Скачать презентацию Magna India Fund the investment opportunity KC Скачать презентацию Magna India Fund the investment opportunity KC


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Magna India Fund – the investment opportunity KC Reddy Mannheim February 2006 Magna India Fund – the investment opportunity KC Reddy Mannheim February 2006

Introduction KC Reddy – the Manager Kommera Chakradhar (KC) Reddy – CFA Previously with Introduction KC Reddy – the Manager Kommera Chakradhar (KC) Reddy – CFA Previously with Thames River - UK Credit Agricole – Hong Kong Peregrine - India MBA, Indian Institute of Management (associated with MIT’s Sloan School) 10 years experience investing in India Charlemagne Capital Specialists in Emerging Markets 2

Introduction KC Reddy - historic track record 1997* 1998 1999 2000** The Himalaya Fund Introduction KC Reddy - historic track record 1997* 1998 1999 2000** The Himalaya Fund -13. 50% -11. 06% 110. 98% 21. 34% MSCI India Index -12. 35% -22. 89% 84. 67% 17. 59% Source: JP Morgan Fleming country fund research Charlemagne Capital Specialists in Emerging Markets * End Oct 1997 - end Dec 1997 ** End Dec 1999 – end March 2000 3

Introduction The Magna fund range Magna Umbrella Fund plc Magna Turkey € 69. 8 Introduction The Magna fund range Magna Umbrella Fund plc Magna Turkey € 69. 8 m Magna Eastern European € 399. 1 m Magna Russia € 61. 7 m Magna Greater China € 30. 5 m Magna Latin America € 45. 0 m Magna India Magna EMEA € 21. 1 m € 36. 3 m Magna Global Emerging Markets € 212. 7 m Comprehensive emerging markets offering Charlemagne Capital Specialists in Emerging Markets Source: Charlemagne Capital – end December 2005 4

India Broad market opportunities § Convincing macroeconomic case § Diversified market: bottom-up opportunities § India Broad market opportunities § Convincing macroeconomic case § Diversified market: bottom-up opportunities § Our process aims to find these Positive outlook Charlemagne Capital Specialists in Emerging Markets 5

India Macroeconomic summary Year to March 2004 2005 e 2006 e Real GDP growth India Macroeconomic summary Year to March 2004 2005 e 2006 e Real GDP growth % 8. 6 6. 9 7. 1 Inflation 5. 5 6. 5 3. 9 General govt. debt (% GDP) 65. 9 57. 3 55. 1 Foreign debt (% GDP) 20. 4 19. 1 18. 0 Central Bank net FX reserves ($bn) 102. 0 130. 6 138. 1 Improving economic fundamentals Charlemagne Capital Specialists in Emerging Markets Source: CSFB – Sept 2005 6

India Reform-minded administration § UPA election win in 2004: Manmohan Singh (Prime Minister) and India Reform-minded administration § UPA election win in 2004: Manmohan Singh (Prime Minister) and P. Chidambaram (Finance Minister) both widely respected reformers § Liberalisation of key areas (telecommunications, construction, infrastructure…) § Improved relations with Pakistan Improved political outlook Charlemagne Capital Specialists in Emerging Markets 7

India Young population, vibrant economy India § Favourable demographics: 75% of population under 40 India Young population, vibrant economy India § Favourable demographics: 75% of population under 40 § Middle income and higher to rise from 18% of total to 41% 1995 -2007 Source: UBS – Nov 2005 Charlemagne Capital Specialists in Emerging Markets Favourable demographic & income trends 8

India The last great underleveraged economy A credit boom waiting to happen Charlemagne Capital India The last great underleveraged economy A credit boom waiting to happen Charlemagne Capital Specialists in Emerging Markets Source: Citigroup – Nov 2005 9

India A stock picker’s paradise § Over 5, 000 listed companies § No industry India A stock picker’s paradise § Over 5, 000 listed companies § No industry group exceeds 20% of market cap § Massive improvement in corporate balance sheets FY 96 Net debt to equity (%) FY 98 FY 00 FY 02 FY 04 FY 06 e 42. 2 40. 7 34. 6 26. 4 14. 8 1. 9 Broad market, good fundamentals Charlemagne Capital Specialists in Emerging Markets Source: Citigroup – Nov 2005 10

