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Machines Made Simple Machines Made Simple

How do machines make our lives easier? They do most or all of the How do machines make our lives easier? They do most or all of the work for us!

What is Work? • Has to do with two things: – Force (F) • What is Work? • Has to do with two things: – Force (F) • A push or a pull – Distance (d) • The length between two points

So work is… the application of a force to an object to move it So work is… the application of a force to an object to move it a certain distance in the direction of the force. • Equation: Work = force X distance (W = F x d) FORCE DISTANCE

When is work actually done? • Frank and Jimmy got their car stuck in When is work actually done? • Frank and Jimmy got their car stuck in the mud. They push as hard as they can, but the car doesn’t budge. Have they done any work?

Work moves is only done when an object in the same direction as the Work moves is only done when an object in the same direction as the force being applied. • Example: – A backpack

DIRECTION DISTANCE • Where’s the force? • What direction is the force being applied? DIRECTION DISTANCE • Where’s the force? • What direction is the force being applied? • What direction is the backpack moving? • Is the backpack being moved a certain distance? • IS WORK BEING DONE? FORCE Picking up your backpack:

Holding your backpack: FORCE • Where’s the force? • What direction is the force Holding your backpack: FORCE • Where’s the force? • What direction is the force being applied? • What direction is the backpack moving? • Is the backpack being moved a certain No Direction distance? • IS WORK BEING No Distance DONE?

Carrying your backpack: FORCE • Where’s the force? • What direction is the force Carrying your backpack: FORCE • Where’s the force? • What direction is the force being applied? • What direction is the backpack moving? • Is the backpack being moved a certain distance? DIRECTION • IS WORK BEING DONE? DISTANCE

DISTANCE DIRECTION • Where’s the force? • What direction is the force being applied? DISTANCE DIRECTION • Where’s the force? • What direction is the force being applied? • What direction is the backpack moving? • Is the backpack being moved a certain distance? • IS WORK BEING DONE? FORCE Carrying your backpack up the side of a mountain:

DISTANCE FORCE • Where’s the force? • What direction is the force being applied? DISTANCE FORCE • Where’s the force? • What direction is the force being applied? • What direction is the backpack moving? • Is the backpack being moved a certain distance? • IS WORK BEING DONE? DIRECTION Carrying your backpack on a winding trail up a mountain:

Simple Machines • • Six basic types Designed to make work easier Have few Simple Machines • • Six basic types Designed to make work easier Have few or no moving parts Can combine to form complex machines (like cars)

Inclined Plane • A straight, slanted surface • Example: A ramp • Inclined planes Inclined Plane • A straight, slanted surface • Example: A ramp • Inclined planes make work easier because it is easier to push an object up a ramp than it is to lift the same object straight up to the same height. E ORC F

Wedge • An inclined plane that is wider or thicker at one end than Wedge • An inclined plane that is wider or thicker at one end than at the other. • Example: An axe, a knife blade • A wedge makes work easier because, when moved, a wedge is used to cut, split, or pry apart objects.

Screw • An inclined plane that is wrapped around a cylinder. • Examples: a Screw • An inclined plane that is wrapped around a cylinder. • Examples: a car jack, a mountain road

 • A screw makes work easier by allowing you to apply a smaller • A screw makes work easier by allowing you to apply a smaller force over the longer distance of the screw’s threads. – The amount of work depends on the number of threads in the screw, which is actually the length of the inclined plane.

Lever • A simple machine made up of a bar that pivots at a Lever • A simple machine made up of a bar that pivots at a fixed point called a fulcrum. Effort Lo – The force applied to the lever is called the effort. – The object moved is called the load. ad FULCRUM

Levers Cont. • Levers make work easier in three different ways, so they are Levers Cont. • Levers make work easier in three different ways, so they are classified into three different groups – These groups are based upon the locations of the fulcrum, load, and effort.

First-Class Lever Effort • The fulcrum is located between the effort and the load. First-Class Lever Effort • The fulcrum is located between the effort and the load. • Example: see-saw, shovel Loa d Ful c rum

Second-Class Lever • The load is located between the fulcrum and the effort. • Second-Class Lever • The load is located between the fulcrum and the effort. • Example: wheelbarrow, nutcracker

Third-Class Lever Ef f or t • The effort is applied between the fulcrum Third-Class Lever Ef f or t • The effort is applied between the fulcrum and the load. • Example: hammer, fishing pole, broom m ru lc Fu d oa L

Pulley – A load is attached to one end of the rope. – A Pulley – A load is attached to one end of the rope. – A force is applied to the other end of the rope Effort • A rope or chain wrapped around a wheel. Loa d

Pulleys Cont. • Pulleys can be set up in different ways depending on the Pulleys Cont. • Pulleys can be set up in different ways depending on the work that needs to be done. • Pulley systems can consist of one or more fixed pulley, moveable pulleys, or both.

