- Количество слайдов: 165
Livingston County Middle School OPENING DAY Theme: Rigor, Relevance, RELATIONSHIPS AUGUST 11, 2014 8 AM with Mrs. Henson in Computer Lab, Rm#3 YOU NEED: PGES Framework, Enduring Skills, CIITS log in, data for Self Refl, PGP/G, SGG with samples/rubrics/etc. 9 AM in Cardinal Room with Huddy YOU NEED: Staff NB, EOP, TEACHER Edition of Agenda, Calendar, pen
Welcome to LCMS New Staff Their Contact Info is on our Home Page n 7 th Grade Teacher: Ms. Jessica Walker 8 th grade teacher: Mr. Chris Rueter School Counselor: Ms. Terrin Hayes Head Girls’ BB Coach: Mr. Eric Wring Cafeteria Manager: Mrs. Cecilia Tabor Instructional Assistant: Mrs. Sara Hall Custodian: Mrs. Gail Anderson A-Team Interventionist : TBA if we get position Family First (FRYSC Asst. Coordinator) : Mrs. Ronda Taylor n Thanks to interview committees for their time!!! n n n n
Tech Needs Give me list today n I have to submit to BJ ASAP n n Subs will have email
UFE n Sondra Lawton
n n n n n HR teacher (1 st period) takes forms Get TEACHER EDITION of student agenda CPI 3 and 12 Notes from July 28 PD pre-app (PD form, PO, approval) $$$: PO, MR form, etc. DE markers, chairs Card Rm, Door Cracked, etc. $20 New: CCR Board info to Angie
SIGN Employee Handbook Form n AUG n $20 to Angie n DAILY: Sign-In sheet AND Staff Attendance Sheet (SAS) n SAS due signed by 20 th of each month n Other sign ins for PDs, G-days, Open n
Forms Throw away old staff NB info and replace with NEW PACKET n Note 6 th period rosters for Rt. I (1%-20%; PM weekly Tier 3 & every 3 weeks Tier 2) and Enrichment (21%-49%), etc. n Progress monitoring data home at MT and RC!!!! n Committee Meetings, parent communication, etc. n
Asbestos n Were any of you absent on August 6, Mandatory G-day? ? n
VERY FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES About 6 conflicts n Inform us if students need to move n Terrin with discipline Rt. I n n n Agenda has 7 Habits of HE teens Tammy Sayle and Teresa in PLCs
SUB FOLDERS n We call our own subs n n Print list and keep copies with you Careful who you call Update rosters and leave several copies n EMERGENCY PLANS n TEMPLATE n
Cell Phone Policy 1 st: Office Referral and get back from TEACHER at end of day; teacher calls home n 2 nd: office Referral and to principal. Returned to parent ONLY on Monday n 3 rd: Office referral & to principal. Returned to parent only at end of quarter. n 4 th: Office referral & to principal. Student in AC. Device to parent at end of day. n
To Do n n n Sign In CIITS Program Reviews (PLCS: PE, health, careers, consumerism; A&H: Dance, drama, music, visual arts; WRITING) Keep mailbox clean Get teacher agenda/bookmark Get enough student agendas for first period and bookmarks Suicide Prevention Training Certificate Sub Plans (especially emergency) Get exterior door key from Beverly (opens all new ext doors & kitchen) & sign Take PD surveys, G-day surveys, etc. Target Posters, Classroom Constitution, & TPGES student voice survey Student Led Conferences, Engagement Cards, Learning 360 flip chart
To Do n n n ILP District Plan CSIP, CDIP Update classroom website Join List servs & prof orgs, ask about data Read student agenda, EOP, staff NB Program Reviews, 21 st Century Skills, 504 s, IEPs, GSSP, PLPs, etc. Rt. I DLT PLC checklist: SW Analysis, Congruency Protocol, etc. National Board Certification Make targets meaningful
Staff Handbook n n n PLEASE do NOT put name on NB (use paper insert) Staff NBs are to be turned in at the end of the year Sign for receipt of information
Track Student-Led-P-T conferences School Report Card needs me to report conferences, volunteer hours, etc. n Record Volunteer Hours n
Important to Remember n n n n n Peer Observation Follow Up Front Expectation Lesson Plans Sign Title I Compact Emergency Maps/Proceds up in EVERY ROOM with SECONDARY ROUTES (I’d do fire in red: solid line primary & dashed line secondary with key) Assembly Seating District Attendance Incentives (14. 5) PLC Dept Mins Template (2 PD 360 videos per month) Growth Mindset!!!! Dress, Timely, POSITIVE PD 360 Achievement Points & CIITS on College Sign
Staff Position Needs Shared Leadership on Evaluation n n n ESS Coordinator: ? ? ? Committee Officers: 3 Standing & 2 Ad-Hoc Book Study Leaders & PD presenters Grant Writers Mentoring Program Coordinator: Student & Staff PTSO Staff Liaison & PI Organizer Any area you’d like to have input, etc.
Phone Calls Leave Voice Mail n One-Calls after 4: 30 PM - 8 PM n
CCR Bulletin Board emailed July 26 Front, Foyer Bulletin Board Aug 20 – Sept 30 : 8 th grade ELA, Read Tier 2 Oct 1 -Nov 8: 8 th grade Math, Math Tier 3, and any 8 th grade SE in resource room Nov 11 - Jan 7: 8 th grade SS Jan 7 – Feb. 7: PE /Health/Dance/Drama Feb 10 -March 10: 7 th grade Math March 11 – April 11: 7 th grade SS April 14 – May 14: 7 th grade ELA and any 7 th grade SE in resource room n n n n
Medical Training (to dispense medication) No staff member may dispense medication to ANY student without training (this includes OTC & prescription meds!!!) n Any staff member who takes field trips (coaches, clubs, etc. ) n Epi-Pen, Di-Stat, Glucagon, etc. n
Blood Borne Pathogen Training View video n Question & Answer time with district nurse, Tonya Padon n School Nurse is Tonya Padon n School Nurse clerk is Angela Freeman. n
Other Items to possibly include in HB n Emergency Procedures for Specific Students
HB 91 NO BULLYING Bullying must be reported. n See administrator forms. n SBDM Bully Policy n Bully reporting box in media center and outside guidance office n Bully prints bought by yearbook. n
Evaluation Guidelines and Growth Plans n n n n n Walkthroughs, Formatives and Summative --- Purpose to help us grow – forms in HB, on Internet, & email (job description, standards, etc. ) --- ALL this data and MORE is used on your summative Those who do not follow chain of command, professionalism, etc. will see this on evaluation. If you don’t work well with others, etc. In December, I’ll give STUDEN VOICE SURVEY to students. You may want to give TRC at midterm and SVS at end of Qtr 1. Procedure in Evaluation Plan Procedure (lesson plans, worksheet, pre conf, post conf) Corrective Action and Growth Plans Appeals Another Observer Lesson Plan Format KTIP-TPA and KPIP Teacher, Media Spec, Counselor, Admin, Classified: Standards & forms Sample Forms (IPGP, etc. ) Schedule in staff handbook & e-mailed (please help correct if mistakes) Classified staff have a certified supervisor (please see notes on evaluation schedule) Appeals Panel GROWTH PLANS, PD Plan, certificate, HQ info are DUE to be uploaded to CIITS by Sept 15 UNAnnounced District Walk-Throughs monthly: Instructional Rounds BY REQUEST in October and Feb (mtg inv sent) 2 days Learning 360 Staff There will be other Unannounced walkthroughs by district and school administration.
