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v BUDGET PERFORMANCE: REVENUE PER SOURCE FOR 2010/2011 BUDGET PERFORMANCE 2010/2011 FINANCIAL YEAR BUDGET REVENUE VS ACTUAL REVENUE PER SOURCE BUDGET 2010/2011 ANTICIPATED 2010/2011 ACTUAL at 30 JUNE 2011 DEVIATION at 30 JUNE 2011 PERFORMANCE % at 30 JUNE 2011 PROPERTY TAX (MPRA) 20, 376, 065 19, 163, 696 8, 905, 782 10, 257, 914 46% ELECTRICITY CHARGES 28, 956, 641 28, 503, 043 26, 948, 576 1, 554, 467 95% WATER CHARGES 20, 027, 994 27, 805, 317 6, 593, 877 21, 211, 440 24% REFUSE CHARGES 7, 764, 883 9, 211, 745 1, 739, 163 7, 472, 582 19% SEWERAGE CHARGES 14, 986, 562 18, 984, 785 4, 757, 541 14, 227, 244 25% 348, 400 332, 697 15, 703 95% 2, 700, 000 681, 038 2, 018, 962 25% 500, 000 12, 222, 069 203, 972 12, 018, 097 2% 800 10, 940 -10, 140 1368% FINES 6, 201, 500 6, 771, 041 -569, 541 109% LICENSE FEES 7, 703, 000 8, 854, 783 -1, 151, 783 115% GRANTS & SUBSIDIES 71, 879, 696 63, 635, 519 8, 244, 177 89% GRANTS CAPITAL 65, 619, 947 58, 870, 284 6, 749, 663 90% OTHER REVENUE 1, 074, 727 1, 282, 654 -207, 927 119% 248, 140, 215 271, 418, 725 189, 587, 867 81, 830, 858 70% REVENUE SOURCE RENTAL INCOME INTEREST EARNED INTEREST CHARGED DIVIDENDS REVENUE TOTAL
( DEBTOR AGE ANALYSIS PER CATEGORY Current 30 DAYS 60 DAYS 90 DAYS 120 DAYS TOTAL Electricity 2, 200, 771 559, 205 410, 586 832, 618 1, 933, 618 5, 936, 798 Water 2, 151, 960 1, 670, 882 1, 781, 047 2, 124, 621 51, 366, 073 59, 094, 583 Refuse 771, 786 557, 092 541, 080 531, 970 22, 184, 084 24, 586, 012 Sewerage 1, 587, 734 1, 104, 439 1, 050, 957 1, 012, 872 39, 721, 207 44, 477, 209 Asessment Rates 1, 067, 266 485, 794 419, 944 386, 413 13, 703, 891 16, 063, 308 50, 974 21, 793 26, 746 23, 675 1, 106, 071 1, 229, 259 1, 138, 297 1, 006, 797 976, 438 949, 629 21, 021, 523 25, 092, 684 8, 968, 788 5, 406, 002 5, 206, 798 5, 861, 798 151, 036, 467 176, 479, 853 Sundries Interest Charges
REVENUE BUDGET FOR 2011/2012 REVENUE BUDGET FOR THE 2011/2012 FINANCIAL YEAR MEASURED AGAINST 2010/2011 BUDGET & PERFORMANCE REVENUE SOURCE BUDGET 2010/2011 ANTICIPATED 2010/2011 ACTUAL at 30 JUNE 2011 BUDGET 2011/2012 PROPERTY TAX (MPRA) 20, 376, 065 19, 163, 696 8, 905, 782 22, 117, 282 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 28, 956, 641 28, 503, 043 26, 948, 576 35, 058, 004 WATER CHARGES 20, 027, 994 27, 805, 317 6, 593, 877 31, 221, 157 REFUSE CHARGES 7, 764, 883 9, 211, 745 1, 739, 163 8, 275, 478 SEWERAGE CHARGES 14, 986, 562 18, 984, 785 4, 757, 541 15, 786, 025 RENTAL INCOME 348, 400 1, 600, 000 12, 222, 069 203, 972 5, 000 800 10, 940 600 6, 201, 500 FINES 541, 330 681, 038 800 DIVIDENDS 332, 697 2, 700, 000 500, 000 INTEREST CHARGED 348, 400 2, 700, 000 INTEREST EARNED 6, 201, 500 6, 771, 041 7, 586, 600 LICENSE FEES 7, 703, 000 8, 854, 783 11, 680, 000 GRANTS & SUBSIDIES 71, 879, 696 63, 635, 519 71, 079, 000 GRANTS CAPITAL 65, 619, 947 58, 870, 284 46, 932, 000 OTHER REVENUE 1, 074, 727 1, 282, 654 615, 700 248, 140, 215 271, 418, 725 189, 587, 867 257, 493, 176 REVENUE TOTAL
