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LOW EMISSION VEHICLE EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE, MILLENNIUM SQUARE OCT 7 TH 2010, LEEDS LOW EMISSION LEEDS CITY REGION Presented by: Dave Cherry MIOA, IEMA, CEnv. Environmental Assessment Manager Transport Policy City Development Leeds City Council
CONTENTS OF PRESENTATION • • • Why Climate Change is Man’s Greatest Threat Will we Comply with EC Directives for Air Quality? Strategic Drivers for Low Emission Vehicles Regional Group Initiatives for Low Emission Strategies Draft West Yorkshire Local Transport Plan 2011 -26 Leeds Initiatives for Promotion of Low Emission Vehicles
Levels of Climate Change □ Serious climate change, global surface temp rise +2 C to +3 C □ Dangerous climate change = +3 C to +5 C □ Catastrophic climate change = >5 C
Impact of 4 Degree Celsius Rise in Global Surface Temperature □ Land saturation & flash overland run-off
Going Beyond Dangerous Climate Change! □ Attended lecture by Prof Kevin Anderson/Director of Tyndall Centre (Leeds Uni, May 4 th, 2010) § § § Emergency situation, GHG’s increased by 3. 5%/pa between 2000 -2007. Must consider cumulative effect of emissions/time Copenhagen/EU/UK all still assuming +2 C could be avoided Need global 10%/pa reduction in GHG, after peak oil ~2020, to hold at +2 C (Huge lifestyle changes to reduce GHG’s) Present projections indicate +4 C (Unstable + Feedbacks) □ Urgent need to reduce GHG’s & Climate Proof against unavoidable Climate Change
Air Quality Problems in Leeds City Region □ UK Environmental Audit Committee 2009/10 § Air pollution related premature deaths in UK, at least 35, 000 § § Typically reduces life expectancy in UK by 7 to 8 months Recognised there is no safe exposure level □ Particulate matter (PM 2. 5) □ Annual Health Costs incurred by Poor Air Quality (DEFRA: Approx £ 15 billion in the UK) □ Non Compliance of EC Directive for Air Quality § § Most conurbations in LCR will fail Directive for NO 2 Government applying for EU Compliance Flexibility!
Air Quality Problems in Leeds City Region □ Most conurbations in LCR have declared AQMA’s § Failure to meet health based standards for NO 2 & PM 10 § Little improvement since year 2000 § § Significant improvements for PM (Particulate traps) Increased proportion of NO 2, within total NOx § § § Greatest source of urban NO 2 & Pm 10/2. 5 Transport emits 24% of LCR total carbon emissions Need complimentary actions to reduce transport emissions of both carbon & air pollutants □ Trend in Urban Air Quality/NO 2 □ Modern Diesels (Euro 4+) □ Transport Emissions
York CC have declared 6 AQMA’s
Annual Average NO 2 for Leeds AURN Site
Strategic Drivers for Low Emission Vehicles □ Strategic/Council Business/Asset Mangt Plans § § UK target for 80% reduction in CO 2 by 2050, baseline 1991/2 Must reduce carbon footprint/promote sustainable transport § § NI 185: Target to reduce Council Operations CO 2 by 3. 4%, between 2008/9 & 2010/11 (Achieved) Commitment to cut CO 2 by 40%, between 2008/9 & 2020/21 § § § Develop Low Carbon Transport System Target for 2026, to reduce carbon emissions by 27% Achieve National Air Quality Objectives for NO 2 & Pm 10 □ Leeds Climate Change Action Plan 2009 □ Draft West Yorks Local Transport Plan 2011 -26