Arrival n n n Report to front office to sign in by 7: 40 AM Read announcements on email daily Check mailbox & e-mail On duty by 7: 20 AM Doors open to students at 7: 20 AM. They will be sent to gym. Breakfast begins at 7: 33 and no more hot served after 7: 40. Late bus sent to class with breakfast. On first day ONLY, report to gym at 7: 50 bell.
Harassment & Discrimination Policy For students AND staff n n n Definition Prohibition Grievance (forms for certified, classified, students) 1 st period teachers to cover recognition & reporting with students – important (I was to testify in a 14 M lawsuit that this was covered in 2003) Make sure students know what is inappropriate behavior (age appropriate) – touching, etc. Disciplinary Action Procedures (MUST report all claims to Principal who reports to Title IX) Prohibited Conduct Confidentiality Appeal Retaliation Prohibited False Complaints
Confidentiality 707 KAR 1: 360 n n n Maintain Privacy of all Students and keep list names/positions of those with access to records (cl, cert, Board, others) Parent Release – Consent for the Release of Information Form (SE 14 e) Record of Disclosures Form -- record of parties obtaining access to education records (SE 14 j, 14 k) (except access by parents, eligible students (CO notifies of transfer to child at 18) and authorized BOE employees with LEGITIMATE EDUCATIONAL INTEREST in the records). The parent consent for that person to view/be sent records is referenced on this Ro. D form and placed in cumulative folder (name of persons, date person access, purpose). Make sure party disclosed to knows to keep confidential. Subject to FERPA Only information related to ONE child (watch gradebooks, etc. -No personally identifiable information regarding other children is disclosed) Students with Disabilities Directory Information is released unless parent requests in writing it not be (notified by newspaper) Be careful in the lounge and on e-mail; Need-To-Know; talk in classroom, etc. School Issues – do NOT give copies of protocols to parents or release ORIGINAL records Initial copies free of charge to parent; destruction is announced in Student Handbook and destroyed by Record Retention Schedule (but good idea to keep due to SSI claims for SE, etc. ) Training to all with access to educational records (volunteers, student teachers, new staff, etc. ) FERPA annual notification about surveys Confidentiality statement on e-mails
TPGES n Jan & Stacy are resources n OPGES: Dee and Terrin (draft)
EPSB Professional Code of Ethics Training n n Due to the number of incidents being reported each year, EPSB is asking that this be reviewed with all certified staff at the beginning of school. Copies have been provided to each certified employee (small green “bookmark” looking informational flier). EPSB is also willing to come and schedule an "ethics seminar". If you want more information about this, I will contact Alicia A. Sneed at 502 564 4606. Her information is interesting and informative. Form on back of TC-2 to renew certificate that explains what is expected is included in your staff handbook If you question the ethics of an action, don’t do it. If you are arrested, this must be reported to EPSB. They will follow-up to see if you’re guilty, etc.
Student Dismissal n n n n Check student profile form in folder (coaches to make copy) Student only leaves with those who are listed and that person must show a PHOTO ID. Child is not released to anyone who is not on that list Ask if questions about any procedures or policies If you have duty and students left in classroom, make arrangements with colleague to send your students. 2 release bells (2: 50 and 2: 55 – second bus/students staying after school/athletes/OZONE/PM detention students stay in room at 2: 55 tone – please get cover if you have PM duty) PM Detention is 3: 00 -3: 30 PM
Bug Located by sign in(NB) n List type of bug and area so we can spray accordingly n
Reporting Abuse We’re All Legally Responsible n Central Intake #: 270 -388 -4818 n Document All Calls (date, time, name of contact, etc. ) --- use Referral for Student Support Services form n RECORD CASE NUMBER!!!!!!!! n Let Counselor and Principal Know n When in Doubt -- Report n
Staff Dress Code n n n n n Professional Manner; at MINIMUM need to follow student code If a paid day, dress professionally (PD, etc. ) Appropriate Style and Length Modest Casual Friday or SCHOOL SPIRIT Pride/Respect/Values Model High Standards No hats Field Trip Dress Health/PE Dress
Expectations n n n n High expectations for all students. Prompt, alert, and dependable Never yell at or grab students (unless safety issue); Never argue or use sarcasm (Todd Whitaker); forge positive relationships with students Address students and parents professionnally!!!!!!!! Positive contact with all parents at least once per grading period. Participation on committees with parents. Attendance at faculty mtgs. , PTSO mtgs. , & other school events. Cell/School phones are not for personal use during class time; long distance/stamps/fax/copiers for school business only Professional Dress Mentor all new staff No chaperones without a background check. Chain of Command Adults should not discuss personal issues with students or them near by NEVER leave students unsupervised; do not alter district equipment Follow Red. Book, Fundraising, Handbook, District Code, etc. guidelines Be kind to colleagues!!!!!!!
Expectations (continued) n n n n n Use of KCAS, teaching to DOK 3, Livingston Curr Document, and Program of Studies (national standards). Remember Combined Curriculum Document on KDE site, Jefferson Co OR, etc. Observe other staff 1 times per month & upload 3 “tips” to Sky. Drive SISI group. Talk positively about school staff If in office (1 st impression), stop to acknowledge parents; give smile if busy, etc. Monitor bullying (please don’t be guilty of “deliberate indifference, failure to protect, negligence, etc. ”) Teach the behavior you expect - MODEL You are responsible for all students (IEP, 504, ELL PSP, G/T GSSP, …) – differentiate Submit PR information (Jennifer Ashley – BOE GOOD NEWS, district and school PR/SRC, newspaper, radio, website, yearbook (Rob), AM announcements (Alsobrook), SBDM (Huddleston), Leigh Choat -- Media Class, etc. )!!! Keep teaching when district staff or Board members walk-through your classroom
Expectations (continued) n n n Be understanding of accommodations for SE students (their IEP, GSSP, PSP, etc. is law). SUPPORT CO-TEACHER!!!!!!!!!!!! SE: High Expectations – don’t do work for student Never tell a parent, “That’s not my job. ” Follow Behavior Plans, VI plans, HI plans, etc. !!!!!!!!!! Exceptional PD behavior & assembly (not grading papers, professional dress, no text messaging, etc. ) Notify if will miss mandatory PDs, etc. Please have baby-sitters if you’re paid to be at work National Board Certification Wall of Proficiency – Post student work Students not on teacher computer; never give your password to anyone; change PW and not generic Follow AUG – professional e-mails (can be monitored) No computer/Internet game playing or personal business during time you monitor students
Expectations (continued) n n n Tax Payers are watching – be professional in the community, watch school time “trips, ” etc. Teach Bell-to-Bell with energy --- make your class interesting and inviting Bell Ringer, Exit slips, immediate feedback Be proactive Job: LCMS comes first if multiple school employments You make the climate!!! Venting is an excuse to be negative and could be a breach of confidentiality. I will address staff members who attempt to adversely affect the learning environment. Before you request something, what is your reasoning? Is it best for students? Supervise students if on duty (back of bus, etc. ) – separate; no congregating to talk No standing in halls talking if students in your room CALL roll first 3 days of any class change (ask if someone’s name wasn’t called) – students never take attendance (your records may stand in court) Trust me – I know the big picture and have confidential information HAVE A GREAT SCHOOL YEAR!