www. designfreebies. org BUDGET PERFORMANCE: EXPENDITURE PER ITEM FOR 2010/2011 BUDGET PERFORMANCE 2010/2011 FINANCIAL YEAR BUDGET EXPENDITURE VS ACTUAL EXPENDITURE PER ITEM EXPENDITURE ITEM BUDGET 2010/2011 EMPLOYEE SALARIES & ALLOWANCES 57, 664, 046 47, 760, 140 DEVIATION at 30 JUNE 2011 PERFORMANCE % at 30 JUNE 2011 ACTUAL at 30 JUNE 2011 9, 903, 906 83% COUNCILLOR ALLOWANCES 4, 655, 169 4, 409, 588 245, 581 95% DEPRECIATION 17, 124, 803 23, 562, 298 -6, 437, 495 138% REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 3, 447, 397 2, 082, 094 1, 365, 303 60% INTEREST PAID 4, 625, 507 2, 937, 202 1, 688, 305 64% BULK PURCHASE: ELECTRICITY 14, 352, 600 18, 550, 668 -4, 198, 068 129% BULK PURCHASE: WATER 21, 481, 224 13, 893, 153 7, 588, 071 65% CONTRACTED SERVICES 11, 447, 373 9, 417, 639 2, 029, 734 82% GENERAL EXPENSES 44, 228, 999 48, 525, 377 -4, 296, 378 110% BAD DEBT PROVISION 23, 666, 900 34, 569, 472 -10, 902, 572 146% 359, 343 1, 791, 385 -1, 432, 042 499% 203, 053, 361 207, 499, 016 -4, 445, 655 102% LEAVE PROVISION EXPENDITURE TOTAL Company Logo
www. designfreebies. org EXPENDITURE BUDGET FOR 2011/2012 EXPENDITURE BUDGET FOR THE 2011/2012 FINANCIAL YEAR MEASURED AGAINST 2010/2011 BUDGET & PERFORMANCE EXPENDITURE ITEM BUDGET 2010/2011 ACTUAL at 30 JUNE 2011 BUDGET 2011/2012 EMPLOYEE SALARIES & ALLOWANCES 57, 664, 046 47, 760, 140 64, 269, 366 COUNCILLOR ALLOWANCES 4, 655, 169 4, 409, 588 6, 879, 738 DEPRECIATION 17, 124, 803 23, 562, 298 28, 762, 172 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 3, 447, 397 2, 082, 094 8, 472, 670 INTEREST PAID 4, 625, 507 2, 937, 202 3, 114, 960 BULK PURCHASE: ELECTRICITY 14, 352, 600 18, 550, 668 18, 186, 179 BULK PURCHASE: WATER 21, 481, 224 13, 893, 153 23, 736, 753 CONTRACTED SERVICES 11, 447, 373 9, 417, 639 15, 219, 158 GENERAL EXPENSES 44, 228, 999 48, 525, 377 61, 162, 612 BAD DEBT PROVISION 23, 666, 900 34, 569, 472 26, 054, 410 359, 343 1, 791, 385 426, 510 203, 053, 361 207, 499, 016 256, 284, 528 LEAVE PROVISION EXPENDITURE TOTAL Company Logo
www. designfreebies. org BUDGET PERFORMANCE: CAPITAL ITEMS FOR 2010/2011 BUDGET PERFORMANCE 2010/2011 FINANCIAL YEAR PERFORMANCE ON CAPITAL BUDGET 2010/2011 ACTUAL 2010/2011 OWN INTERNAL FUNDED 3, 048, 187 3, 043, 516 100% EXTERNAL FUNDED 65, 619, 947 58, 870, 284 90% 68, 668, 134 61, 913, 800 CAPITAL TOTAL PERFORMANCE % 90% Company Logo
www. designfreebies. org BUDGET PERFORMANCE: CONDITIONAL GRANT SPENDING FOR 2010/2011 BUDGET PERFORMANCE 2010/2011 FINANCIAL YEAR PERFORMANCE ON CONDITIONAL GRANTS AS PER DORA CONDITIONAL GRANT Equitable Share (EQS) Municipal Systems Improvement Grant (MSIG) ALLOCATION TRANSFERRED DORA ALLOCATION SPEND DEVIATION REASON FOR DEVIATION % SPENDING 58, 941, 788 0 100% 735, 000 573, 466 161, 534 78% i) Financial Management Grant (FMG) 1, 000, 000 773, 441 226, 559 77% ii) Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) 23, 626, 000 21, 291, 765 2, 334, 235 90% iii) Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) Roll Over 0 3, 357, 368 0 100% Reasons for deviations: Municipal Systems Improvement Grant (MSIG) Due to Council not implementing the approved organizational structure since August 2010, several events / activities were linked to the appointment of staff according to the new organizational structure which reflected in the operational and capital budget of 2010/2011 financial year. Due to the none appointment of required staff, the planned budget could not be implemented. Financial Management Grant (FMG) Due to Council not implementing the approved organizational structure since August 2010, several events / activities were linked to the appointment of staff according to the new organizational structure which reflected in the operational and capital budget of 2010/2011 financial year. Due to the none appointment of required staff, the planned budget could not be implemented. Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) Due to the poor performance by appointed contractors on the following two projects, the MIG allocation to these projects could not be spent as at 30 June 2011: Rulagayang Sport Facility Lebaleng Ext. 5 Roads Company Logo
