Скачать презентацию Lois Green and Patricia Kelly Petition Canton Café Скачать презентацию Lois Green and Patricia Kelly Petition Canton Café


  • Количество слайдов: 4

Lois Green and Patricia Kelly Petition (Canton Café site) E. W. Pierce Co. Closed Lois Green and Patricia Kelly Petition (Canton Café site) E. W. Pierce Co. Closed Case UST Site SWRCB Order WQ __ 05 -UST MW-7 Figure 2 Monitor Well Location Map MW-4 MW-5 & 5 A Cafe Former UST Location MW-3 1990 excavation r pp A N MW-8 f er at dw un ro. G ox w lo Monitor well location June 1991 boring 101 1999 excavations MW-1 & 1 A MW-2 Hig hw ay (locations approximate) D. PARFITT 8/12/03 0 40 SCALE - FEET 80 MW-6

Lois Green and Patricia Kelly 220/<1/2000 Petition ( Canton Café site) E. W. Pierce Lois Green and Patricia Kelly 220/<1/2000 Petition ( Canton Café site) E. W. Pierce Co. Closed Case UST Site SWRCB Order WQ __ 05 -UST <1/<1/<10 MW-7 35/<1/320 13/250/<10 Figure 3 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons In Soil 18/1. 5/680 <1/<1/<10 MW-4 MW-5 A <1/1. 1/<10 6. 7/3. 2/230 <1/<1/<10 Cafe 4. 6/94/10 5. 3/<1/78 18/1. 5/680 2. 5/NA/NA 500/2. 6/NA 5. 6/2. 8/61 18/1. 5/680 <1/<1/<10 <1/<1/22 <1/3. 4/13 MW-3 9. 7/8. 9/19 MW-8 TPHd/TPHg/TPHmo w lo NA/<1/NA 5. 9/79/<10 110/1. 3/370 69/<1/370 <1/<1/<10 10/1. 3/140 Hig NA = not analyzed ay MW-2 in parts per million D. PARFITT 8/12/03 0 40 SCALE - FEET N <1/<1/<10 f er Soil sample location <1/<1/<10 hw 1999 excavation 10/20/120 MW-1 A at dw un ro. G ox 3. 6/<1/71 r pp A <1/<1/<10 31/110/84 101 62/<1/860 5. 5/18/49 80

Lois Green and Patricia Kelly Petition (Canton Café site) E. W. Pierce Co. Closed Lois Green and Patricia Kelly Petition (Canton Café site) E. W. Pierce Co. Closed Case UST Site SWRCB Order WQ __ 05 -UST MW-7 Figure 4 Corrective Action Plan Implementation MW-4 MW-5 A Cafe Former UST Location MW-3 1990 excavation N MW-1 A 1999 excavation MW-8 ORC Injection 101 at dw un ro. G ox r pp A Monitor well location Hig w lo hw f er ay MW-2 D. PARFITT 8/12/03 0 40 SCALE - FEET 80 MW-6

Lois Green and Patricia Kelly Petition (Canton Café site) E. W. Pierce Co. Closed Lois Green and Patricia Kelly Petition (Canton Café site) E. W. Pierce Co. Closed Case UST Site SWRCB Order WQ __ 05 -UST TPH-d 150 ppb to 460 ppb MW-7 Figure 5 TPH-g 670 to 1100 ppb TPH-d <50 ppb TPH-d 520 ppb TPH-g <50 to 64 ppb MW-4 MW-5 A TPH in Groundwater 2003** Cafe Former UST Location MW-3 (well destroyed in 1999) TPH-d 54 to 93 ppb TPH-d <50 ppb r pp A TPH-g 120 ppb MW-8 TPH-g 78 to 170 ppb N f er at dw un ro. G ox ** Range of concentrations reported for 1 st and 2 nd quarters of 2003 101 w lo Monitor well location MW-2 TPH-d 80 to 150 ppb WQOs for MUN Beneficial Use TPH-d = 100 ppb TPH-g = 5 ppb Hig TPH-g <50 ppb ay 1999 excavation MW-1 A hw 1990 excavation D. PARFITT 8/12/03 0 40 SCALE - FEET 80 TPH-d <50 ppb MW-6 TPH-g <50 ppb