n n n n Follow EPSB, district, AND school policy, rules, processes, procedures, plans, etc. ; ILP plan, etc. Read CSIP (http: //livingston. kyschools. us , click LCMS, click school information, then CSIP forms, finally each of 3 components ) and CDIP (http: //livingston. kyschools. us , click district information, then district improvement plan), and implement as required Keep our school on track with SISI and Effective Schools Correlates Meet Teacher Standards – focus on learning (understanding and doing) & alignment Keep our environment positive; go to person ONLY and talk professionally if you hear something in community, have an issue, etc. (Talk WITH someone to solve issues) ONLY POSITIVE COMMUNICATION UP IN SCHOOL Self-motivated and problem solver – COME WITH SUGGESTIONS
n n n n Give ”surveys” to stakeholders and respond to results/feedback (SVS given by me in Dec) Read daily emails and send info that needs to be in it Announcements emailed to me afternoon prior with ANNOUCEMENT in subject and duration & contents in body Be organized – preserve instructional time – no classroom interruptions without one week notice Have a neat, clean, organized, clutter-free room with working equipment Know emergency drill procedures (Fire, EQ, Tornado, Lock. Down, bomb, evac, SIP, etc. ) Let us know immediately if students need to be regrouped, etc. Be flexible due to Rt. I needs. Fill out goal sheets with students
n n n n Answer the phone like you’re the happiest person in the world Network at meetings!!!!! Site visit schools that have sustained success. Share your PD in PLCs and staff meetings. Email synopsis, etc. Register for PD on STI PD. IPDP on Sky. Drive. PUBLISH articles in newspaper, journals, etc. Student competitions!!! Implement school writing policy/plan/procedure/best practices Require student agenda use Attend and POSITIVELY participate in PLCs according to set schedule and recommended/needed topics
n n Attend and POSITIVELY participate in committees according to set schedule and recommended/needed topics Join committee by choice (rec that dept teachers on diff comm. & grade level on diff comms) n n n n SISI self study – Sky. Drive with narratives for each indicator and ELECTRONIC evidence CSIP: I&I to SBDM in Sept, Jan, May Agenda emailed to ALL staff at least one week prior Minutes emailed to ALL staff at most one week after; meeting invitation to members so on calendar&reminder Program Review teachers do narratives for each characteristic and ELECTRONIC evidence to Sky. Drive Distribute a class syllabus to each class and every student on first day of school; upload to One. Drive Leave detailed notes for substitute teachers Get work to detention, alt school, and HOMEBOUND timely and complete
n n n n Check and respond to email DAILY Submit timely, complete, accurate paperwork Do at least one peer observations per month; upload to One. Drive; give your written notes to teacher you observed Differentiate – make sure you know GT/504/SE/ELL required accommodations Use research based instructional strategies, RIGOR, relevance, and make relationships Keep IC updated WEEKLY Keep classroom webpage updated WEEKLY Mentor Students
n n n n n Make voluntary Home Visits as necessary Take on leadership role: mentor new staff, Committee office, SBDM, list servs, partic PLC, etc. Rt. I building coord, ESS bc, Title I bc, etc. Report good news to district PR, Twitter, and facebook pages!!!! Join List Servs Represent our school well: timely, POSITIVE, prof dress/actions, participate, business cards, etc. Assessment – Policy that samples to SBDM and collab in PLCs, model in PLCs, etc. Keep an assessment notebook Help with PROGRAM REVIEW documentation & impl
Program Review Changes n n n n Meet the 4 th Tuesday of each month 3 PROGRAMS: A&H, PLCS, Writing Math teachers n PD 1 a-d IN ALL 3 PROGRAMS Science teachers n PD 2 a-e in ALL 3 PROGRAMS SE teachers n ALSAM 2 a-c in ALL 3 PROGRAMS AC teacher n A&H ALSAM 1 a-g, Writing ALSAM 1 a-d Media Specialist n PLCS ALSAM 1 a-i
n Help with PROGRAM REVIEW documentation and implementation n n Core & elective teachers collaborate & plan to build interdisciplinary STANDARDS-BASED units of study using ILP as research tool, tech, 21 st century skills, Multiple Intelligences/Research Based Inst Strategies/HOT, speakers, field trips, feedback from co-developed scoring guides (peers/self/teacher), and integrate the strands of literacy (reading, writing, speaking, listening, & language use) students CREATE, PERFORM, RESPOND, etc. Collaborate & plan with SE teachers SCAN & UPLOAD DOCUMENTATION TO ONEDRIVE
Keep An Assessment Notebook n n KCAS Checklist AND Curriculum documents Quarterly Learning Checks Data (Universal Screener, K-PREP, EXPLORE, Lng Check, Progress Monitoring, Clrm Grades, Behavior, Attendance, Specific Programs – Apex/Manga High/Corr. Reading/etc. , etc. ) Parent Communication n n Syllabus with phone number & availability to tutor Emails (indiv or to ILP group or to PDL) Phone calls (indiv or per One Call Now) Conferences Classroom webpage Sample of IC Student Summary Report at midterm Sample of school/class newsletter, IC portal announcements, marquee, newspaper articles, etc. Participation in monthly parent involvement nights (SE, Lit, Financial, Health, Careers, College readiness, ILP, test data, IC use, etc. ) Sample Assessments with STUDENT WORK LESSON PLANS with SDI [doc services to exceptional children (SE, GT, 504, LEP/ELL/ESL, etc. )]
n n n n Apply for grants Be knowledgeable about school programs: TITLE I SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAM (compact, policy, surveys, ANNUAL MEETING Aug 25; etc. ), Rt. I, etc. Teacher use of technology, smartphone APPs, web 2. 0, etc. www. 3 x 3 links. com/network Use of CIITS STUDENT USE of technology Use of Lexile Information on text complexity Specific Teacher Requirements n n Social Studies: Constitution Day Lesson Music: Veteran’s Day Program Special Ed: Correct paperwork; in collaborative periods EVERY DAY, EVERY MINUTE; plan with ALL staff; commun where you are Math: Use of Quantile information
Growth Mindset, Why. Try, CHETL, n Science Fair, Culture Fair, and Heritage Day n Model life long LEARNING n Address 21 st Century Skills n n n n 1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 2. Collaboration across networks and leading by influence 3. Agility and adaptability 4. Initiative and entrepreneurialism 5. Effective oral and written communication 6. Accessing and analyzing information 7. Curiosity and imagination
n n n n Keep me informed of anything that I need to know Confidentiality – you will have all IC and SDT and EXPLORE data access Teachers must be signed in by 7: 40 AM (7: 20 one day per week for duty) Teachers may leave at 3: 15 PM (unless after school meetings, etc. ) Sick days, Personal Days Extended employment and non-contract days (if students here, take a personal or sick day) – July 1 need calendar of days you PLAN to work for upcoming year; June 30 need calendar documenting days you worked during that year; need your hourly schedule Calm voice, professional/positive, you will be supported