India The investment process The Market IN OUT Charlemagne Capital Universe Selected opportunity set India The investment process The Market IN OUT Charlemagne Capital Universe Selected opportunity set Company visits Special situations Liquidity test IN OUT Portfolio Focused Low volatility Based on client objectives Charlemagne Capital Specialists in Emerging Markets Aiming for superior risk-adjusted returns 11

India Qualitative screen checklist Management Shareholder / governance focus Track record and strategy Top India Qualitative screen checklist Management Shareholder / governance focus Track record and strategy Top line growth Market leadership Innovative products Bottom line growth Cost management Consistent growth Sufficient internally generated CF Cash flow Access to finance Solvency risk Balance sheet Valuation (relative & absolute) Price target Charlemagne Capital Specialists in Emerging Markets Disciplined bottom-up research 12

India Magna India Fund: our top ideas Stock name Model weighting Index weighting* Load India Magna India Fund: our top ideas Stock name Model weighting Index weighting* Load Infosys Technologies 0. 00% 13. 80% -13. 80% Satyam Computers 9. 69% 3. 80% +5. 89% Tata Motors 7. 86% 2. 78% +5. 08% Tanla Solutions 5. 00% 0. 00% +5. 00% Housing Dev. Finance 0. 00% 4. 75% -4. 75% Large loads = active management Charlemagne Capital Specialists in Emerging Markets * MSCI India Index Source: Charlemagne Capital / MSCI – 30 Dec 05 13

India Magna India Fund: active management e. g. property Large loads = active management India Magna India Fund: active management e. g. property Large loads = active management Charlemagne Capital Specialists in Emerging Markets * MSCI India Index Source: Charlemagne Capital / MSCI – 30 December 2005 14

India Summary § India – a market for stock pickers § Our process seeks India Summary § India – a market for stock pickers § Our process seeks these opportunities § Magna India Fund – our best ideas Good outlook for this changing market Charlemagne Capital Specialists in Emerging Markets 15

The Disclaimer This document is issued by Charlemagne Capital (UK) Limited which is authorised The Disclaimer This document is issued by Charlemagne Capital (UK) Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (“FSA”). Magna Umbrella Fund plc is an open ended investment company authorised by the Financial Regulator as a UCITS, recognised by the FSA under section 264 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 for marketing to persons in the UK, registered for public distribution in Germany and Luxembourg, authorised for public distribution in Austria, registered by the Autoriteit Financiële Markten in The Netherlands and authorised for public offering and solicitation in and from Switzerland by the Swiss Federal Banking Commission (the Fund is not subject to supervisions by the Swiss Federal Banking Commission or other Swiss public authority). This document must not be relied on for the purposes of making any investment decisions. Before investing in any fund(s) recipients who are not professional investors should contact their independent financial adviser and should read all documents relating to the particular fund(s) such as any report and accounts and offering memorandum/prospectus, which specifies the particular risks associated with the fund(s), together with any specific restrictions applying and the basis of dealing. The value of any investments and any income generated may go down as well as up and is not guaranteed. Past performance will not necessarily be repeated. Changes in rates of exchange may have an adverse effect on the value, price or income of an investment. There additional risks associated with investments (made directly or through investment vehicles which invest) in emerging or developing markets. The information in this document does not constitute investment, tax, legal or other advice and is not a recommendation or an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy shares in the fund(s), which may only be made on the basis of the fund’s prospectus/ offering memorandum which can be obtained from the address below. An investor in the United Kingdom who enters into an investment agreement to acquire an interest in the fund will not have the right to cancel the agreement under any cancellation rules made by the FSA. Charlemagne Capital (UK) Limited reasonably believes that the information contained herein is accurate as at the date of publication but no warranty or guarantee (express or implied) is given as to accuracy or completeness. The information and any opinions expressed herein may change at any time. This document and shares in the fund shall not be distributed, offered or sold in any jurisdiction in which such distribution, offer or sale would be unlawful and until the requirements of such jurisdiction have been satisfied. The purchase of shares in the fund constitutes a high risk investment and investors may lose a substantial portion or even all of the money they invest in the fund. Issued by Charlemagne Capital (UK) Limited - Authorised and Regulated by the FSA. Charlemagne Capital (UK) Limited 39 St. James‘s Street London SW 1 A 1 JD United Kingdom Tel: + 44 (0)20 7518 2100 Fax: + 44 (0)20 7518 2198/9 www. charlemagnecapital. com marketing@charlemagnecapital. com Charlemagne Capital Specialists in Emerging Markets 16