Скачать презентацию Living Working in Germany Health Professions Gudrun Скачать презентацию Living Working in Germany Health Professions Gudrun


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Living & Working in Germany Health Professions Gudrun Pieper and Vanessa Geske, October 2012, Living & Working in Germany Health Professions Gudrun Pieper and Vanessa Geske, October 2012, Thessaloniki Welcome to Germany!

Welcome to Germany! Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn Seite Welcome to Germany! Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn Seite 2

Agenda ZAV – The International Placement Services of the German Federal Employment Agency Some Agenda ZAV – The International Placement Services of the German Federal Employment Agency Some facts about Germany and it´s labour market Working in Germany - what is it like to live & work in Germany? How EURES Germany supports you in finding a job? Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn Seite 3

The International Placement Services (ZAV) EURES Germany – member of the European EURES-Network Provides The International Placement Services (ZAV) EURES Germany – member of the European EURES-Network Provides services for: § jobseekers from Germany and from abroad § German repatriates § German employers § High school graduates from abroad (for example Greece) about studying in Germany Our responsibilities include: § Placement for jobseekers from abroad in Germany and from Germany worldwide § Specific recruitment events in both directions (like Job Fair in November) § Placement foreign graduates of German universities § Information and advice about the German labour market and employment opportunities § Information and advise about mobility of education in Europe Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn Seite 4

Some facts about Germany Surface area: 357. 000 km² Population: 82. 6 million § Some facts about Germany Surface area: 357. 000 km² Population: 82. 6 million § ~ 15 mill. with a migration background § ~ 300. 000 Greeks Capital: Berlin 16 federal states …. that means 16 different ways to get your license to practise medicine Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn Seite 5

The German Labour Market Unemployment rates July 2012 Germany 6, 8 Western States 5, The German Labour Market Unemployment rates July 2012 Germany 6, 8 Western States 5, 9 Eastern States 10, 3 Number of unemployed persons: 2. 905. 000 Julia Dixon, EURES-Germany Seite 6

The German Labour Market: where is the demand? Labour demand in following professions: Engineers The German Labour Market: where is the demand? Labour demand in following professions: Engineers and IT specialists Medical doctors Nurses Hotel and catering staff Metal workers and electricians Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn Seite 7

Demand in Health Sector Doctors = Fachkräftemangel (Vakanzzeit liegt mind. 40% über dem Bundesdurchschnitt Demand in Health Sector Doctors = Fachkräftemangel (Vakanzzeit liegt mind. 40% über dem Bundesdurchschnitt aller Berufe und es gibt weniger als 150 Arbeitslose je 100 gemeldete Stellen oder es gibt weniger Arbeitslose als gemeldete Stellen) Datenquelle: Statistik der Bundesagentur für Arbeit Nurses = Anzeichen für Fachkräfteengpässe (Vakanzzeit ist über dem Bundesdurchschnitt aller Berufe und es gibt weniger als 300 Arbeitslose je 100 gemeldeten Stellen) carer for the elderly = keine Engpässe (Vakanzzeit ist unter dem Bundesdurchschnitt aller Berufe oder es gibt mehr als 300 Arbeitslose je 100 gemeldete Stellen) Seite 8

Labour Market for medical professions ~ 335. 000 medical doctors in Germany ~ 25. Labour Market for medical professions ~ 335. 000 medical doctors in Germany ~ 25. 000 foreign doctors in Germany ~ 2. 000 Greek doctors in Germany ~ 5. 500 open vacancies in Germany Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV-Bonn Seite 9

Requirements for Health Professions good/excellent German skills (B 2 -Level – Mittelstufe) often English Requirements for Health Professions good/excellent German skills (B 2 -Level – Mittelstufe) often English skills desired successfully completed formation work experience motivation capacity for teamwork willingness to acquire new skills Professional Recognition (Provincial Level) Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV-Bonn Seite 10