n n n n If parent in office and Shannon is busy, respond --- visitor in hallway – etc. Cover classes as requested – be flexible Be proactive with any child in hallway Don’t leave building during school day without signing out and emailing me and getting permission Park in teacher parking. Assembly seating – MONITOR students VOLUNTEER: 5 Home visits – take packet of info – follow agenda HOPE, DREAM BIG, envision success, focus, make no excuses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One. Drive, Email, Calendar, etc. n n n Join all One. Drive Requested groups Post WEEKLY lesson plans on One. Drive and share with principal, SE teacher, others as needed Post PD Action Plan on One. Drive and share with principal and Sheri Henson Post IPGP on CIITS/One. Drive and share with principal and Sheri Henson Post grade level PLC, departmental PLC, Committee, Staff, etc. minutes on One. Drive Put your calendar on OUTLOOK, send meeting invitations, have a signature line with MVG, and create email folders
SISI One. Drive Group & Email n Upload to Sky. Drive group SISI under – n n n ZZ SYLLABUS Folder - you create folder named “LAST name, first” and upload Syllabus for EACH class (name FILES Pre-Alg Syl, 7 th gr math syl, YB syl, etc. ) ZZ Indiv Prof GROWTH PLANS folder – you create folder named “LAST name, first” and upload your individual professional growth plan (name 2012 -13 IPGP) ZZ Indiv PD Plan folder – you create folder named “LAST name, first” and upload your individual PD Plan named IPDP 2012 -13 (and any scanned/elec copy of your attendance) ZZ Peer Observations FOLDER – 2012 -2013 FOLDER – you create folder named “LAST name, first” and upload FILES 2 per month labeled Hudd visit of Lawton Aug, Hudd visit of Strickland Aug, Hudd visit of Belt Sept, Hudd visit of Travers Sept, etc. ZZ WEEKLY Lesson Plans folder – 2012 -2013 FOLDER - WEEKLY with SDI & other requested doc Signature line on email with M, V, Goal statements and Live. Red logo
Personal Days n n n n Approved by Principal (e-mail appreciated) 48 Hours Notice (1 week appreciated) Will not be approved if 1 st and Last 2 Weeks Will not be approved Prior to Holidays/Days with no school or during K-PREP testing, etc. Will Not be Approved if 3 or More Subs or we cannot secure a sub If approved, please tell Angie you’ll need a sub See LCBOE policies for family leave, medical leave, etc. AND NOTIFY MITZI JOINER
Staff Leaving at ANY time n n n Obtain permission from principal if leaving during school day FOR ANY REASON; it will reflect on your evaluation if you do not Get a cover for your students Sign Out in Office (be detailed in destination) Deducted When personal and reach 3 Hours – please make non-emergency appts after school Use Only When Needed – Tax payers are watching
Committees n n n n 3 committees (around SISI standards) with subcommittees as appropriate – Academic Performance, Learning Environment, Efficiency Read sign up sheet for roles See list (all staff members are on a committee of their choice – meets at least monthly) Chair from last year to begin this year – at first meeting, elect new. If chair retired, vice chair to conduct first meeting. Sign up Get a parent and student member – don’t have to be present to meet. Let me know if you want to be involved. We love input!!!
School Safety KCSS Audit Feb. 5, 2013 n n n n Keep Outside Doors Locked & advise students not to open for visitors – keep hallway door window uncovered ; keep class number uncovered In lockdown, do NOT cover door and outside windows (do NOT answer anyone knocking). Lock doors/windows. Leave lights as is. Hide in INSIDE corner. Take roll and report missing #, extra #, all present, etc. via email to Angie & me. We’ll call if questions. When exiting the building at ANY time, please make sure ALL doors lock behind you!!! Require Visitors Passes (& wear your badge) – be courteous if you find someone w/o one Know crisis procedures (flip charts, etc. ) Know what to do if answer phone in office for bomb threat Keep room/school clean and organized
School Safety (continued) n n n n Bomb Threat – SEARCH first – evacuate if announced Read crisis procedures in Staff Handbook (POST & read flip chart) Do not use carpet remnants in your classroom; no breaks in boiler room – no storage inside red lines Remind students to be careful and secure belongings to prevent theft Report concerns, maintenance issues, etc. to front office & email me Student Accident reports --- working accident reports AHERA Notebook
Fire and Severe Weather Drills n n n Evacuation Procedures Posted – EQ, Bomb, Fire, Tornado, Lock Down Doors and Windows Closed Take Roll at Assigned Area – report missing students to office Review Procedures Prior to Drill (make sure needy are ready for loud alarms) 2 Fire Drills During 1 st Two Weeks – schedule attached for most drills (weather permitting)
Emergency Procedures The safety of our students is our number one priority. No one leaves until the Emergency is over.
Lock Down n n Announce “We are in a Lock Down” If announced exterior intruder, only time cover OUTSIDE windows. ALL FREEZE, QUIET, and hide Close, Lock doors and windows. Students should move to the INTERIOR corner of the class room away from view of door and window. Email the number of students present, missing, extra, and injured Don’t open door for anyone Don’t respond to fire drills, etc. Wait for PRINCIPAL TO UNLOCK door Don’t talk to media; advise them to contact PR person Gym to storage room; Cardinal Room to Teacher Workroom, Beverly’s office
Fire Drill Post red primary (solid) & sec (dashed) routes Escort students by utilizing emergency evacuation plan n Shut Door n Take Grade Book n Take roll n Report missing students to first person you find with a school radio n MANY CHANGES (closest route primary) n
Tornado Escort Students into an interior hallway as far away from glass doors and windows as possible. n Duck and Cover n n Jan & Robin to computer lab with class in there REST up hall (Carl, Eric, Teresa, SE on 7 th part; Michelle to top of 8 th) PE storage room
Earth Quake Remain In classroom n Duck n Cover n Hold n n Gym to storage room
Bomb Threat n n n n If answer outside line, have form with questions, etc. Call 911 We will announce “Teachers please search your classrooms. ” Report anything suspicious to the office If something is found we will announce for everyone to evacuate the building using the fire drill evacuation procedure. Do not use cell phones or hand held radios. Report to buses parked on side for evac to LCHS
Shelter in Place Announce to follow SIP procedures n Orderly escort students with roll book to NLES gym n Follow your duty per insert in Staff NB n
Safety n n n Please heed bus “STOP” arms Post crisis flip chart & know your responsibility Keep rooms tidy Let me know of any concerns you note during safety drills, building maintenance, etc. Document that you went over items on next slide on first day with students
Document Covered FIRST student day n n n n n District Code of Acceptable Behavior LCMS Handbook (comes up in expulsion cases) Sexual Harassment (Recognize, report, age appropriate inappropriate behaviors) AND Discrimination Bus regulations/safety and discipline (for field trips, athletics, etc. ) Pedestrian/car (Driver & Passenger)/bike/skateboard safety Theft protection Bully Program Safety (drills-EQ, Fire, Bomb, Lock. Down, Tornado, etc. ; do not open doors for visitors; etc. ) Fed Law: Inst about approp on-line behavior, interacting with others on social networking sites & chat rooms, cyberbullying awareness & response Classroom rules, procedures, syllabus, etc.