Strategic Drivers for Low Emission Vehicles □ Leeds Environmental Policy 2008/11 § § Promotes Sustainable Transport Systems Need to reduce Ecological & Carbon footprints § § Compliance of UK/EC Air Quality Regs/Directive for NO 2/PM 10 Compliance of the EC Directive for NO 2 § Developing Leeds Waste Management Plan, considering Energy from Waste & Anaerobic Digestion □ National Air Quality Strategy 2000 □ Development of New Waste Strategy □ Environmental Noise Directive § DEFRA West Yorkshire Road Noise Maps, identify First Priority Locations for noise mitigation
Regional Group Initiatives for LCR □ Promote the use of Low Emission Vehicles in LCR. (This event hosted by Leeds, funded by LESP) □ Promote the Plugged in Places (Electric vehicles) bid for LCR & Yorkshire, (Matthew Lunsden/Sally Herbert) § CO 2 Sense Yorkshire/ Y&H Electric Vehicle Supply Chain Event) □ York is developing an overarching Low Emission strategy across all Council Services □ The development of a Template Supplementary Planning Document for Air Quality □ ITS/Leeds University, working with LCR Local Authorities, to improve techniques for monitoring & modelling of vehicle emissions
Vision for Draft West Yorkshire Local Transport Plan 2011 -2026 Objectives Low Carbon Economic growth Quality of life Evidence Base Carbon challenges Economic challenges Quality of life challenges Strategy Assets Choices Connectivity Implementation 15 Year Priority Plan 3 Year Implementation Plan Enhancements
Draft WYLTP 3 2011 -2026 Relevant Carbon Challenges § § Reduce single car occupancy (Improve PT/Smart Travel etc) Reduce energy consumption Encourage new low emission technologies/infrastructure Df. T Research suggest LTP measures may provide 30% carbon savings, 70% likely from Low Carbon vehicles □ Relevant Quality of Life Challenges § § § Improve air quality Reduce transport related environmental noise Reduce impact on the natural environment
Draft WYLTP 3 2011 -2026 □ WYLTP 3: Develop Strategies to deliver/maintain: § § Transport Assets Travel Choices Efficient travel connectivity Enhancements to the transport system § § Carbon Reduction Emissions Reduction (Air pollutants & noise) § Will identify adverse impacts/mitigate emissions □ Cross-cutting Implementation Plans to ensure: □ Strategic Urban Modelling/Integrated SA: -
65 No. RCV’s, 3. 5 mpg, 1. 56 million litres,
Leeds Biomethane Trial □ 6 Month Technology Demo Trial, supported by Cenex □ Assessed performance of Dedicated Gas & Dual-Fuel Engine Technology, applied to 26 tonne RCV § § § Agreed KPI’s for 6 month trial, comparison with Diesel variant Chassis Reliability: (Routine servicing, Breakdown times, Driver defects) Driver Acceptability: (Comparison of adverse problems) 10% Reduction in CO 2 (Based on fuel consumption) No increase in Noise: (Noise monitoring, idling, waste compression)
Dedicated Gas/ Mercedes Econic □ EEV Performance § § § Significantly reduced NOx and near zero PM 10 Approx 60% reduction in CO 2 (Biomethane from Surrey) Noise reductions of 6 -11 d. B(A) (Half as loud) □ Common Application in EU, was first RHD in UK □ 100% reliant upon gas supply □ Disruption due to 11 week strike & poor winter! □ Performed well, initially slightly less powerful, later improvements, want to keep for 3 -5 years □ Annual CO 2 saving ~32 tonnes Wt. W (60%) or, 7. 6 tonnes Tailpipe (16%)
Dual Fuel/Dennis Eagle □ New technology (Oil ignition/gas injection) initially developed & by Hardstaff Group for long haul duties. □ Retains Original Diesel Engine § Uses Engine Management Technology to substitute a percentage of diesel with gas □ Will operate as diesel only if no gas □ Pro-rata reduction of CO 2 and air pollutant emissions, dependant on diesel substitution □ Not performing well! Jury still out, RCV drive cycle may not be best application!