www. designfreebies. org CREDITOR AGE ANALYSISAS AT 30 SEPT 2011 CREDITORS AGE ANALYSIS AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2011 CREDITORS AGE ANALYSIS: SUNDRY CREDITORS Current R 222, 323 30 DAYS R 619, 943 60 DAYS R 0 90 DAYS R 10, 454 120 DAYS + OUTSTANDING SUNDRY CREDITORS R 0 R 852, 720 CREDITORS AGE ANALYSIS: ORDER PAYMENTS Current R 139, 701 30 DAYS R 147, 771 60 DAYS R 5, 048 90 DAYS R 0 120 DAYS + OUTSTANDING ORDER PAYMENTS R 0 R 292, 520 CREDITORS AGE ANALYSIS: ESKOM Current R 2, 002, 458 30 DAYS R 4, 087, 588 60 DAYS R 4, 302, 308 90 DAYS R 3, 332, 632 120 DAYS + R 0 R 13, 724, 986 CREDITORS AGE ANALYSIS: SEDIBENG WATER Current R 2, 786, 956 30 DAYS R 2, 480, 396 60 DAYS R 2, 149, 677 90 DAYS R 9, 283, 316 120 DAYS + R 0 R 16, 700, 345 Company Logo
www. designfreebies. org CASH FLOW POSITION FOR 2010/2011 OVERVIEW OF CASHFLOW POSITION 2010/2011 FINANCIAL The report on the payment success levels (%) per month and the ageing of creditors, the following is an overview to show the relation between the Actual Revenue from Service Delivery VS the salary and allowance expenses per month. From this is clear that the municipality is left with very little to attend to any other obligations, requirements and fixed costs = serious financial problems. JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MRC APR MAY JUN ACTUAL INCOME RECEIVED FROM CONSUMERS 4, 177, 567 3, 997, 003 3, 863, 178 4, 200, 927 4, 380, 481 4, 412, 724 5, 019, 700 5, 702, 613 3, 448, 302 3, 392, 787 4, 886, 158 4, 163, 737 51, 645, 177 SALARY & ALLOWANCES BILL 4, 769, 997 4, 255, 195 4, 079, 398 4, 353, 174 4, 457, 707 4, 386, 975 5, 341, 353 4, 383, 991 3, 994, 432 4, 013, 570 3, 764, 187 4, 370, 346 52, 170, 325 -592, 430 -258, 192 -216, 220 -152, 247 -77, 226 25, 749 -321, 653 1, 318, 622 -546, 130 -620, 783 1, 121, 971 -206, 609 -525, 148 AVAILABLE CASHFLOW TOTAL MUNICIPAL BANK ACCOUNTS & INVESTMENTS AS AT 30 JUNE 2011 PRIMARY BANK ACCOUNT ABSA BANK - ACC NO. 4055605473 1, 945, 727 LICENSE AUTHORITY ABSA BANK - ACC NO. 4050989969 912, 488 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT (CAMERAS) ABSA BANK - ACC NO. 406154689 381, 297 PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT ABSA BANK - ACC NO. 4064023765 193, 641 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNT ABSA BANK - ACC NO. 40644584280 1, 098 HOUSING PROJECT (CURRENT) ABSA BANK - ACC NO. 2, 896 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND (OLD) ABSA BANK - ACC NO. 4055636965 27, 251 TSWELELANG HOUSING ABSA BANK - ACC NO. 54311117765 620, 818 KGAKALA HOUSING ABSA BANK - ACC NO. 4049678703 98, 806 TOTAL AMOUNT ON INVESTMENT 1, 187, 488 5, 371, 510 Company Logo
www. designfreebies. org INDIGENT REGISTER FOR 2011/2012 INDIGENT REGISTER 2011/2012 Ass at 30 October 2011 CURRENT INDIGENT REGISTER 1 481 households Notes: Indigent Register remains open for new applications All new applications are verified as per external credit verification per ID No. Monthly verification of existing registered households as per external credit verification per ID No. Control measure inplace to pick up if approved indigent change in status and thus will become a none indigent Removed immediately from the system and will not receive the monthly subsidy Road Show in co-operation with Provincial FBS Unit in all major town during April/May 2011 Currently Ward Councillors and CDW's to assist to bring forward households / applications Company Logo
