Week1 - Introduction to course.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 18
Macroeconomics UIB, Fall 2011 Instructor: Zhanar Dessyupova, MPA
Macroeconomics Instructor: Zhanar Shaimuratova Dessyupova, MPA Department of Management, 2 nd floor, email: zdessyupova@mail. ru Course duration: 15 weeks
Course Description This course provides basic understanding of a typical market-based economy from society’s point of view. It includes the following topics: Economic growth and GDP Unemployment and Inflation Aggregate Demand Aggregate Supply Government expenditures and taxation Money and banking Fiscal and Monetary policies.
Course policies - Students are expected to arrive on time - Cell phones must be turned off - Feel free to come talk with me about any aspect of the seminar. - All assignments should be submitted by due date
Grading requirements Participation - 30 % Quiz – 20 % (4 th week) Home assignments – 15 % Mid-term exam – 35% Total – 100 %
Term Paper The requirement for students with Major in Accounting and Audit. Term paper is graded by 100 %. Any topic from Macroeconomics related to Kazakhstan. The schedule for term paper submission will be provided later.
Sample topics for term paper Monetary Policy in Kazakhstan Fiscal policy of Kazakhstan Economic crisis in Kazakhstan Crisis in Banking of Kazakhstan Exchange rates Market of mortgages in Kazakhstan Unemployment Policy in Kazakhstan State Regulation of Economy Educational Policy in Kazakhstan Inflation in Kazakhstan Budget system of Kazakhstan National Bank of Kazakhstan Custom regulation in Kazakhstan Regulation of stock market in the RK Science Policy Banking system of Kazakhstan Taxation system of Kazakhstan State regulation of economy in European countries State regulation of agricultural industry in Kazakhstan Governmental support of small business in the RK State Regulation of the Economic Growth
Tentative outline
Assignments Students in teams of 2 -3 people should prepare the group home assignment. There will be written as well as oral assignments on particular topics. E. g. group presentations The problems given in home assignments can be duplicated on the quizzes. So this is good opportunity for your to prepare for the quiz!!!!
Textbooks Required textbook: Parkin, M. Macroeconomics, ninth edition , 2010, Pearson Addison-Wesley Additional reading materials as scholarly articles in electronic format might be provided by instructor.
Attendance and Class Behavior Attendance is strongly recommended. Especially attendance is compulsory during the ISW, where each seminar will bring you up to 5 points. 3 unexcused absences are allowed for various emergency situations as traffic jam, car accident, etc.
Attendance and Class Behavior Use of magazines, cell-phones, MP 3 players and other electronic devices are not allowed during the classes. It is not allowed to leave the room during the class. Students leaving the class will be marked as absent.
Cheating and Plagiarism Please note that strict rules of academic honesty must be observed. This means than no cheating and no plagiarism from printed or Internet sources will be tolerated. AND
Ice-breaking Introduce yourself to the classmates 2 -3 minutes presentation
Thank you for attention!!!!
REVIEW from Microeconomics What is Economics? What is the difference between Macro and Micro? What is Demand? What is Supply? What is Elasticity of Demand? What are Costs of production?
REVIEW from Microeconomics What are characteristics of pure Monopoly? What is Perfect Competition? What is Monopolistic Competition? What is Oligopoly? What is Public Goods?
Week1 - Introduction to course.ppt