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Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Apparatus called tomography and magnetic field extending from the body may interact. When a Apparatus called tomography and magnetic field extending from the body may interact. When a person is placed in the MRI scanner sends an electromagnetic signal of a certain frequency. In response to this signal is generated by hydrogen atoms. Their catches and apparatus. Naturally, all the tissues differ in the content of hydrogen atoms , so that the signals are different too. The data is analyzed and the instrument displays the decoded images.

Advantages of MRI : • Full security procedures - there is no harm ; Advantages of MRI : • Full security procedures - there is no harm ; • MRI results take precedence over all other types of beam diagnostics ; • Take a screenshot in any projection ; • A small number of contraindications; • Different versions of the study; • Detailed and accurate picture of the study area ; • Accurate results when defining complex diagnoses ;

 • Quickness determine lesions (eg , after a stroke in 2 hours can • Quickness determine lesions (eg , after a stroke in 2 hours can be revealed ischemic lesions in the brain) ; • Ability to survey those organs and tissues , a condition which can not be determined by other methods of hardware diagnostics ; • Preparing for an MRI uncomplicated. This is an important factor for many categories of patients.

Disadvantages of MRI: • The need for a high-intensity magnetic field that requires huge Disadvantages of MRI: • The need for a high-intensity magnetic field that requires huge energy consumption during operation of the equipment and / or the use of expensive technologies for superconductivity. The good news is that in the literature there is no data about the negative health effects of high-power magnets. • low , especially in comparison with X-ray , the sensitivity of MRI , which requires an increase in the time -raying. This leads to a distortion of the images of the respiratory movements ( especially that reduces the effectiveness of the study of light , the study of the heart).

 • Inability to reliably detect stones , calcifications , some types of pathology • Inability to reliably detect stones , calcifications , some types of pathology of bone structures. • Failure to survey some patients , such as claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces ) , artificial pacemakers , metal implants large. We should not forget that a relative contraindication for MRI - pregnancy. Well pacemakers - strict contraindication to the study.

MRI can not be performed in these cases: • Foreign body of metal, located MRI can not be performed in these cases: • Foreign body of metal, located in the orbit ; • The presence of a pacemaker or similar electronic devices in the body ; • After contrasting - hematopoietic anemia. • Relative contraindications : • Mental disorders (particularly claustrophobia) ;

 • 12 weeks of pregnancy ; • The inability to keep still ; • 12 weeks of pregnancy ; • The inability to keep still ; • Tattoos with the inclusion of metal compounds ; • Obligation to continuous monitoring vital signs ; • Intoxication ( drugs or alcohol ).

 For a long time the doctors tried to devise methods for assessing the For a long time the doctors tried to devise methods for assessing the functional state of human internal organs most informative way. The last few decades have seen a rapid development of diagnostic medical specialties. One of the highlights of the last century, without exaggeration, be called the discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance and the emergence of diagnostic techniques based on this phenomenon. Suffice it to say that the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences has awarded at least six Nobel Prizes , directly associated with the discovery. Today, the most informative and harmless to health diagnosis method using magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI).

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