LOGO Annual Reports
Status Quo v The last tabled and approved Annual Report was the 2005/2006 v The 2006/2007, 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 Annual Reports are compiled and finally completed. Reports will tabled before Council and Oversight Committee before 31 st January 2012. v 2009/2010 was however attended to and receiving the attention of the Auditors an opinion was released Disclaimer. v 2011/ 2012 is still having lot of work to be done at.
www. designfreebies. org Status quo v The 2011/2012 SDBIP is signed and approved by the Mayor. v The 2011/2012 Performance Agreements are signed by all Sec. 57 Managers and submitted to relevant departments v The SDBIP was advertised for community participation Company Logo
www. designfreebies. org Challenges v We need to improve our reporting strategy (Sec 46). v No assessments done. v No PMS Unit Established. v The municipality uses the Shared Services (Internal Audit) which results in auditing of reports Company Logo
Intergovernmental Relations The following is a representation of the relations we have with these sectors. v v v v v Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality There is a healthy working relationship between District and the Municipality. The District provides the following assistance to the Municipality: Funding for identified Capital and Operational Projects/Programs HR – District Personnel provides technical assistance with the Implementation of the PMS, IDP, Internal Audit Function/ Shared Internal Audit Committee The District has also appointed PMS Software Service Providers to assist with the implementation of PMS Policy and Plan Development of Municipality Risk Assessment and Training of Personnel and Councillors on Risk Management NW Department of Local Government & Traditional Affairs The Department was instrumental in assisting the Municipality with the following: Development of MTAS, Development of SDBIP/ Performance Agreement, IDP Review Implementation Mini Cadets Pilot Programme (Maintenance of water infrastructure) Part of the Bulk Water Network Project and Presently part of the Water Conservation Program. Technical assistance to the MHLM-PMU on projects monitoring and implementation Grants- Bulk Water Pipe Line (R. . . . ) repayment of Loan to DBSA PIG Grant 2009/2010 (R 5, 948, 352) Internal Water Reticulation Extension. 13 Tswelelang and (R 7, 931, 184) Lebaleng Ext. 5. PIG Grant 2010/2011 - R 10 m; Sewer Network and House Connections, Lebaleng X 5
Intergovernmental Relations v NW Treasury v The Department has assisted the Municipality with Secondment of the BTO interns Assisted the Municipality with the Compilation of the 2010/2011 Budget Schedules v Dr. K Kaunda District : Auditor General Office The Office of the AG has been helpful on guiding the municipality during AG's Audit and on request to clarify or offer advice when required from time to time including: Training of Oversight committee and PMS Personnel Guiding the Municipality Management and PMS Personnel to deal with the backlog on Annual Reports v v DBSA The Bank has assisted the Municipality on a number of projects/programs through Loans and Grants i. e Funding the Bulk Water Pipe Line(R. . . - Loan not repaid) and the Water Demand Management Project (R 6 million – Grant) Technical Assistance- Two Deployees- Full time Professional Engineer and Part Time Professional Town Planner Assessment of the Municipality by DBSA Consultants
