- Количество слайдов: 14
M. Reuter, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 08. 04. 2011 Retrieval of atmospheric CO 2 from satellite near-infrared nadir spectra in the frame of ESA’s climate change initiative M. Reuter , O. Schneising , M. Buchwitz , J. Heymann, H. Bovensmann, J. P. Burrows Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Germany EGU, Vienna, Austria, 08. 04. 2011
M. Reuter, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 08. 04. 2011 Retrieval of atmospheric CO 2 from satellite near-infrared nadir spectra in the frame of ESA’s climate change initiative ESA’s GHG-CCI: Aims and Motivation
M. Reuter, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 08. 04. 2011 Retrieval of atmospheric CO 2 from satellite near-infrared nadir spectra in the frame of ESA’s climate change initiative ESA’s GHG-CCI: Road Map
M. Reuter, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 08. 04. 2011 Retrieval of atmospheric CO 2 from satellite near-infrared nadir spectra in the frame of ESA’s climate change initiative Two in-house algorithms BESD (XCO 2) WFMD (XCO 2, XCH 4) Inversion Algorithm: Optimal Estimation; Full Physics Least-squares; Light path Proxy A-priori constraints: Yes Constant: CO 2(p), aerosol, cirrus, . . . Per pixel: P, T, H 2 O, . . . No (constant atmosphere as linearization point for RT) ECMWF US Standard (sev. H 2 O) State vector (APS) Constant; AAI filter (CO 2 only) State vector (CWP, CTH); Filtering: MERIS 1 x 1 km 2 RT cloud free; Filtering: O 2 & PMD (CO 2 only) Fit windows: Merged fit windows Independent fit windows Radiative Transfer: SCIATRAN on-line SCIATRAN LUT Slow (~15 min. /pixel) Fast (~2 min. /orbit) Accuracy Compromise accuracy/speed Atmosphere: Aerosols: Clouds: Speed: Optimized for:
M. Reuter, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 08. 04. 2011 Retrieval of atmospheric CO 2 from satellite near-infrared nadir spectra in the frame of ESA’s climate change initiative BESD XCO 2
M. Reuter, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 08. 04. 2011 Retrieval of atmospheric CO 2 from satellite near-infrared nadir spectra in the frame of ESA’s climate change initiative Validation with TCCON FTS measurements Park Falls, USA 350 km Bremen, Germany 350 km Darwin, Australia 350 km Lauder, New Zealand 350 km
M. Reuter, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 08. 04. 2011 Retrieval of atmospheric CO 2 from satellite near-infrared nadir spectra in the frame of ESA’s climate change initiative Comparison with FTS, Carbon. Tracker, GOSAT
M. Reuter, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 08. 04. 2011 Retrieval of atmospheric CO 2 from satellite near-infrared nadir spectra in the frame of ESA’s climate change initiative Statistics No statistical significant regional biases Single measurement precision ~2. 5 ppm Good agreement of year-to-year increase and seasonal amplitude
M. Reuter, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 08. 04. 2011 Retrieval of atmospheric CO 2 from satellite near-infrared nadir spectra in the frame of ESA’s climate change initiative WFMD XCO 2
M. Reuter, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 08. 04. 2011 Retrieval of atmospheric CO 2 from satellite near-infrared nadir spectra in the frame of ESA’s climate change initiative Global increase
M. Reuter, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 08. 04. 2011 Retrieval of atmospheric CO 2 from satellite near-infrared nadir spectra in the frame of ESA’s climate change initiative CO 2 uptake by growing vegetation Mean wind direction Fnet XCO 2 gradiant approximately proportional to net surface flux Fnet West Longitude East
M. Reuter, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 08. 04. 2011 Retrieval of atmospheric CO 2 from satellite near-infrared nadir spectra in the frame of ESA’s climate change initiative CO 2 uptake by growing vegetation Overall very good agreement Canada: Stronger CO 2 uptake ? Russia: Weaker CO 2 uptake ?
M. Reuter, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 08. 04. 2011 Retrieval of atmospheric CO 2 from satellite near-infrared nadir spectra in the frame of ESA’s climate change initiative http: //www. esa-ghg-cci. org/ Intercomparison with other XCO 2 algorithms More Details: Poster: XY 112 M. Buchwitz
M. Reuter, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 08. 04. 2011 Retrieval of atmospheric CO 2 from satellite near-infrared nadir spectra in the frame of ESA’s climate change initiative http: //www. esa-ghg-cci. org/ THA NKS !