Скачать презентацию Location Wisconsin is a state in the Midwest Скачать презентацию Location Wisconsin is a state in the Midwest


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Location Wisconsin is a state in the Midwest region, bordering two of the Great Location Wisconsin is a state in the Midwest region, bordering two of the Great Lakes (Lake Michigan and Lake Superior). Much of Wisconsin’s natural flora has been replaced by farms, but attempts to reintroduce its lost forestation have been generally successful. Wisconsin has 72 counties, which tend to get smaller and more crowded towards its eastern side.

Various Indian tribes first inhabited the area known as Wisconsin. The Chippewa, Menominee, Oneida, Various Indian tribes first inhabited the area known as Wisconsin. The Chippewa, Menominee, Oneida, Potwatomi and Ho Chunk tribes lived in the area undisturbed until the late 1880's. The first European explorer to reach Wisconsin was Jean Nicolet; searching for the Northwest Passage to China, he traversed Lake Michigan, landing near Green Bay in 1634. History In 1787, under the Northwest Ordinance, Wisconsin became part of the great territory north and west of the Ohio River out of which Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin were later created. In 1836, the Wisconsin territory was organized. France laid claim to Wisconsin as part of its territory in the new World in 1672. In 1763, Wisconsin was part of the territory ceded by France to Great Britain in the Treaty of Paris. Twenty years later, again at Paris, the British relinquished their claim to Wisconsin; and it became part of the United States. In 1848, Wisconsin became the 30 th state to be accepted into the Union. The present capitol building in Madison was erected between 1906 and 1917 and the third on this site.

Wisconsin State Symbols and General Facts Abbreviation: WI Capital of Wisconsin State: Madison Date Wisconsin State Symbols and General Facts Abbreviation: WI Capital of Wisconsin State: Madison Date of Statehood: May 29, 1848 Wisconsin State Population: 5, 536, 201 (US Census 2005 estimate) • Wisconsin State Nickname: The Badger State • Wisconsin State Motto: Forward • • The Wisconsin quarter is the fifth of 2004, and the 30 th in the 50 State Quarters® Program. On May 29, 1848, Wisconsin became the 30 th state to be admitted into the Union. The Wisconsin design depicts an agricultural theme featuring a cow, a round of cheese and an ear of corn. The design also bears an inscription of the State motto, "Forward".

Wisconsin is known as the Badger State after the habits of early miners in Wisconsin is known as the Badger State after the habits of early miners in the region who either lived in mine shafts or dug their homes out of the sides of hills - just like Badgers do.

The intercollegiate football team of University of Wisconsin–Madison Wisconsin Badgers uses the image of The intercollegiate football team of University of Wisconsin–Madison Wisconsin Badgers uses the image of this animal as a mascot of their team.

Wisconsin is the dairy capital of the United States and is sometimes called Wisconsin is the dairy capital of the United States and is sometimes called "America's Dairyland“. It has more dairy cows than any other state (1, 500, 000), produces more milk than any other state and 15% of the entire country's milk. There approximately 17, 000 dairy farms, with just over one million cows that produce an average of 17, 306 gallons of milk each, per year.

Wisconsin also produces over 350 different varieties, types and styles of award-winning cheeses. About Wisconsin also produces over 350 different varieties, types and styles of award-winning cheeses. About 90 percent of the milk from Wisconsin cows is used to make cheese. Chalet Cheese Cooperative in Monroe is one of only two U. S. companies still producing Limburger, the world's stinkiest cheese.

Wisconsin has over 14, 000 lakes and 7, 446 streams and rivers. Wisconsin's rivers Wisconsin has over 14, 000 lakes and 7, 446 streams and rivers. Wisconsin's rivers and streams, if laid end-to-end, would stretch for 26, 767 miles, which is almost 2, 000 miles more than the circumference of the earth.

Wisconsin is very popular for outdoor activities especially hunting and fishing. One of the Wisconsin is very popular for outdoor activities especially hunting and fishing. One of the most popular game animals is the Whitetail deer. In 2005, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources reported the population of Wisconsin's deer herd to be about 1. 4 -1. 5 million. It is common for over 600, 000 deer hunting licenses to be sold each year. Visitors to Wisconsin during the Thanksgiving holiday will see many hunters in rural areas wearing blaze orange gear for Wisconsin's gun-deer hunting season.

Majority of the visually attractive landforms at Wisconsin were created when the ice sheets Majority of the visually attractive landforms at Wisconsin were created when the ice sheets that had covered the area began to give way. All this happened during the Wisconsin Glacial Stage.

Milwaukee's Summerfest is the nation's largest music festival, with over 2, 500 performers. 23. Milwaukee's Summerfest is the nation's largest music festival, with over 2, 500 performers. 23. It attracts up to a million visitors per year, which has earned it a Guinness World Records citation as world's largest music festival.

Milwaukee is home of Harley Davidson Motorcycles. Milwaukee is home of Harley Davidson Motorcycles.

Wisconsin is the only state to have the accordion as its state instrument It Wisconsin is the only state to have the accordion as its state instrument It was also, until 2011, the only state to have the polka as its official dance, until bandwagonhopping Pennsylvania also rolled out the barrel.

If you're ever in Middleton, you can visit the (free!) National Mustard Museum and If you're ever in Middleton, you can visit the (free!) National Mustard Museum and see a collection of 5, 300 different types of mustard from more than 60 countries.

The largest water park in the United States is Noah’s Ark located in Wisconsin The largest water park in the United States is Noah’s Ark located in Wisconsin Dells in Milwaukee.

Famous Wisconsinites Georgia O'Keeffe is recognized as one of the leading artists of our Famous Wisconsinites Georgia O'Keeffe is recognized as one of the leading artists of our time.

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