Intergovernmental Relations v ESKOM v The is no structured relationship between the municipality and ESKOM, to this effect on most of the community uprising ESKOM is cited as a major contributory factor. Most of the township electricity project are delayed for years and high mast lights not maintained. The Municipality has engaged local/regional ESKOM offices to resolve on the community concerns. Sedibeng Water Board The municipality has a structured relationship with Sedibeng Water Board. The Bi-monthly top management meetings are scheduled to resolve on matters of common concerns including any queries on municipal payments and the provision of quality water and maintenance of infrastructure. v v Other Departments v We are finding it difficult to establish a good working relations with the following departments, Public Works & Roads, South African Security Agency [SASSA] SAPS, Department of Education, Sports Arts and Culture, Agriculture, Land Affairs and Home Affairs. These are the departments that never make submissions for integration and/or alignment with IDP, when invited for IDP processes they either do not attend or send junior officials. The former Mayor had raised this matter at the North West Premier’s Co-ordinating Committee but the problem still persists today. v v
IDP Processes v IDP has been accordingly reviewed annually v Community has been consulted through ward meetings led by the Mayor and Ward Councillors v IDP Steering Committee led by Municipal Manager has been sitting regularly v The IDP document is regularly sent to the office of the MEC, COGTA every after adoption v Budget is informed by the IDP v MTAS report has been integrated in the IDP
Challenges of Intergovernmental Relations v There is no established instrument to gauge progress made on the respective submissions. v Because of lack of co-operation by sister departments, Representative forum became futile and we resolved to meet with sectors at a district level. v There are no established relations with all parastatals. No initiative has been taken to establish such relation from both sides, safe to say we have been regularly inviting these entities to our IDP matters but would not respond. v We have had PMS as a weakness therefore it was difficult to determine exact performance in terms of IDP matters.
Local & Provincial Growth and Development Strategy The Local Growth and Development Strategy were aligned with the IDP. The growth strategy encompasses LED and Tourism plans. However, little progress was made regarding implementation because of resources. The strategy is currently under review to make it more realistic. We had a challenge of vacant LED posts for some time now, we were able to appoint LED Officer and awaiting to appoint LED Manager. THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS ARE UNDERGOING A REVIEW PROCESS Local Growth and Development Strategy This strategy is undergoing a process of review with all its components (LED &Tourism Plan). The aim was to implement the projects to the value of R 10 m over a five year period, on areas and Tourism. This cold not be realized because of resource constraints. Spatial Development Framework The SDF is undergoing a process of review especially that it was adopted in 2002.
