Презентация Теле7, Белявская, ОЗО, 1 курс 5,5.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 12
Magazine for you and your business.
Publishing House
Effective advertising medium in the Russian market *ADVERTISEMENT № 1 Average issue readership 11 080 030 (19. 2%) man Audience in six months 23 828 810 (41. 2%) man Loyal audience 7 985 760 (82. 8%) man
DESIGN The magazine has a glossy cover. Internal content – offset paper. In the Komi Republic magazine the for three years and no financial ability to make it completely glossy. But we are developing and do not stand still and In the near future date will only improve the publication.
Top 10 books on the Russian market. Average issue readership 11 080 030 (19, 2%) 7, 68 (13, 3%) 7, 60 (13, 1%) 6, 89 (11, 9%) 5, 60 (9, 7%) 5, 35 (9, 3%) 5, 26 (9, 1%) 4, 86 (8, 4%) 4, 82 (8, 3%) 4, 27 (7, 4%) Источник: TNS Russia, NRS- Россия 2010/2; * по охвату аудитории в России; TV Index, Россия, +4, январь – апрель 2010
These cities that are providing research company TNS Russia City Publication format Circulation, 1 guarter 2010 Average issue readership, man Average issue readership, % Vladivostok А 4 55, 660 111, 500 22. 1 Volgograd А 4 67, 000 166, 000 19. 5 Voronezh А 4 64, 312 132, 200 18. 0 Yekaterinburg А 4 107, 000 215, 580 18. 9 Kazan А 4 73, 000 253, 070 26. 4 Krasnoyarsk А 4 77, 000 184, 300 23. 4 Moscow А 4 564, 825 1, 634, 150 17. 8 Nizhny Novgorod А 4 140, 000 290, 080 26. 3 А 3 и А 4 204, 900 406, 100 33. 7 Omsk А 4 80, 000 263, 530 27. 2 Perm А 4 86, 300 206, 000 24. 5 А 3 и А 4 142, 000 309, 590 33. 9 Samara А 4 115, 000 306, 710 31. 1 Saratov А 4 64, 880 158, 900 21. 7 St. Petersburg А 4 177, 000 671, 990 16. 8 Tver А 4 59, 906 106, 600 30. 4 Tula А 4 89, 200 93, 000 21. 0 Ulyanovsk А 4 47, 050 129, 800 24. 6 Ufa А 4 85, 740 194, 910 22. 5 Cheboksary А 4 50, 500 123, 700 33. 3 Chelyabinsk А 4 86, 179 224, 930 24. 2 Novosibirsk Rostov on Don
Brand character Antennа Теле 7 - Honest and objective - Positive and reliable - Versatile in filling - Practical – gives tips and advice in various areas life
Target audience magazine A woman of 25 years, mostly working, married with children, living in the city. v Cheerful v Sociable v Calm and balanced v Aimed at family values v Homemakers v Responsible v Organized v With interest tracking for everything in all spheres of life.
Portrait of a reader Floor Age Male 36% Female 64% Education Образование Higher 27% 96% Incomplete secondary 4% Secondary Education 69%
The credibility of the advertising people in Russia 269 192 164 Index: Average level 96 92 91 57 Пресса Press ТВ TV Наружная Outdoor реклама advertising Радио Radio Общ. транспорт Public transport Прямая Direct реклама advertising Интернет Internet 46 Реклама в Advertising кинотеатрах in movie theaters of trust in advertising
Advertising Our ability to q The Russian edition – 72 cities q 13 cities of millionaires q Two capitals: Moscow + St. Petersburg q Advertising in TV program q Advertising on gloss q Advertising in any city q Advertising in any of the 7 federal districts of Russia
Thank you for your attention!
Презентация Теле7, Белявская, ОЗО, 1 курс 5,5.pptx