The Mercedes Econic RCV The Dennis Eagle RCV
Mercedes Econic RCV (As seen on BBC Look North)
The Trial Refuelling Infrastructure □ Infrastructure supplied by Gas Container Services □ Biomethane supplied by Gasrec (Surrey Landfill) □ Cost of Wet Leasing can be expensive! (But need to prove Biomethane RCV’s are reliable) □ Rather complicated ‘Semi Fast fill’ system □ System works, with practice can refuel in 5/10 mins □ Trial extended 3 months due to strike/weather □ Gas flow meter installed to help accuracy on gas use
Gas Container Services Infrastructure, only 100% certified Biomethane source in UK
Vehicle Procurement Issues □ Vehicle premiums can be quite high § § RCV + £ 25 K (~35% premium) Small van + £ 3 k to +£ 5 k (20 -25% premium) □ Existing fuel price differentials suggest pay back for Gas RCV within 5 years, aided by high fuel use of RCV. (Assumes 87 p/kg, no gas station costs) □ Need to consider ‘Whole Life’ costs & slight payload loss □ Residual Values are untested in UK □ Leeds taking an active in Procurement Guidance WG (Will aid group procurement/reduced premium costs)
Operational Issues □ The Operation of Gas vehicles involves more than simply purchasing the vehicles □ Initially requires local main dealer support □ Longer term, may require in-house workshop alterations and suitable training of Mechanics and Drivers □ Health and Safety Requirements □ Up to 10% reduced payloads, risks of double shifts, or extra vehicles
Permanent Refuelling Station Chicken and Egg! □ Operation of vehicles need reliable/secure fuel supply. □ Investment in refuelling infrastructure can be difficult to justify whilst operating a small No. of vehicles □ Change from small Nos. of vehicles to a “critical mass” is difficult without suitable refuelling infrastructure. □ Working with Cenex, to understand optimum vehicles Nos/size of station/investment strategy.
Use of IGP for Gas Refuelling Station □ IGP bid for £ 75 K accepted July, provides match funding to enable procurement of own gas refuelling. □ LTP 2 has recently approved 25% funding □ Awaiting final decision for remaining 25%, using Leeds Energy Efficiency Fund □ If successful, a permanent station sited in RCV depot □ Will enable Leeds fleet to procure more gas vehicles □ Facility available to 3 rd parties, but H&S issues would limit Nos. □ Potential RGI partners to operate/trial gas vehicles
Other Biomethane Initiatives for LCR □ Aspiration to set up a Strategic Gas Refuelling Station □ Possible site, Aire Valley Leeds/Urban Eco-settlement, proposed Renewable Energy Park, close to M 1. □ Links with developing Leeds Waste Strategy □ Build on Leeds Biomethane trials/RGI initiatives, invite to work with Df. T Biofuels Team, □ Looking for additional RGI Partners? (YAS, Sainsbury's, Leeds City College, Quarry House & Yorkshire Water) □ Need long term local source of Biomethane
Low Carbon Vehicle Procurement Programme (LCVPP) □ The LCVPP aims to accelerate the introduction of lower carbon technologies onto the UK vehicle market. □ Opportunity to demonstrate the real-world performance of low carbon technologies in high profile public sector fleets. □ £ 20 m available to meet premium costs of procuring LC vehicles □ Under the LCVPP, Leeds currently trialling: □ § § 19 no. Diesel Electric Hybrids (Ashwoods/Ford Transit 5 no. All electric plug ins (Smiths / Ford Transit) Will monitor performance & compare with diesel variant
LCVPP: Recharging of Smith’s Electric & Ashwood’s Hybrid Transit Van □
Other Leeds Fleet Initiatives □ Fleet driver training, includes Mi. DAS & SAFED Eco- driving techniques/Cert of Prof Competence □ Use of Masternaut to improve journey planning □ 6 Welfare Minibus Merc Sprinters, using Eco Stop/Start □ Trialling Fuel-Save/On Demand Hydrogen Generator □ Trialled tyre pressure sensors, often seized, now daily tyre pressure checks □ Lord Mayor’s Toyota Prius
New Generation Transport (NGT) □ High quality trolleybus system representing ‘step change’ □ High levels of segregation □ 14. 3 kms granted programme entry □ Essential characteristics include: § § § Punctual and reliable Modern, safe and secure High quality information Park & Ride facilities Fully Accessible § Expected AM peak 40% modal shift from car, (Including Park Ride) □ Low emission transport, regeneratic braking □ Key objective to initiate modal shift □ Awaiting Government funding decision
Summary of Presentation □ Urgent action is needed to reduce Transport related GHG’s emissions □ Low Emission Vehicle Technologies will significant reduce transport GHG emissions □ LEV’s will require supporting Infrastructure Networks □ Group Procurement & increased use of LEV’s will greatly improve economic viability □ Widespread use of LEV’s will mitigate Climate Change, improve local air quality & noise climate