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Logistics Mc. Graw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2010 by The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Overview of logistics • Logistics of business is big and important • The logistical value proposition • The work of logistics • Logistical operations • Logistics integration objectives • Logistical operating arrangements • Flexible structure • Supply chain synchronization 2 -2
What is Logistics? • Logistics is the design and administration of systems to control movement and geographical positioning of raw materials, work-in-process, and finished inventories at the lowest total cost. The process that links the supply chain participants into integrated operations 2 -3
Logistics 2 -4
Logistics has risen to a key position in the global economy • Postwar U. S. (1945 -1995) – Global leader in distribution and logistics, as a direct result of World War II • Rise of European Economic Community and Asia (1980 -2000) – Both regions became major exporters and distributors • e-Commerce (1998 -Present) – Global logistics capability almost everywhere 2 -5
Logistics will continue its renaissance in the future • Information technologies will automate many of the traditionally manual logistical functions: – Automated port and rail operations – RFID tagging of materials – Advanced technologies for warehousing and inventory operations • Removal of trade barriers will continue to expand global trade and logistics 2 -6
Future 2 -7
Goal of logistics management • To satisfy customer expectations for delivery Cost of products (or services) while minimizing the total cost • Managers must support the requirements for procurement, manufacturing and ic erv S customer accommodation e supply chain operations 2 -8
Transportation has become the major logistics cost component in the USA $ Billion 1980 2007 • Logistics Cost of $451 billion is 16. 1% of GDP • Transportation ($214 B) is 47. 5% of Logistics Cost • Logistics Cost of $1398 B is 10. 1% of GDP • Transportation ($857 B) is 61. 3% of Logistics Cost Source: “ 19 th” Annual “State of Logistics Report” © Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals 2 -9
Logistics costs trends from Table 2. 1 • Transportation Costs relative to the Total Cost of Logistics have gone up – Because of fuel prices and movement of manufacturing to Asia • Inventory Costs relative to the Total Cost of Logistics have gone down – Adoption of JIT and Lean practices have reduced these • Administrative Costs relative to the Total Cost of Logistics have stayed the same 2 -10
Inventory Levels 2 -11
Diminishing inventories Inventories. Manufacturers’ and trade inventories, adjusted for Inventories. Manufacturers’ and trade inventories, seasonal for seasonalbut not for price changes, were seasonal variations but changes, were adjusted variations but not for price estimatedwere estimated at an level of $1, 489. 5 billion, up 0. 7 estimated at an end-of-month level of changes, at an end-of-month level of $1, 350. 0 billion, down 1. 1 $1, 518. 5 0. 3 percent (± 0. 1%) up 0. 3 May 2011 and upfrom percent 2008 5. 6 $1, 359. 9 (± 0. 2%) from percent (± 0. 1%) 11. 1 May percent (± 0. 1%) billion, from May 2009 and down 9. 8 percent (± 0. 4%) from June (± 0. 4%) up 0. 2 percent (± 0. 4%)* http: //www 2. census. gov/retail/releases/historical/mtis 1106. pdf and from June 2007. 2008. from June 2009. 2010. 2 -12
Logistics Pressures g sin rea mer Inc sto cu rvice en se rem ui req ts etitiv Comp e ures Press Pr es im sure pr s pe fina ove for rfo nc d in rma ial red vent nce uc ory & tio ns Logistics Systems Regulatory changes g ngin Cha rials mate ng & li hand port rans gies t nolo tech Product proliferation shorter product life cycles Increasing customer service requiremen ts Change in players & roles in distributi on channels Pressures to develop supply chain vision and co -operations Need to redesign and improve efficiency of logistics systems 2 -13
Logistical value proposition • Logistical value proposition consists of a commitment to key customer expectations and requirements at a minimum cost • The two elements of this value proposition are Service and Cost Minimization – Firms must make appropriate tradeoffs between service and cost for each of their key customers 2 -14
Service benefits are created by logistical performance in 3 areas • Availability involves having inventory to consistently meet customer material or product requirements • Operational performance deals with the time required to deliver a customer’s order – Key metrics for this area involve delivery speed and consistency • Service reliability involves the quality attributes of logistics – Key to quality is accurate measurement of availability and operational performance over time 2 -15
Basic logistical service may not fit all customers • Basic logistics service describes the level of service a firm provides all established customers – However, some customers require unique or special value-added services • Managers must realize that customers are different and that services provided must be matched to accommodate unique requirements and purchase potential 2 -16