Those with current CPR, First Aid, and AED All Coaches n E-mail me your names. n
Seclusion & Restraint Training n n n n n We watched 4 hour PBIS modules Law Board Policy Board Procedures (forms, etc. ) GOAL: De-escalate so S/R not necessary Restrain/Seclude only if imminent danger of harm to self/others. We ALL must respond to keep students and self safe. What would a reasonable person do? If we need to restrain/seclude, we must summon the CORE team ASAP. We must ensure procedures/policies followed.
CORE TEAM n Summon by calling 4000, person directly, or sending a student (give 3 names) n n n Brett Heppner Sondra Lawton Stacy Walker Ann Travis Teresa Alsobrook Tara Haslett Alescia Wilson Lisa Huddleston Terrin Hayes NLES
S/R (cont’d) n NO ONE (even core team) may… n n n Chemically, mechanically rest or secl w/o supv Prevent communication in primary mode Prone/supine restraint All must monitor face and communicate n CORE TEAM n
Those with current SCM or CPI training (restraint) n Does anyone have CPI that is current?
CDL holders n Mrs. Alescia Wilson
Worker’s Compensation n Only if you’re injured performing your job!!!
Rewards n n n Guard Instructional Time ALL Snacks must meet nutritional guidelines Any video shown must be accompanied by an open response and GRADED samples of student responses – in lesson plan NO EATING or DRINKING IN CLASSROOMS No gum
Student Accident Insurance Office has forms n Students may purchase school insurance n Make sure to fill out ACCIDENT REPORTS for any student injuries in school related settings n
Office Referrals (ALL staff may write) n n n Office Referral only for: Physically Dangerous Behavior, Illegal Behavior, Defiance, or repeated disruptions/disrespect One Parent Meeting Before Office (except for emergency) Be detailed and specific; no hearsay; only one name per form (only mention that child’s name); if witnesses, send email (form goes home to parents)
Angie Freeman Information on morning sign-in form n Book Keeper, Fundraising, etc. n Get change of address or phone information to me ASAP (staff or student) n Report absence, reason (sick, personal, Professional), and sub’s name prior n Attendance Sheets, SICK cards, etc. n
Calling Substitutes n n n n We call our own subs (see attached list) Call or text Angie Freeman Attendance Tracked on IC Make Arrangements for Any Extra Duty Call as Early as Possible (Not before 5 AM or after 10: 30 PM) – Please don’t call after 6: 30 AM) If you call the morning of an absence, call Huddleston at 8391827. Tell weeks in advance if possible --- if call me at home, leave date/time message.
Attendance: Mrs. Freeman n n Procedure for first three days Take morning attendance at 7: 52 Students entering the building after 7: 52 will be directed to the office and will receive an admit slip (tardy to school). Students late to first period without office admit get a TARDY TO CLASS (just record in gradebook – office referrals at 3 tardies) FORMS ASAP to office
Tardies Don’t send students to the office to get a tardy slip after first period n Record tardies in your grade book n
Red. Book Regulations n n n n Fill out POs & have approved BEFORE you spend any money (includes school cards, etc. ) Sign out School Cards No reimbursal if not PRE-approved Fundraiser forms (also need Board appv if SW) Magazine Sales need superintendent WRITTEN approval Multiple Receipts form Budget crisis!!!
School Pictures ALL STAFF: Make sure to take as it WILL be your ID (BADGE) n Fall Pics are Sept 5 n Spring Picture date is TBA n
Dates to remember: Only on right of webpage n n n n Check by sign-in daily Check e-mail daily Check IC portal E-mail monthly school calendar District Calendar to hang in room Monthly calendar in Newspaper Yearly district calendar Internet (school and district sites)
Custodial Concerns n n n n Please pick up furniture that is moved so you don’t scratch the floor Please have students put their chairs on their desks in the PM and pick up any paper Report minor repairs needed to Mrs. Anderson– if she can’t fix, send e-mail to Hudd Keep your children & students in your classroom after school and supervise Avoid letting children eat/drink at school; clean up any messes made Do not spray paint in classroom (careful with glitter, etc. ) Report areas not clean
Cafeteria News. Manager Mrs. Cecelia Tabor n n n n Manager is not allowed to charge for adults!!! Report field trips (absences, need for sack lunches, etc. ) Non-student lunch is $3. 25; student lunch & breakfast is mentioned in handbook Cafeteria cannot be used as a bank (cashing checks, etc. ) Take sack lunch whenever possible on FT – or SNACK lunch If family financial status changes, make sure to encourage to submit F/R lunch form AC and NB will have lunch/bfast in room
Family First Family Resource Youth Services Center (FRYSC) n n n Coordinator Stephanie Henson with assistants Michele Ritchie & Ronda Taylor In old library Bully Prevention Program ANNUAL Background checks for volunteers FRYSC advisory council and PR Adv Council Here to remove barriers
ESS Coordinator -- ? ? Tutoring per teacher schedule n Please get ESS tutoring schedule to ? ? so she can get it to the office and on the school website n Peer Tutoring Program n
School Technology Coordinators – ? ? ? n n New staff get e-mail, Infinite Campus, etc. training ALL staff will have e-mail; make sure to check while “not supv students” Infinite Campus (web based – grades from home) Naming convention n Staff: Glenn. Wilson@livingston. kyschools. us Students: Glenn. Wilson@stu. livingston. kyschools. us Delete old messages in Inbox and Sent Items—limited mailbox size will cause messages to be undeliverable
Technology Acceptable Use Guidelines Ms. Freeman, Mrs. Durard, Mr. Houk n n n n Sign and give to Angie Avoid mass e-mail forwards (especially jokes, urban legends, etc. ) Don’t open internet e-mails from strangers SCHOOL business only --- no games, EBAY, Facebook, Myspace, 3 rd party e-mail, etc. Sign AUG Use e-mail, etc. only during non-instructional time STRESS that you read AUP!!!
