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LOGO PROJECT Her. O Project Meeting in Liverpool Presentation of ‘Road Maps’ John Hinchliffe, LOGO PROJECT Her. O Project Meeting in Liverpool Presentation of ‘Road Maps’ John Hinchliffe, City of Liverpool 16 th-17 th July 2009

Objective of the CHIMP 1. The Objective of producing a Revised Cultural Heritage Integrated Objective of the CHIMP 1. The Objective of producing a Revised Cultural Heritage Integrated Management Plan: To provide an updated consensual framework for the conservation and management of the World Heritage Site which complies with: a) The Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (2005), S. 96: “All properties inscribed on the WH List must have adequate long-term legislative, regulatory, institutional and/or protection and management to ensure safeguarding (of the outstanding universal value of the site)” Her. O Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16 th-17 th July 2009 I Page 2

Objective of the CHIMP b) The Declaration on the Conservation of Historic Urban Landscape Objective of the CHIMP b) The Declaration on the Conservation of Historic Urban Landscape (2005) “…the need to properly contextualise contemporary architecture in the historic urban landscape and stress the importance of undertaking studies to analyse the impact on cultural, visual or other values when contemporary interventions are being planned. ” A further objective will be to reflect the significant supplementary guidance for development and conservation which is provided in the WHS Supplementary Planning Document (2009) Her. O Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16 th-17 th July 2009 I Page 3

Objective of the CHIMP 2. The Objectives of the Revised Management Plan: The revised Objective of the CHIMP 2. The Objectives of the Revised Management Plan: The revised Management Plan will seek to achieve the identification, protection, conservation and presentation of the site through: 1. Maintaining a responsible management of change in a changing global economy 2. Ensuring that strategic policies are in place to support positive action to ensure that all significant historic assets are properly maintained and in sustainable use 3. Raise standards of urban design: promoting contemporary design solutions which respect the inherited landscape 4. Increase appreciation of the value of the WHS and the contribution that it can make to the visitor economy 5. Improve understanding of the Outstanding Universal Value of the site through detailed studies improved multi-media interpretation Her. O Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16 th-17 th July 2009 I Page 4

Objective of the CHIMP NB. The objective of the CHIMP will not seek to Objective of the CHIMP NB. The objective of the CHIMP will not seek to prevent change but will seek to take advantage of change. It will take encouragement from UNESCO’s Budapest Declaration (2002), which stated that the World Heritage Committee will: “…seek to achieve an appropriate and equitable balance between conservation, sustainability and development so that World Heritage properties can be protected through appropriate activities contributing to the social and economic development and quality of life of our communities. ” Her. O Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16 th-17 th July 2009 I Page 5

Intended Result / Output The intended outputs and results of the revised CHIMP will Intended Result / Output The intended outputs and results of the revised CHIMP will be that: 1. It is an up-to-date corporate strategic document which is consistent with current local, national and international guidance, policies and strategies 2. It will form the basis of the work programme of the World Heritage Officer and influence the work programme of all stakeholders. 3. It should ensure that the protection and enhancement of the Site’s cultural heritage is considered in all decisions that affect the Site 4. It will provide justification for resource allocation for the WHS 5. It will provide a vehicle for an ongoing community support group. Her. O Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16 th-17 th July 2009 I Page 6

Structure and Content of the CHIMP WHS Management Plan Structure and Content: The Future/The Structure and Content of the CHIMP WHS Management Plan Structure and Content: The Future/The Vision 1. Introduction 2. Description of the Site 3. Statements of Significance and Outstanding Universal Value 4. Review of progress 2003 -9 5. Current Opportunities, Threats and Management Issues 6. “Vision for the World Heritage Site” and Management Objectives 7. Implementation (Action Plan) and Monitoring The most important components of the WHS Management Plan: The Vision for how the WHS will evolve over the next 30 years The Objectives – how the Vision will be delivered The Action Plan – how the objectives will be met Her. O Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16 th-17 th July 2009 I Page 7

Work plan / Activities to elaborate the CHIMP integrating the LSG The Key Steps Work plan / Activities to elaborate the CHIMP integrating the LSG The Key Steps in the WHS Management Plan Production Key Responsibility Timescale WHS Liverpool City Council(LCC), English Heritage, (EH), Liverpool Vision (LV), North West Development Agency (NWDA), Merseytravel (MT) and Government Office North West (GONW) 2002 -3 2. Production of final World Heritage Site Supplementary Planning Document (WHS SPD) LCC, EH, LV, NWDA, GONW and Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) October 2006 November 2009 3. Undertake Baseline Study of progress in meeting objectives and delivering actions in 2003 Management Plan. Key achievements and failures in: Protection of heritage assets Conservation of heritage assets Presentation of heritage assets LCC to lead but consult with all members of LSG August September 2009 Action 1. Production of Management Plan first Her. O Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16 th-17 th July 2009 I Page 8

Work plan / Activities to elaborate the CHIMP integrating the LSG 5. Prepare Interpretation Work plan / Activities to elaborate the CHIMP integrating the LSG 5. Prepare Interpretation and Education Strategy LCC and EH to lead but to consult all members of LSG, other stakeholders and public August October 2009 4. Consultation on Current Key Issues LCC to lead but consult with all members of LSG, other stakeholders and public November December 2009 5. Appoint consultants to prepare Draft Management Plan LCC, EH, LV and NWDA to lead January-March 2010 6. Revised LCC, EH, LV and NWDA to lead but consult with all members of LSG April-June 2010 7. Public consultation Draft of Revised Management Plan, including Vision, Objectives and Actions LCC, EH, LV and NWDA to lead but consult with all members of LSG, all stakeholders and public July – August 2010 8. Final Revised Management Plan LCC, EH, LV and NWDA to lead September – December 2010 9. Ongoing implementation and monitoring LSG December 2010 - Preparation of Management Plan Draft Her. O Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16 th-17 th July 2009 I Page 9 –

Obstacles so far preparing / elaborating the CHIMP / integrating the LSG 1. Lack Obstacles so far preparing / elaborating the CHIMP / integrating the LSG 1. Lack of Time n. Inadequate staff resources n. Competing demands on time 2. Funding n. Cost of professional fees n. Cost of Printing/Production 3. Political Priorities n. Competing issues in the city 4. Public Engagement n. Need for effective vehicle for engagement Her. O Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16 th-17 th July 2009 I Page 10

Questions to the partners in support of the elaboration of the CHIMP / integrating Questions to the partners in support of the elaboration of the CHIMP / integrating the LSG How do you engage the public? Are you writing the CHIMP in-house or commissioning consultants? What is the principal driving forces for the CHIMP? Conservation? Tourism? Regeneration? Education? Her. O Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16 th-17 th July 2009 I Page 11

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