Скачать презентацию Logical Fallacies Guess the Fallacy if you can Скачать презентацию Logical Fallacies Guess the Fallacy if you can

Logical Fallacies.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 11

Logical Fallacies Guess the Fallacy if you can! Logical Fallacies Guess the Fallacy if you can!

What is the problem? Students at NIS are all really smart. That is why What is the problem? Students at NIS are all really smart. That is why they all dress well.

NON SEQUITUR NON SEQUITUR "It does not follow" Students at NIS are all really smart. That is Connects two why they all unrelated things. dress well.

What is the problem here? I saw a student purchase a Snickers bar from What is the problem here? I saw a student purchase a Snickers bar from school the other day. If the school continues to sell Snickers bars, students will all buy them and eat Snickers too much. Before you know it, students at NIS will be really fat and the school will have to order new desks for bigger students.

SLIPPERY SLOPE One thing leads to another which leads to another. I saw a SLIPPERY SLOPE One thing leads to another which leads to another. I saw a student purchase a Snickers bar from school the other day. If the school continues to sell Snickers bars, Arguer doesn't prove students will all buy each step, just them and eat keeps saying A to B, Snickers too much. B to C, C to D, etc. . . Before you know it. . .

What is the problem here? Last year I got perfect marks in school. I What is the problem here? Last year I got perfect marks in school. I never lost a single point. This year will be the same for sure.

APPEAL TO HISTORY Because it happened before, it will happen again. Because we did APPEAL TO HISTORY Because it happened before, it will happen again. Because we did it this way before, we should do it that way again. Last year I got perfect marks in school. I never lost a single point. This year will be the same for sure.

What is the problem here? President Obama said that the economy is getting better What is the problem here? President Obama said that the economy is getting better so that means the economy must not be as bad as it was before.

APPEAL TO AUTHORITY Because someone who seems to be an authority on the subject APPEAL TO AUTHORITY Because someone who seems to be an authority on the subject said it, it must be true. Sometimes that person isn't even an authority _______ said that the economy is getting better so that means the economy must not be as bad as it was before.

What is the problem here? Everyone knows that VK is the most popular social What is the problem here? Everyone knows that VK is the most popular social network in Kazakhstan.

APPEAL TO POPULARITY Any claim that everyone or most people agree on something and APPEAL TO POPULARITY Any claim that everyone or most people agree on something and so it must be true. Everyone knows that VK is the most popular social network in Kazakhstan.