ELL / ESL: Kathryn Long Tarter n n Their PSP is legally binding – like an IEP They may listen and speak at level 6 (highest) AND read/write at level 1. 9 (level 1 is lowest); you cannot refuse to accommodate Be kind to these parents and help Provide all forms in both languages n n TRANSACT Attend PD if possible
Coaching Contacts n n n n 7 th grade Girls Basketball Coach: 8 th grade Girls Basketball Coach: 7 th grade Boys Basketball Coach: 8 th grade Boys Basketball Coach: Cheerleader Sponsor: Academic Team Coach: Club Sponsors: See LCMS Student Agenda LCHS Track Coach: LCHS Baseball Coach: LCHS Softball Coach: LCHS Boys Basketball Coach: LCHS Girls Basketball Coach: LCHS Golf Coach: LCHS Volleyball Coach:
Classroom Management n n n n n Try to be as consistent as possible across grade levels with classroom rules and expectations Avoid sending students to run errands in pairs and choose the students you send wisely. Do not give tardies to students for having to leave the room for materials or restroom. Any student in the hall should have a hall pass Discipline Referral - document 3 PRIOR interventions unless offense has * Duty – Be prompt, leave info for sub, ask if you have questions, we’re liable AM Duty PM Duty Supervising Dances, Games, etc. BSD and ASD procedures
Student Disciplinary Procedures “Students don’t remember you because of how great of a teacher you were but because of the way you treated them. “
Student Discipline n n n Try to manage minor behavior problems in the classroom. All discipline requiring an office referral should be referred to Ms. Hudd Don’t send students to the office without a referral or having called to inform the office that they are being sent. Avoid “he said, she said” situations Don’t get involved in non-school related issues Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don’t say it in a mean way.
Minor Infractions Actions Taken Prior to Referral n Warning n Contact Parent n Planned Ignoring (conference after class) n n n Avoid Verbal Confrontation Loss of Privilege (Diner’s Club) Change of Seat Time Owed Teacher Avoid Group Consequences n Group rewards OK
Serious Infractions Send student during problem (Don’t Wait) n Don’t follow student to the office n n Call and I’ll come get them if necessary Avoid verbal confrontation n Avoid escalating the situation n
Dress Code No Sagging (Shorts and Pants must fit at the waist or belt is required) n Jeans may have small holes provided they do not expose skin above the knee n
Athletic n n n Teachers will be given a roster when practice begins n Report minor issues to coach for “team” discipline Report those failing to guidance by Friday at 8 AM Students failing two or more subjects will be suspended from play until grade is passing
Lockers n Lockers have been assigned
Class Schedules n n We will start with the students in the auditorium. Teachers need to be there at 7: 50 to hear and supervise. Cover the hand book and the code of conduct. (Emphasizing the changes from last year)
SBDM If you’d like to present, see SBDM secretary to get on agenda n Regular schedule of meetings is 3 rd Wednesday at 3: 30 PM in Cardinal Room n Parent Reps are Kim Calender and Jennifer Cosby n Teacher Reps are Michaele Edmondson, Michele Powell, and Resanda Robertson n
PTSO Aug 25 Organizational Meeting at 5 PM in Cardinal Room President: n Vice President: n Treasurer: n Secretary: n Staff Liaison: ? ? ? n Student Liaisons: ? ? ? n
LCBOE Meetings 2 nd Monday Monthly n Dress Professionally n
Read e-mail DAILY Morning Reports n Trainings n Minutes from committee meetings, etc. n Read during summer, etc. n
Daily Schedule and Sub Folder EVERY non-teacher staff member turns in accounting by time (daily schedule) --- update in office if it changes so we can find you n Sub Folder n
Media Specialist (Librarian) Dee Wright Student Televised announcements daily at ? ? n Library Classes as scheduled by teacher (teacher to supervise) n Accelerated Reader n Taping Programs n Resources n Flexible Schedule n AC
Special Education Stacy Gary, Michaele Edmondson, Sara Hall n n n Work with collab teachers & FOLLOW IEP, behav plan, etc. Please support them!!! Familiarize yourself with IEP & school records When referring, must conference with counselor first and do documented interventions REPORT if D’s and F’s, behavior concerns, etc. or we will get in due process hearing and lose! SE Staff will monitor timelines, testing accommodations, and IEP. SE staff will have HIGH expectations
Detention: n New Procedures - Attendance n n 7: 20 -2: 50 Breakfast/lunch in room; scheduled RR may exceed days assigned n If serving time, cannot do extracurr that night!!! n Teachers sign in if helping students n
NB: HERE 7: 15 -2: 15 n Self-Transport n
Leigh Choat at LCHS n Media Class that does summer calendar
School Yearbook Dee Wright n Distributed
Academic Team Brett Heppner n Chris Rueter n
School Website Manager: Regina Durard or ME n n Send information about classroom happenings, etc. Send links for school page Send pictures Send ANY student accomplishment information to highlight
Gifted and Talented n n Kathy Tarter will be here on ? ? in ? ? room must be served – GSSP Document in lesson plans what you do for gifted!!! Differentiation End of 1 st and 3 rd quarter --- send home skills report
Others who need to share n ? ? ?
PD n n n 24 hours required (4 days of your contract) TEACHER’s DOMAIN to PBS Learning Media (see PD Plan) ONLINE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT n FREE° to Kentucky Educators (e-Learning Kentucky) n Courses are eligible for 12 or 24 hours EILA or PD Credit. Except as noted, all online courses are appropriate for P-12 teachers and administrators. n Complete Course Catalog and registration: http: //education. ky. gov/Jump. To/? jump=e. Learning n Questions: elearningkyinquiry@education. ky. gov or toll free 1 -866 -432 -0008, extension 4541 n Register: http: //www. education. ky. gov/web_collector/ELearning. htm
PD n n n n n Schedule & documentation sheet is attached and will be emailed Job embedded and attend follow-ups if needed IPGP, CSIP, DCIP considered Principal approval; no personal days to get PD credit Evaluations/Walk-Throughs considered Something you can and will use Bring it back and present to others Invite parents/classified staff, etc. Evaluate all PDs
185 Contract Days ALL to turn in MONTHLY acct n n n n 4 PAID holidays (Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Years) 4 PD (24 hours done based on CSIP and IPGP) 2 Opening and Closing (Aug and May ) 5 Mandatory G-days (Aug, Sept , Oct , Jan , March ) 170 Student Attendance Days (Aug. – May ) For folks on extended calendars or who need EILA, this is different. Please see me if questions. THOSE ON EXT DAYS n n Turn in calendar of days you PLAN to work during 2014 -2015 school year by July 1, 2014 (all need to coordinate so someone is here everyday during summer) Turn in calendar of days you did work during 2013 -2014 school year on June 30, 2014 Needs to be accurate If students present, must take sick or personal day.