Pulleys Cont. • A single pulley makes work easier by changing the direction of Pulleys Cont. • A single pulley makes work easier by changing the direction of the effort force. – When you pull down on the rope, the load moves upward.

Pulleys Cont. • A double pulley makes work easier, not only by changing the Pulleys Cont. • A double pulley makes work easier, not only by changing the direction of the force, but also by decreasing the effort you have to use. • There are two parts of the rope lifting the object upward and one section still pointing downward.

Which requires less effort? The more direction changes, the easier it will be! Which requires less effort? The more direction changes, the easier it will be!

Wheel and Axel • A simple machine that consists of two circular objects of Wheel and Axel • A simple machine that consists of two circular objects of different sizes. – The wheel is always larger than the axle. • Example: doorknob, car wheels and axle

Wheel and Axle Cont. • A wheel and axle make work easier by getting Wheel and Axle Cont. • A wheel and axle make work easier by getting more force from the effort put in when compared to the amount of distance. – When effort is applied to move the wheel, the axle turns a shorter distance, but it moves with a more powerful force.

Eduardo is helping his family move out of their old house. Help him decide Eduardo is helping his family move out of their old house. Help him decide which task would be easier, and then help him figure out what simple machine makes the job easier.

Eduardo has to move some heavy boxes into the moving truck. A B B Eduardo has to move some heavy boxes into the moving truck. A B B would be easier because a ramp is an inclined plane.

Eduardo has to move a heavy box a long distance. A B A would Eduardo has to move a heavy box a long distance. A B A would be easier because the wagon has wheels and axels.

Eduardo needs to tear off a piece of packing tape. A B B would Eduardo needs to tear off a piece of packing tape. A B B would be easier because the edges of the scissors are wedges.

Eduardo needs to move a heavy box to his room on the fourth floor. Eduardo needs to move a heavy box to his room on the fourth floor. A B B would be easier because Eduardo is using a pulley.

Eduardo needs to help his father move the refrigerator. A B A would be Eduardo needs to help his father move the refrigerator. A B A would be easier because the dolly is a lever (with wheels and an axel).

Eduardo needs to help his father change a flat tire on the moving truck. Eduardo needs to help his father change a flat tire on the moving truck. A B B would be easier because a jack uses a screw.

Now that Eduardo and his family have reached their new house, they need some Now that Eduardo and his family have reached their new house, they need some help in unpacking their belongings. Help Eduardo decide on the best simple machine to use in each situation.

Eduardo needs to open the boxes his mom sealed with packing tape. What simple Eduardo needs to open the boxes his mom sealed with packing tape. What simple machine should he use? Eduardo should use a wedge (probably a pair of scissors).

The door to the moving truck is jammed shut. What simple machine might Eduardo’s The door to the moving truck is jammed shut. What simple machine might Eduardo’s father use to open it? Eduardo’s father should use a lever (most likely a crowbar).

Eduardo needs to carry the boxes out of the moving truck. What simple machine Eduardo needs to carry the boxes out of the moving truck. What simple machine will make this easier? Eduardo needs an inclined plane (a ramp) to carry the boxes out of the truck.

There is a flagpole outside Eduardo’s new school. What simple machine could be used There is a flagpole outside Eduardo’s new school. What simple machine could be used to raise and lower the flag? A pulley is used to raise and lower the flag.

Eduardo’s mom wants to hang a cabinet in the new kitchen. What simple machine Eduardo’s mom wants to hang a cabinet in the new kitchen. What simple machine might she use to attach it to the wall? Eduardo’s mom could use a screw to attach the cabinet to the wall and hold it in place.

Eduardo helped his father install doorknobs in the new house. What kind of simple Eduardo helped his father install doorknobs in the new house. What kind of simple machine is a doorknob? A doorknob is a wheel and axel.

Simple Machines Simple Machines

Identifying Simple Machines Inclined plane Screw Wheel and axel Pulley Wedge Inclined plane Identifying Simple Machines Inclined plane Screw Wheel and axel Pulley Wedge Inclined plane