Cost minimization using the total cost logistics model Traditional Cost Logistics Model • Focused on achieving the lowest possible cost for each individual function of logistics – For example, Transport the material the cheapest way possible • Expected lowest cost based on decisions that were cheapest for individual functions • Ignored the impact of cost decisions across logistics functions Total Cost Logistics Model • Focused on achieving the lowest total cost across each function of logistics • A cost decision in one function should consider impact to costs of all other logistics functions – For example, Transporting material the cheapest way is slower than other choices. This requires an increase in storage cost to hold the material longer – Would it still be a lower cost to use the cheapest mode of transport? 2 -17
Different perspectives on cost minimization Traditional Cost Logistics Model Minimize order processing cost + Minimize inventory cost + Minimize transportation cost + Minimize warehousing, materials handling and packaging cost + Minimize facility cost _____________ Lowest logistics cost Total Cost Logistics Model Minimize (order processing + inventory + transportation + warehousing, materials handling and packaging + facility) cost _____________ Lowest total logistics cost 2 -18
Example of evaluating alternatives to find lowest total cost • Compare two alternative shipping carriers to move a shipment of electronic chips – Value of shipment = $25, 000. 00 – Faster shipping is generally more expensive than slower shipping • Carrier 1 costs $250 to ship • Carrier 2 costs $20 more but delivers 1 day faster – Product in transit is a form of inventory • Holding costs for shipment is 40% of value per year – No other cost differences across remaining logistics functions 2 -19
Example of evaluating alternatives to find lowest total cost Traditional Cost Method • Minimize transportation cost – Compare 1 st carrier at $250 vs. 2 nd carrier at $270 • Decision is to use 1 st Carrier to save $20 Total Cost Method • Minimize total of transportation and inventory cost Daily cost of holding product = Annual holding cost x Product value /365 = (. 40 x $25, 000)/ 365 = $27. 40 – Compare 1 st carrier at $250 + $27. 40 = $277. 40 vs. 2 nd carrier at $270 • Decision is to use 2 nd Carrier since it is a lower total cost 2 -20
Integrative management requires simultaneous achievement of 8 processes Table 1. 2 Eight Supply Chain Processes 2 -21
Major Functional Areas of Logistics • • Order Processing Inventory Transportation Warehousing, Materials Handling, and Packaging • Integrated through a network of facilities – E. g. warehouses 2 -22
Integrated logistics framework • Goal is to achieve customer satisfaction at the lowest Total Cost • Decisions in one functional area will impact cost of all others • We integrate the logistical functions into a coherent framework starting with the customer (Order processing) and ending with the customer (Transportation and Delivery) 2 -23
Five interrelated functions of logistical work Figure 2. 1 Integrated Logistics 2 -24
Strategic Planning Overview External Environment Economic Regulatory Technological Competitive Internal Factors Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Corporate Objectives & Strategy PEST SWOT Competitive Strategy Functional strategic plans marketing production finance logistics The handbook of Logistics & Distribution Management 4 th Edition 2 -25
Order processing • Order processing is the transmission of customer requirements to the supply chain • Accurate information is needed to achieve superior logistical performance • Responsive supply chains require accurate and timely information about customer purchase behavior • Fast information flow enables improved work balancing 2 -26
Inventory • Inventory requirements of a firm are directly linked to the facility network and the desired level of customer service • Inventory strategy seeks to achieve the desired customer service with the minimum inventory commitment • Inventory strategy is based on a combination of – – – Core customer segmentation Product profitability Transportation integration Time-based performance Competitive performance 2 -27
Transportation • Transportation is the operational area that geographically moves and positions inventory • There are three basic ways to satisfy transportation requirements – Operate a private fleet of equipment – Contract with dedicated transport specialists – Engage carriers that provide different transportation services as needed on a per shipment basis 2 -28
Warehousing, materials handling and packaging • These work activities are integral parts of other logistical functions – Inventory typically needs to be warehoused at selected times during the logistics process – Transportation vehicles require materials handling for efficient loading and unloading – Individual products are most efficiently handled when packaged together into shipping cartons • Effective integration of these functions facilitates the speed and overall ease of product flow throughout the logistical system 2 -29
Facilities network • The number, size and geographical relationship of facilities used to perform logistical operations directly impacts customer service capability and cost • Types of facilities in the logistics network include 2 -30