Basic Services Delivery: Current Projects PHASE 1 = 72 m (2005) LEBALENG EXT 3 v v v ALLOCATED – 550 COMPLETION – 510 OUTSTANDING – 40 WOLLIES EXT 10 v ALLOCATED – 987 v COMPLETION – 970 v OUTSTANDING – 17 TSWELELANG PROPER v ALLOCATED – 250 v COMPLETION – 80 v OUTSTANDING – 170 PHASE 2 = 48 m (2008) LEEUDORINGSTAD EXT 4 v ALLOCATED – 988 v COMPLETION – 825 v OUTSTANDING – 173
Basic Services Delivery: Outstanding Housing Projects Backlog 4707 – Serviced Residential Sites v v v Lebaleng Ext 4 = 560 Approved Lebaleng Ext 5 = 300 Approved phase 1 Wollies Ext 13 = 1700 Wollies Ext 15 = 972 Leeudoringstad Ext 5 = 375 Boskuil&Oerskraal = 500 v Province has Approved 4000 Allocation for MHLM v BLOCKED PROJECTS – No Funding (Metroprojects Developers) v v Lebaleng Ext 1 and 5 = 348 units Tswelelang Ext 2, 3 and 4 = 46 Leeudoringstad Ext 1, 2 = 118 units TOTAL = 544 v v INTERVENTIONS Department of Human Settlement topped-up 466 units in order to unblock the abovementioned projects.
Basic Services Delivery: Informal Settlement Leeudoringsstad * Total No = 800 Wolmaransstad • Total No = 2000 • Lebaleng • 50 • Rulaganyang • 45 INTERVENTIONS v v v We have established new township in Wolmaransstad with 970 residential sires We are in a process of establishing new townships in Leeudoringstad and Rulaganyang A request will be submitted to either the District or province to provide us with funding
Basic Services Delivery CHALLENGES § § Untraceable Beneficiaries Slow approvals by Province High number of declines Price escalation of building materials INTERVENTIONS v v Request for top-up funding Advertise for untraceable beneficiaries Conduct a survey for qualifying beneficiaries Re-allocated subsidies of untraceable beneficiaries to other areas
Basic Service Delivery DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES BACKGROUND : v REVIEWED ORGANONGRAM v A) Public works Division v B) Water and Sanitation Division v C) Electrical Services Division.
v CORE FUNTIONS Water and Sanitation Services. v Roads and Storm-water Services. v Parks , Cemeteries and Recreational. v Building Services and Municipal Building Maintenance. v Mechanical Workshop. v Electrification: - Metering and Protection.
Basic Services Delivery 1. WATER SERVICES : * NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLD WITH ACCESS OF WATER SUPPLY: - MHLM is currently supplying basic free water to all the community members. 16282 house holds units have access to potable water. Farmers are excluded, they are dependent on their private boreholes. *FREE BASIC WATER SUPPLY: - 6000 Kiloliters is serviced to all the 1427 indigents house holds units per month. - 25 liters person per day. - Villages such as : Boskuil, Oersonskraal and Kareenpan access potable water from the stand pipes (200 m) National RDP Standard. - Bulk Water Project R 156 million projects was completed and Potable Water Supplied to all the Towns and Townships of MHLM is adequate and the Council will supply water for the next 10 -15 years.
Basic Services Delivery WATER SERVICES DEVELOPMENT PLAN (WSDP) - MHLM is a WSA (Water Services Authority) and is responsible for regulating water supply and providing sanitation services. (National Water Act 36 of 1998). WSDP should be reviewed annually in terms of the Water Services Act 108 of 1997 SANITATION SERVICES: • NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLD WITH ACCESS OF SANITATION: - Rural approximately 500 house holds units will need water borne sewer system - All the house holds units at MHLM have access to sanitation, Bucket eradication was completed in 2007: a). Towns and Townships 16282 at MHLM are serviced with waterborne sanitation. b). Villages such as * 1. Boskuil 2. Kareenpan 3. Oerosnskraal are serviced with the VIP toilets. FREE BASIC SANITATION: Free sanitation services is accessible to all the MHLM community. (Water Borne and VIP for the indigents)
Basic Services Delivery ROADS AND STORMWATER: - MHLM roads and storm-water system has collapsed, the Master-plan was developed all the Towns and Townships will be surfaced by Tar or Paving. - Main defects of existing storm-water system: 1. Potholes 2. Vegetation 3. Crack Sealing 4. Rehabilitation 5. Reconstruction and New Construction will be addressed by the plan. 6. Speed humps were completed all the townships have been serviced. MHLM challenges is funding of this programme which is costed up to R 810 million.
