Скачать презентацию Magic Lens What is grammar A way Скачать презентацию Magic Lens What is grammar A way


  • Количество слайдов: 36

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What is grammar? A way of thinking about language. What is grammar? A way of thinking about language.

What are the 4 levels of Analysis? Level 1: Parts of speech Level 2: What are the 4 levels of Analysis? Level 1: Parts of speech Level 2: Parts of a sentence Level 3: Phrases Level 4: Clauses

How many parts of speech are there? 8 How many parts of speech are there? 8

What are they? Level 1 1. Nouns 2. Pronouns 3. Adjectives 4. Verbs 5. What are they? Level 1 1. Nouns 2. Pronouns 3. Adjectives 4. Verbs 5. Adverbs 6. Conjunctions 7. Prepositions 8. Interjections

What is a noun? The name of a person, place, thing, or idea What is a noun? The name of a person, place, thing, or idea

What is a pronoun? A word that takes the place of a noun. What is a pronoun? A word that takes the place of a noun.

Pronoun example Pronouns are quick little words we say, when we don ’t want Pronoun example Pronouns are quick little words we say, when we don ’t want to say a whole long noun. Instead of saying Robert Louis Stevenson (whew!) we can just say, he.

What is a subject pronoun? Pronouns used for subjects of verbs and subject complements What is a subject pronoun? Pronouns used for subjects of verbs and subject complements

List the subject pronouns I you it she he we they List the subject pronouns I you it she he we they

What is an object pronoun? A pronoun used as direct or indirect objects, and What is an object pronoun? A pronoun used as direct or indirect objects, and objects of prepositions

List the object pronouns me you it her him us them List the object pronouns me you it her him us them

What is an adjective? A word that modifies a noun or pronoun. What is an adjective? A word that modifies a noun or pronoun.

What is an article? a an the What is an article? a an the

VERBS A word that shows action, being, or links a subject to its subject VERBS A word that shows action, being, or links a subject to its subject complement

Action Verbs • Most verbs show ACTION. • They say the noun or pronoun Action Verbs • Most verbs show ACTION. • They say the noun or pronoun is DOING something. Roberto paddled. He paddled.

Linking Verbs But not all verbs are action verbs. Some verbs are LINKING verbs. Linking Verbs But not all verbs are action verbs. Some verbs are LINKING verbs. A linking verb is like IS. It says the subject IS something. Quackers IS a duck. IS links duck to Quackers.

Adverbs Modifies a verb, adjective or other adverbs Usually ends in –ly Describes how, Adverbs Modifies a verb, adjective or other adverbs Usually ends in –ly Describes how, how often, when and where. EXAMPLES: quickly, happily, noisily The baby cried noisily. How did the baby cry? It cried noisily.

Conjunction A word that joins two words or two groups of words Conjunction A word that joins two words or two groups of words

Coordinating Conjunctions and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet Coordinating Conjunctions and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet

Correlative Conjunctions either. . . or neither. . . nor not only. . . Correlative Conjunctions either. . . or neither. . . nor not only. . . but also

Preposition Shows the relationship between its object and another word in the sentence sitions Preposition Shows the relationship between its object and another word in the sentence sitions Prepo show ION! POSIT

Examples In the tent…. Under the tent…. Around the tent…. . Beside the tent…… Examples In the tent…. Under the tent…. Around the tent…. . Beside the tent…… On the tent…… Beneath the tent……

Interjection Shows emotion but has no grammatical function Interjection Shows emotion but has no grammatical function

Let’s try it out…. . Label these sentences The brown dog is Bubba. He Let’s try it out…. . Label these sentences The brown dog is Bubba. He went under the house.

The brown dog is Bubba. adj noun verb: linking noun The brown dog is Bubba. adj noun verb: linking noun

He went under the house. pronoun verb: action prep adj noun Now you write He went under the house. pronoun verb: action prep adj noun Now you write a sentence and have your neighbor label it.

Name the second level of Analysis? Level 1: Level 2: Parts of a sentence Name the second level of Analysis? Level 1: Level 2: Parts of a sentence Level 3: Level 4:

How many parts of a sentence are there? 2 How many parts of a sentence are there? 2

What are they? Level 2 1. Subject 2. Predicate What are they? Level 2 1. Subject 2. Predicate

Now add the 2 nd Level of Analysis The brown dog is Bubba. adj Now add the 2 nd Level of Analysis The brown dog is Bubba. adj noun verb: linking noun

2 nd Level of Analysis The brown dog is Bubba. adj noun Complete SUBJECT 2 nd Level of Analysis The brown dog is Bubba. adj noun Complete SUBJECT verb: linking noun Complete PREDICATE

He went under the house. pronoun Complete Subject verb: action prep adj Complete Predicate He went under the house. pronoun Complete Subject verb: action prep adj Complete Predicate noun

Now try some on your own. Write 2 sentences and have your neighbor diagram Now try some on your own. Write 2 sentences and have your neighbor diagram the 2 levels of Analysis.