cathode (- HV) Electronic racks LAr EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 UV & Cerenkov light readout PMTs Field shaping electrodes 16
Liquid Argon R&D Readout: Large Electron Multiplyers (LEM) o High gain operation of LEM in pure argon at high pressure Two-stage LEM Etransf = 3 k. V/cm GAr Edrift = 5 k. V/cm Gain 1000 14 A stable gain of 104 has been measured 14 LAr 0 350 0 Voltage (V) EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting 0 P Soler, 4 December 2007 12. 5 600 0 17 12. 9
Liquid Argon R&D o o o Development of new solutions for drift in a very high voltage (such as the Cockcroft-Walton style Greinacher circuit). B-field for liquid argon detectors: study of high Tc superconducting coils Dedicated test beams to study prototype detectors and to perform tracking and reconstruction of clean electron and pi 0 samples. e– 2. 5 Ge. V EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting Simulated electron shower in magnetic field B=1 T P Soler, 4 December 2007 18
Magnetised Emulsion Cloud Chamber o Emulsion Cloud Chamber Emulsion test beam Improve speed & accuracy automated scanning stations Further R&D on operating emulsion-iron systems in magnetic field Electronic det: e/p/m separator & “Time stamp” Rohacell® plate stainless steel plate emulsion film. EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 19
Near Detector R&D o Silicon vertex detector for charm background: Pixel versus strip detectors: hybrid strip, ``stripxel", hybrid pixel detectors, Monolithic Active Pixels (MAPS) or DEPFET pixel detectors. (Synergy with Linear Collider, ideal project for EUDET) Study whether layers of passive material (boron carbide, graphite or other low Z material) are necessary as a neutrino target. Charm o Impact parameter resolution (50 mm pitch) sx~33 mm Pull: s~1. 02 o Study of charm background for wrong sign muon signal and measure effect of Q_t cut EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 20
Near Detector R&D o Tracking device: determine optimal tracking detector. o Other Detectors: Scintillating fibre tracker Drift chambers Gas Time Projection Chamber (TPC) o Magnet: old UA 1, NOMAD, T 2 K magnet? Hadronic Energy resolution for a calorimeter? Particle identification (ie. TRD or DIRC Cherenkov detector) Muon chambers? EM calorimeter Calorimeter EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 Muon chambers 21
Near Detector R&D o Accuracy neutrino flux measurement with near detector (goal ~0. 1% flux error): with beam monitors and inverse muon decay interactions in ND o Accuracy cross-section measurement as function of energy. Above 5 Ge. V (DIS): goal 0. 1% level. Below 5 Ge. V, measure all components EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 22
Hybrid Emulsion Detectors o For 60 walls emulsion 1. 1 M bricks 4. 1 kton Total length of detector is: ~ 150 m ECC emulsion analysis: Electronic detectors: Target Spectrometer Trackers Pb/Em. stargetm uper o d ule Vertex, decay kink e/g ID, multiple scattering, kinematics Pb/Em. brick Link to muon ID, Candidate event Basic “cell” 8 m o Tau events in MECC found by tracing back candidate events into emulsion region See G de Lellis, Golden 07 8 cm Extract selected EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting brick Brick finding, muon ID, Pb Emulsion 1 mm P and December 2007 Dp/p<20% charge. Soler, 4 p 23
Hybrid MIND + TASD o Compromise between MIND and TASD concepts? Iron free regions: improve momentum and charge determination o MIND ~1 -2 m TASD MIND electron shower muon hadron shower o o Do we need magnetic field in TASD region? Maybe alternating regions of MIND + magnetic free regions of TASD can be used to measure Golden channel and ne flux (ie ne disappearance? ) Need to study physics impact of this solution: does one win in performance without being prohibitive in price? Could one include LAr regions between MIND spectrometer regions (more like Icarus rather than Glacier) EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 24
Strategy for Neutrino Detector R&D Cervera, NUFACT 07 EUDET Neutrino Group Meeting P Soler, 4 December 2007 25