Basic Services Delivery ELECTRIFICATION: *MHLM all three Towns are serviced with council , We have a License for the areas. - There is no backlog from the Municipal License Areas. - FREE BASIC ENERGY: Eskom / MHLM license Area 1427 indigents are benefitting and registered 5000. *Eskom License Area: -All the Townships are services by Eskom, currently there is Electrification of x 10 Wolmaranstad phase 1 and phase 2 has been switched on approx 2000 House holds units. - Areas such as 11 houses Tswelelang x 10, Kgakala x 5, kgakala 52 houses, Lebaleng x 5 and Rulaganyang extension received attention from Eskom. Plans we submitted to the Energy Forum and Eskom Planning division. Some Extensions are currently getting Electrified. - Construction of Streets lights at MHLM has been completed and switched on. 422 street lights.
Basic Services Delivery 5. WASTE MANAGEMENT AND REFUSE REMOVAL. NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS WITH WASTE REMOVAL SERVICES. - 16282 house holds units are receiving this services through a day to day programe that was adopted by council. ( including Garden Refuse) - - Villages and Farming areas are not rendered by this services. - Points of collection: a). Residential on weekly and day to day basis refuse is collected. b). Business. c). Industry. d). Yellow bins were posted at the towns only. - e). 89 Yellow Bins were purchased and currently awaiting a special refuse truck to redistribute them to their respective sports at the towhships as well.
Basic Services Delivery KPA 2. CAPITAL BUDGET OF 5 Entry point of MHLM have been identified to be developed. INFRASTRICTURE DELIVERY Greening program me will be part of this establishment. 2009 -2010 c v PARKS AND RECREATION: 1. 2. 3. Our township are also becoming part of this development so that we can able to discourage. Illegal Dumping. 4. Major Challenges: * 2 Landfill site that needed to be relocated cost estimates R 20 million. * Establishment of Waste Management Plan cost estimates R 2 million. * Purchasing of 3 refuse removal trucks cost estimate R 6 million. Total cost = R 28 million
CAPITAL BUDGET OF INFRASTRICTURE DELIVERY 2009 -2010 NB For Information Purpose: Background report form capital budget as from 2009 financial year. v Financial year 2009 /2010 Total Budget is R 30, 347 million (MIG and PIG). v MIG allocation was R 20 347 million fully committed. There was no roll-over. v PIG allocation was R 10 million also fully committed. § Expenditure to date: R 10, 000. 00. there was no rollover. v Internal Funding, Financial Year 2009/ 2010 is approximately : R 10 million also fully committed. There was no rollover.
Infrastructure Projects Implemented financial year 2009 -2010 v For Information Purpose: MHLM MIG FUNDED PROJECTS: 1. Leeudoringstad Ext 5 Construction of Internal Water Supply (Stands 375) = Budget R 2, 197. 093. 39 = Completed. 2. Leeudoringstad Ex 5 Construction of Toilets (Stands 375) Budget R 2, 250. 00 = Completed. 3. Leeudoringstad Sewer Connection (Stands 375) Budget R 2, 418, 330, 61 =Completed. 4. Leeudoringstad Road Surfacing (Multi year project) Budget R 4, 154, 404. 12 Implementing.
Infrastructure Projects Implemented financial year 2009 -2010 Cont… For Information Purpose: MIG FUNDED PROJECTS: 4. Rulaganyang Sporting Facilities Phase 1 Budget 2, 300, 000. 00 = Completed. 5. Boskuil Sporting Facilities Budget R 4, 500, 00. 00 completed. *MHLM PIG FUNDED PROJECTS: 1. Wolmaranstad x 13 Water Connection (Stands 972) Budget R 5, 948, 352. 74. = Completed. 2. Lebaleng x 5 Water Connection (Stands 658) Budget R 7, 931, 184. 48 =Completed. * MHLM INTERNAL FUNDED PROJECTS: 1. Rulaganyang Oxidation Ponds Budget R 12, 000 000. 00 Completed. 2. Connection Streets at Tswelelang Budget R 450 000. 00 Completed. 3. Purchased 2 Refuse Removal Trucks , 2 Sewer Jets and 4 traffic motor vehicles.
