Скачать презентацию m netic Spectru 16 m g he Electroentation Скачать презентацию m netic Spectru 16 m g he Electroentation


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m netic Spectru 16 m g he Electroentation to Rad. Comms Growler and t m netic Spectru 16 m g he Electroentation to Rad. Comms Growler and t G Pres a EA-18 urphy T Matthew M FLTL uarters e Headq ir Forc ion Office – A sit Growler Tran UNCLASSIFIED

Scope • • Why Growler? What is AEA? Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations How & Scope • • Why Growler? What is AEA? Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations How & when UNCLASSIFIED

Why? • 2016 Defence White Paper: • EW - The ability of our forces Why? • 2016 Defence White Paper: • EW - The ability of our forces to control the electromagnetic environment can provide a decisive tactical advantage • Defence must be able to protect and defend electronic systems … that the ADF relies on to conduct operations, while denying or degrading the electronic systems of an adversary • The Government will enhance command control, and other spectrum management systems, to support a joint approach to electronic defence and attack • EM spectrum can no longer be viewed as an enabler, but rather as a primary warfighting domain, on par with land, sea, air and space operations UNCLASSIFIED

AIR 5349 Phase 3 Introducing EA-18 G Airborne Electronic Attack (AEA) • Government approved AIR 5349 Phase 3 Introducing EA-18 G Airborne Electronic Attack (AEA) • Government approved in 2012 • • • Government approved in 2014 • • • May 13 = 12 New Jets Conversion of 12 F/A-18 F+ to EA-18 G ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming System Anti-Radiation Missile training capability Initial aircrew and technician training (2014 -2016) Facilities (Amberley & DELAWR, NT) Mobile Threat Training Emitter System Ongoing aircrew training (2016+) Personnel & jets are already operating in the US Future considerations • • Upgrades to maintain USN EA-18 G commonality Next Generation Jammer UNCLASSIFIED

What – Airborne Electronic Attack The Mission • Deny, Delay, Deceive, Degrade, Targeting the What – Airborne Electronic Attack The Mission • Deny, Delay, Deceive, Degrade, Targeting the human layer via their equipment • Jam the adversaries’ radars, disrupt communications, induce indecision • Service provider for ‘Protected Entities’ – risk reduction The Aircraft • Most advanced dedicated tactical AEA aircraft in the world, Growler covers more of the militarily-relevant portion of the EM spectrum than any other tactical asset UNCLASSIFIED

AEA Mission Areas Protect blue Affect red UNCLASSIFIED AEA Mission Areas Protect blue Affect red UNCLASSIFIED

Growler Dominates the Relevant Spectrum Long range surveillance Mid range surveillance Long range fire Growler Dominates the Relevant Spectrum Long range surveillance Mid range surveillance Long range fire control Acquisition Comm GCI IFF GPS Terminal threat suppression Range of AESA radar EA-18 G Covers the Relevant RF Spectrum • Warfighters love this concept…but what could it mean for others? UNCLASSIFIED Short range fire control

Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations • EMS operations - overarching function enabling the commander to Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations • EMS operations - overarching function enabling the commander to integrate, synchronize and direct joint operations • Military operations and systems rely heavily on EMS • • A vital resource, increasingly overpopulated We must understand the EM Operational Environment, coordinate actions • C 2 is critical – pre-planning, prioritising and coordinating with other users to optimise bandwidth usage, avoid EMS fratricide • Constrained by national and international legislation (protection) • Military concept for what telecommunications do every day • ADF are expanding planning, tasking and execution organisations to improve coordination • • HQ Joint Operations Centre Creation of ADF Joint EW Centre • Risk assessments • Effects modelling • Resource allocation UNCLASSIFIED

How and when? • Assured spectrum access is a key pillar of AEA capability How and when? • Assured spectrum access is a key pillar of AEA capability – comes with management and employment responsibilities • • Relevant during both operations and training ADF are introducing specific spectrum management training courses and personnel • AEA training will be carried out IAW proven Defence instructions and procedures • • Careful coordination between Defence Spectrum Office and AEA operators Consideration of the needs of others and interoperability • Dedicated EW training ranges are expanding for ADF assets • Mobile Threat Training Emitter System (MTTES) UNCLASSIFIED

EW Ranges Darwin Delamere Air Weapons Range EA training limited to isolated locations or EW Ranges Darwin Delamere Air Weapons Range EA training limited to isolated locations or accessible spectrum Tailor EA profiles to limit affects – range, altitude, orientation, RF parameters, time Oakey Brisbane Growler Timeline First aircraft delivery Jan 15 Twelfth aircraft delivery Jan 16 Ferry #1 Initial Operating Capability Ferry #2 Ferry #3 Jan 17 Jan 18 Jan 19 UNCLASSIFIED Jan 20 Jan 21 Jan 22 Jan 23

AEA Training • EA & ES training require a ‘real world’ threat • Aircraft AEA Training • EA & ES training require a ‘real world’ threat • Aircraft systems capable of detailed signal analysis • Simple ‘training’ emitters lack complexity required • Operator interaction in controlling EA output and coordinating with the Protected Entity - impacts profiles / emissions • Radar, Comms and combined scenarios required • Combination of ES and EA serials • Unlike a traditional EW Range, the emitters are the Targets • Detect, ID, locate, pass data, jam, assess • Emitter feedback essential • Can conduct simulated EA but this limits the training benefit UNCLASSIFIED

Key Takeaways • Growler is an AEA service provider • ES & EA capabilities Key Takeaways • Growler is an AEA service provider • ES & EA capabilities • High demand asset critical to Governments Defence strategy • Has utility across the full spectrum of conflict • Requires realistic training • Large focus on Joint Force support • Must adapt via Spiral Upgrades to maintain pace ahead of evolving electromagnetic spectrum environment • Assured spectrum access is a key pillar of AEA capability – comes with management and employment responsibilities (training & operations) UNCLASSIFIED