The scope of integrated logistical operations Inventory Flow Information Flow Figure 2. 2 Logistical Integration 2 -31
Inventory flow • Managers must be concerned with the movement and storage of inventory in 3 major forms – Materials – Work-in-process – Finished products • Logistical operations should add value by moving inventory when and where needed – Materials and components gain value at each step of their transformation into finished inventory 2 -32
3 areas of value-added logistic process • Customer accommodation is the movement of finished product to customers • Manufacturing support concentrates on managing work-in-process inventory as it flows between stages of manufacturing • Procurement is concerned with purchasing and arranging inbound movement of materials, parts, and/or finished inventory from suppliers into manufacturing or assembly plants, warehouses or retail stores 2 -33
Information flow • Information flow identifies specific locations within a logistical system that have requirements – Information also integrates the three operating areas • Information facilitates coordination of planning and control of day-to-day operations • Logistical information has two major components – Planning / coordination information – Operational information needed to complete work 2 -34
Logistical integration requires achieving six objectives simultaneously ±Responsiveness ±Variance reduction ±Inventory reduction ±Shipment consolidation ±Quality ±Life cycle support 2 -35
Logistical operating arrangements • All logistical arrangements share two common characteristics – They are designed to manage inventory – The range of logistics alternatives is limited by available technology • Three widely utilized structures are – Echelon (traditional) is a linear flow from origin to destination through buffers or warehouses/distribution centers – Direct is designed to ship products directly to customer’s destination from one or a limited number of centrally located inventories – Combined is a combination of Echelon and Direct, depending on the product, market, or customer 2 -36
Echelon Structured Logistics 2 -37
Combined Echelon and Direct Delivery 2 -38
Flexible structures are programs to service customers using alternatives • Flexible operations are preplanned contingency strategies to prevent logistical failures – For example, a warehouse is out of an item so a contingency policy assigns the total order to another warehouse • The structure appears the same as a combined arrangement, but with the ability to change the logistical structure to suit the service need – Different approaches for different situations – Very common with “factory-less” companies like Nike and Best Buy 2 -39
Example situations for flexible logistics structure • The customer-specified delivery facility might be near a point of equal logistics cost or equal delivery time from two different logistics facilities • The size of a customer’s order creates improved logistical efficiency if serviced through an alternative channel arrangement • Decision to use a selective inventory stocking strategy • Agreements between firms to move selected shipments outside the established echeloned or direct arrangements 2 -40
Flexible Echeloned and Direct Delivery 2 -41
Supply chain synchronization • Supply chain synchronization is the operational integration of multiple firms across a supply chain – Seeks to coordinate the flow of materials, products and information between supply chain partners to reduce duplication of effort – Seeks to reengineer internal operations of individual firms to leverage overall supply chain capability 2 -42
The logistics performance cycle • The performance cycle represents elements of work necessary to complete the logistics related to customer accommodation, manufacturing or procurement • A performance cycle consists of the following elements – Nodes – Links – Inventory • Base stock • Safety stock – Input and output requirements 2 -43
Logistical Performance Cycles Input and output requirements are not illustrated 2 -44
Performance cycle uncertainty • Major objective of logistics in all areas is to reduce performance cycle uncertainty • Operational variance is randomly introduced during the cycle through – The structure of the performance cycle itself – Operating conditions – The quality of logistical operations 2 -45
Total time is based on each task within the cycle Figure 2. 8 Performance Cycle Uncertainty 2 -46
Ways to improve performance cycle times • EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) or Internet order management and tracking • RFID or Bar code material tracking • Automated inventory management • Automated order selection and picking • Communication with customers to determine their needs • Communication with suppliers to determine their capabilities Lean Concept s 2 -47
Performance cycle synchronization • Delayed or faster performance at any point along the supply chain results in potential disruption of operations • Once consistent operations are achieved, managers can focus on reducing the time to complete the performance cycle to a minimum 2 -48