Student Discipline Review Discipline Policy in Student Handbook & District Code of Acceptable Behavior n Teach What You Expect n Post Classroom Discipline Plan and File in the Office n Referral n
Required Meetings n Every week is DEPT planning period PLC mtg n n Tuesday: Math and ELA/Writing Program Reviews Wednesday: Science Thursday: SS/PLCS Program Reviews Friday: SE and AH/AH Program Reviews n Every MONDAY is GRADE LEVEL PLC planning period mtg n Every MONDAY after school is COMMITTEE Focus on Student WORK Use time to view test data & analyze student work When ALL staff needed: Faculty meetings on 2 nd Wednesdays after school (plan for 3: 15 -4: 15) or FRIDAYS during 5 th, 7 th, and 8 th periods n n n
COMMITTEE MEETINGS Monday from 3: 15 -4: 15 CSIP I&I due Sept. n n n n 1 st Monday: Academic Performance 2 nd Monday: DLT, PTSO, and LCBOE 3 rd Monday: Learning Environment 4 th Monday: Efficiency 2 nd Wednesday: STAFF 4 th Tuesday: Program Reviews & Coordinated School Health 4 th Thursday: ABRI
Lesson Plans/ Sub folder n n n Emergency Plans Available for Subs – turned into Angie Freeman by Aug. 28 (see attachment) Document IEP Modifications, PSP, & GSSP in lesson plans, etc. Document posters and relation to lesson Lesson Plans for upcoming week to One. Drive by Friday at 3: 00 PM (share with Hudd, Freeman, and SE) EVERY non-teacher staff member turns in accounting by time (daily schedule) --- update in office if it changes so we can find you
Textbook Inventory n n Make sure to fill out TEACHER and STUDENT inventory sheets Accountability TOO many books disappeared from TEACHERextras!!! Please monitor. In a locker search, I found 4 copies of one certain text in a student’s locker (3 were copies loaned/taken from classroom) Several students returned & not on missing list
Grants n Please apply for many!!! n Go to Edpubs. gov and order the "Guide to US Department of Education Programs". It's free.
Attendance Incentives n ? ? ? – School with highest attendance in state gets $500 and T-shirt
Technology All to Demonstrate Use n CPS, projectors, document camera, airliners, etc. n United Streaming (Encyclo. Media) n APEX Clips n DVD players n Interactive Board
Student Forms n Students will return to first period teacher. S/he will give to Mrs. Freeman. n YELLOW Restraint/Seclusion Letter BLUE District Code of Acceptable Behavior GREEN F/R Lunch or fee waiver WHITE Census Vertification GREY Student Pick Up List WHITE Migrant ORANGE Health Services Permission Student Insurance Plan (optional) GOLDEN ROD Publ Consent Form (only for ones that didn’t have already( GOLDEN ROD technology survey PINK or ORANGE Acceptable Use Guidelines Pages 25 -26 of AGENDA: Signed by parent & student 2 x each and by first period teacher once Bus Transportation Code n n n n If you receive any student record information (shot records, physical etc…), please turn those in to Terrin Hayes
Office Procedures & Important Information n n n Purchase Orders/Money/Subs – Angie Attendance/Athletics – Angie No Loitering in offices!!! POs and Travel Reimb Vouchers approved only if COMPLETED (purpose, mileage –odo reading, etc. ) Rank Change information to Board by Sept. 15!!! I need a copy of everyone’s CURRENT certificate, HQ status, PD plan, IPGP, etc. by Aug 28 HOUSSE – please get “highly qualified” quickly as this is phasing out!!!!!!!!!
Secretary & Custodian Hours & Duties In summer, secretaries (9 -2) and custodians (6 -2: 30) are here most everyday n In summer/late evening, feel free to come and n go – just don’t lock keys in building & make sure door closes behind you
Office referrals, records, e-mails n Be careful what you write
Report Cards & Midterms --See School Calendar (at end) n n End of Nine Weeks (may adjust due to weather) n October March n Dec. May MIDTERM (may adjust due to weather) n Sept. Feb. n Nov. April Grades OFFICIALLY Posted by 3 PM (make sure to DOUBLE check grades and send any changes to guidance in writing, signed) n Oct March n Jan May REPORT CARD (may adjust due to weather) n n Oct March Jan May
Field Trips – must have academic focus n n In to office at least 1. 5 months in advance (REQUIRE Board approval if >150 mi , over night, or OOS– meets monthly) None will be approved during K-PREP window n n n n KCCT: April 19 -30, EXPLORE: Sept. Follow district/school policies Inform ALL staff (including specials, cafeteria, etc. ) AND if cancelled Must have board & SBDM approval !!!!!! Cafeteria needs 2 -week notice Make special note on bus request if will require more than one bus Leave detailed info in front office (ATTENDANCE, student names, depart time/return time, destin, SEATING CHART, etc. ) Short notice field trips will NOT be approved. Over plan for bus needs – easier to cancel a bus than to get an extra. Prefer to do school lunch or snack lunch SE T 5 must ride special needs bus. Cancel bus if schedule changes. Must provide bus even if to LCHS – cancel if parents drive of own accord, but must provide for safety.
Accurate Attendance n CALL ROLL THE FIRST WEEK. n n n ASK IF THERE IS ANYONE IN CLASS WHOSE NAME WASN’T CALLED – IF SO, CHECK THE SCHEDULE ON IC. CHECK NUMBER ON ROSTER TO # IN CLASS Take ATTENDANCE immediately (will be monitored) Infinite Campus will require to post each period If a student comes in after you post attendance on computer, send e-mail to Angie for tardy Please do NOT send students who are tardy to the office for a note Keep a hard copy!!! PLEASE BE ACCURATE! These documents are used in court. If a mistake is made, we must re-run a report that requires signatures on multiple pages. Tardy to SCHOOL versus Tardy to CLASS VISITOR sign-in; only OFFICE does STUDENT sign-in/out
Postings in the classroom Bill of Rights n Evacuation Procedures (Tornado, Fire, Bomb, EQ, Lockdown, etc. ) & crisis flip chart n Class rules n Resource Information n Core Content n Student Work!!! n
Duty Morning and Afternoon Everyone Arrive by 7: 40 (7: 20 if duty) n ALL Staff Rotate Duty – see schedule n Restroom Duty schedule n Dance & Game Supervision n Afternoon duty ends at 3: 15 n Supervise; please do not socialize n
ILP SS teachers (through elective rotation) are responsible for monitoring to 100% completion by March 1. – Encourage 4 th quarter to work a lot at home. n District ILP Plan – we all have a part n Staff, Student, and Parent training n You have student and advisor log-ins n
Curriculum n n n OUR DISTRICT WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KDE link for combined curriculum document is on district website a link for songs that relate to content. They are fun and can be useful to several areas. Enjoy. http: //faculty. washington. edu/crowther/Misc/Songs/musi c. shtml http: //teach. clarkschools. net/curriculumresources/#Sixth%20 Grade The Jefferson County website (second) has a lot of open responses with core content, prompt, instructions, and scoring guide. . http: //fmpweb 1. jefferson. k 12. ky. us/Open. Response. Bank/FMPro? -db=orb. Log. fp 5&-lay=web&format=ORlogin. htm&-view The password is orq 2002 KDE has Combined Curriculum Document (POS, KCC, AE, etc. ) at http: //education. ky. gov/KDE/Instructional+Resources/Curriculum+Documents+and+Resources/Teach ing+Tools/Combined+Curriculum+Documents/default. htm n The Combined Curriculum Document (CCD) is a resource created by the Kentucky Department of Education to show the connection between the Academic Expectations, Program of Studies, and the Core Content for Assessment Version 4. 1. The CCD was created as a response to requests from districts to produce a resource that included curriculum