PROJECT THAT WERE IMPLEMETED FINANCIAL YEAR 20102011 ( MULTI YEAR PROJECTS) v MIG FUNDED PROJECTS 1. Lebaleng x 5 Road and Storm-Water Project Phase 1 & 2 Budget R 22 mil. Phase 1 Completed. Road and Storm-Water Master Plan: Categorized into 4 Regions (a) (b) (c) (d) Wolmaranstad Town/Tswelelang. Lebaleng / Makwassie. Kgakala / Leeudoringstad. Rulaganyang / Witpoort. Budget R 40 mil Phase 1. 2009/2010. Completed. MIG PROJECTS FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 2011 -12. (R 28 million) a) Wolmaransstad x 15 Sewer Connections 972 H/h. Budget estimate R 10 million b) Roads and Stormwater X 15 wolmaransstad R 18 million c) Projects are getting implemented and will be completed end of financial year 2011/2012.
GENERAL CHALLENGES AT MHLM v Theft, Vandalism of MHLM infrastructure such as Pump Station Machinery, Cables, Main hole Lids etc. v Illegal Connections of both Water and Electrification. v Water loss 20 -30% that is unaccounted for due to non-payment and illegal connections. v Blockages from our sewerage system caused by community members throwing hard substances into the system at Kgakala and Lebaleng towns. v MHLM have recently experienced massive sewer blockages short term solutions is costed R 750 000 which the District Dr KK DM intended to assist with. v Unskilled and Unqualified staff members. v Not enough Capital budget to purchase basic services delivery Tools and Equipments, such as: 2 x Graders 2 x Bull dozers 2 x Compacters
CHALLENGES CONT…. . 2 x TLb ‘s 2 x tipper trucks 2 x Refuse Removal Vehicles especially Single Cabs for labour transportation and carrying of tools and equipments. Eg workers are carrying tools and walk to attend problems such as pipe bursts and blockages. v Total cost estimates = R 15 million. v v URGENTLY !!! • 1. MAKWASSIE TOWN MAINLINE SEWER CONNECTION COST ESTIMATES =R 24 million. • 2. Road and Storm-water Master Plan Multi year plan = Annually cost estimates = R 300 million. • 3. WWTP at LDS cost estimates R 50 million. • 4. WWTP at wolmaransstad cost estimates R 64 million
www. designfreebies. org Total cost estimates needed for the project from 2010 -2011 up to 2013 financial year v Sanitation Multi year R 100 mil. (MTAS) v Roads and Storm Multi year R 810 mil. ( MTAS) v Tools and Equipments 2010/2011 R 15 mil. (MTAS) v Waste, refuse removal landfill • Electrification • Housing • Estimates doesn’t include housing: Multi year R 10 mil. (MTAS) R 50 mil. (MTAS) R 46 000 per unit. Total Estimates = R 1 billion Company Logo
Maquassi Hills local Municipality www. designfreebies. org v GOVERNANCE We strive to build and strengthen administrative and institutional capacity through transformation and institutional development. As contained in our service delivery budget implementation plan, we strive to achieve the following deliverables all quarters: Company Logo
www. designfreebies. org v Training and development v Recruitment and appointment of critical staff v Labour relations matters v Policy formulation to guide decisions taken by Management & Council v Capacity Building [Newly elected councillors] Company Logo
www. designfreebies. org Employment Equity The Council adopted the Employment Equity Plan in August but will be reviewed in 2012. The DG found that section 16, 17 and 18 of the adopted Employment Equity Act, Act no. 55 of 1998 on consultation was not thoroughly expedited during the development of the plan. Company Logo
www. designfreebies. org einde Thank You Re a Leboga!!! Company Logo