NCLB n n n n 100 % of students on grade level by 2014 AMO will rise every year for BOTH reading and math Title I schools subject to sanctions Demonstrate that all groups are making AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) If don’t make AYP for 2 years in a row, “school in need of improvement” and parents may transfer students; If 4 years in a row, corrective action --- 5 years, restructuring Parents may request proof teacher highly qualified Sept ? districts get results – data public on Sept ? at 8 AM EDT
K-PREP n n n n K-PREP: – Last 14 inst days (send home reminders & test taking tips – avoid check-outs, absences, etc. ) EXPLORE (Acct for 8 th): Sept. 17, 2014 Code of Ethics Training for all who administer test Reader/scribe training for those involved with testing SE students Sept ? district gets results; EMBARGOED until Sept ? at 12: 01 AM Eastern Time See web for internet access to released items from last year’s test NO TRIPS BEFORE JUNE 10
Cumulative Student Records Locked in school counselor’s office n Refer to regularly n Bring family, record, etc. information to my attention n
Weekly Lesson Plan Format n n n n Upload to One. Drive for upcoming week by Friday at 3 PM. Share with Hudd and SE teacher KCAS Number GT differentiation, IEP/PSP/GSSP/504 accommodations MI (Linguistic, Logical-Math, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpers, Intrapers, Naturalist) Poster use Document OR, OD, Portfolio writing – put prompt, scoring guide and sample student work in NB Document best practices, A+, comprehension skills, RWG, technology, etc. Optional Lesson Plan Form (for formatives) is available in evaluation section of Staff Handbook
Assessment Notebook n n n n KCAS Checklist Units with assessment that proves mastery At least 2 OR per quarter (7 total for year) with prompt, scoring guide, and at least 4 student responses with TEACHER comments (N, A, P, D). If no N, put in 2 apprentice. Data that shows how your class is performing – prove you’re successful (K-PREP, STAR, Classroom, pre/post, Learning Checks, MAP, comparisions/correlations, etc. ) SWAT (Student Work Analysis Team-Tuning Protocols) Evaluations/Walk-Throughs IPGP, PDs May be reviewed at PLC meetings
School Ambiance Stand at door and greet each student DAILY, each period n Student work posted n Bulletin Boards (Student Accomplishments, CSIP, SBDM, etc. ) n CLEAN !!! n
Teacher Parking By Cardinal Room n Entry through Cardinal Room n VIP parking chosen every two weeks n
Fixed Assets & Clrm Inventory n n n Strict accounting procedures for inventory items over $1000 (with bar code – computer on CPU) Inform us immediately if you’ve moved computers, fixed assets, etc. Complete classroom inventory sheets (include personal materials for insurance purposes) If you moved a computer, FILL OUT FORM AND send to ? ? Disposal guidelines – can’t just throw away
Annual Needs Assessment E-mail me any concerns (dream!!!) n Summer maintenance list before you leave in summer n n Secret Pals, Boss’s Day, etc – suggest having a long term bldg impv and getting those things
Fundraisers n n n Try to avoid Must have board approval and they meet monthly!!!!!! REQUESTS Must be submitted at least 1. 5 months early Must fill out inventory forms (worksheet F-SA-2 B) and multiple receipt forms – see Angie for RED BOOK REGS Must fill out form F-SA-2 A (approval) All groups wanting bus transportation MUST do a fundraiser
Prichard Committee Inform me of anyone you think would be a good candidate n Encourage parent involvement – sometimes they just want to know that they’re being heard n CIPL n
SE n n n n Outstanding Records – be very careful ESY – Keep accurate records prior to and after ALL breaks!!! T 5 – Make sure entered in IC (& SETS) as we’re funded based on data there Timelines – 100% met Meet minutes of each student’s IEP Maximus Training (30 min video and answer questions) Be an instructor in the collaborative setting Watch grades, report academic or discipline problems, make sure interventions/accommodations are in place, etc.
School Counselor: Ms. Hayes
CSIP & CDIP n n n Know your responsibilities from both of these documents DCIP contains several teacher expectations in components BOTH CSIP AND CDIP MAY BE REWRITTEN THIS YEAR. n n n Academic Performance: Implementation and Impact Check at Sept, Jan, and May SBDM meetings Leadership Committee writes Needs Asmt & Executive Summary Consider DATA (SISI, K-PREP, EXPLORE, Surveys, Reviews, Classroom, STAR, attendance, discipline, PI, Prog Rev, etc. ) Write using SISI Language Drives PD (broad topics) Only one individual responsible by JOB TITLE (do not use names)
CSIP Highlights n It is your responsibility to read CSIP and CDIP and be sure to implement those activities for which you are responsible.
Reminders n n n Resource Rooms Hall Pass Procedure (10 total per qtr unless doctor’s note; you don’t have to allow out if empty; complete in INK; please ask to see hall pass if you see students in hall) Weekly athletic grade checks – teachers responsibility to let AD know of those on roster with F in class. Status will not change midweek unless teacher error in favor of child (not extra credit work). Discipline Referral form (you’ll get IC/email notification back). One student name per referral, copy to parent, be professional and you may attach extra information, list witnesses to me For busses, OVER plan. Easier to cancel a bus than to get an extra. Prefer to do school lunch.
Reviews Required Meetings n Full faculty writes CSIP using SISI n All decisions based on vision/mission and student achievement n ALL students can learn n We disaggregate data, analyze student work, familiar with new KCAS and DOK, surveys, suggestion box, etc. n
Appeals Panel
Past Concerns n n n Comments in student publications Writing child a referral before calling and letting parent try to fix problem Professionalism Use of tact Sarcasm & too much play
Student Mentoring Persistence to Graduation Report Home Visits (Voluntary) n Ride A Bus Home on Tuesdays (Voluntary- Clear w/ Drvr to bring back) n During school day – PLAN n Discuss students in GL PLCs n
Review New Hall Pass n Writing Plan n Program Review Unit n 504/SE n
Guiding Questions As a student, which of all your teachers helped you to become what you are today? n Who nurtured you? n What characteristics did she/he/they display? n Do you display those traits? n
Guiding Quote n “I’ve come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It’s my personal approach that creates the climate. It’s my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or dehumanized. ” -Haim Ginott
THANKS Team Work n Support n Offering to help and do what’s best for students n Working EXTRA hours for FREE n Open Door Policy – Talk with me, not about me (I can’t fix it if I don’t know about it) n
Ticket Out Everyone sign stating receipt/discussion of above. n Note TO-DO list n
Discussion n n 8 th graders in full meeting? Questions Classroom Expectations Anchor Statement Voice Levels n n 0: No talking 1: Whisper 2: Only person beside can hear 3: Presentation voice (outside voice)
Video to watch during lunch n http: //joyousrenegade. com/celebrate-whatsright-with-the-world/