Procedures for Professional Recognition (Provincial Level) First step: You will need the Certificate of Procedures for Professional Recognition (Provincial Level) First step: You will need the Certificate of Conformity (mutual recognition by EU-directive 2005/36) from the Greek Health Ministry. and German Language in level of B 2 Second step: You will need to apply for jobs in Germany, in best case you will get a job-offer, for example in Northrhine. Westphalia Third step: Apply for approbation of your national Medicine Degree with bodies on provincial/regional level. For the future: For recognition of a specialised Assistant/ Resident Doctors (“Facharzt”) Degree, § you will need to apply at the provincial Doctors’ Chamber (Landesärztekammer). Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV-Bonn Seite 11

Wages for Medical Doctors in Germany There is no general minimum wage regulation (Exceptions Wages for Medical Doctors in Germany There is no general minimum wage regulation (Exceptions for special branches) Wages depend on collective agreements (Tarifvertrag) which exist for most sectors Regional differences (East-West/North-South) Wages: monthly salary (gross) – the net salary is lower Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn Seite 12

Which „Gross Salary“ can you expect? The “Marburger Bund” has negotiated tariffs (valid in Which „Gross Salary“ can you expect? The “Marburger Bund” has negotiated tariffs (valid in 2012) for: - 1) hospitals working on municipal level (“TV-Ärzte/VKA”) - 2) university hospitals (“Td. L”): Assistant Doctors : 1) from 3844 EUR (1 st. year) up to 4809 EUR (5 th. year) 2) from 4032 EUR (1 st. year) up to 5044 EUR (5 th. year) Specialised (Resident) Doctors: 1) from 5073 EUR (1 st. year) up to 6516 EUR (13 th. year) 2) from 5321 EUR (1 st. year) up to 6499 EUR (13 th. year) Furthermore, the “Marburger Bund” has negotiated several tariffs with the larger hospital groups. For more details, please refer to: http: //www. marburger-bund. de/tarifpolitik/tarifvertraege. php Medical Doctors for Germany, October 2012 © Bundesagentur für Arbeit Seite 13

How much do I have to deduct from my Salary? Social Security System: Health How much do I have to deduct from my Salary? Social Security System: Health Insurance 15, 5 % Unemployment Insurance 3, 0 % Pension 19, 9 % Long-Term Care Insurance 1, 95 % Work Accident Insurance paid by employer Taxation Income tax 14 % - 42 % (Depending on income and marital status) Church tax 8 % - 9 % of income tax Solidarity tax 5, 5 % of income tax Automatically deducted from the salary Registration to the social insurance system is made by the employer Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn Seite 14

Sample Salary Statement Month Salary Year 3000, - € 36. 000, - € 294, Sample Salary Statement Month Salary Year 3000, - € 36. 000, - € 294, 01 € 45, 00 € 246, 00 € 36, 76 € 3. 528, 12 € 540, 00 € 2. 952, 00 € 441, 12 € 621, 77 € 7. 461, 24 € 25, 75 € 42, 15 € 468, 33 € 309, 00 € 505, 80 € 5. 620, 00 € 536, 23 € 6. 434, 76 € 1. 842, 00 € 22. 104, 00 € Social security contributions Pension Unemployment insurance Health insurance Long-term care insurance Total Social Contributions Taxation Solidarity tax Church tax Income tax Total Taxation Salary after deductions example given for single person without kids, withholding tax class 1, living in NRW, working 40 h/week. Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn Seite 15

How to Find a Job : EURES Germany is pleased to assist you finding How to Find a Job : EURES Germany is pleased to assist you finding a job in Germany! We welcome your application – send your CV to workingermany@arbeitsagentur. de will introduce interesting jobs to you and matches your profile with open vacancies by interest: publishes your profile in the job portal (Jobbörse) of the German Federal Employment Agency http: //jobboerse. arbeitsagentur. de presents german vacancies in the EURES portal http: //ec. europa. eu/eures presents german vacancies in cooperation with the national EUREs-Teams Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn Seite 16

The Job Portal of the German Federal Employment Agency choose language Register/ Log in The Job Portal of the German Federal Employment Agency choose language Register/ Log in Quicksearch/ advanded Search Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn Seite 17

How to Find a Job : Your application in Germany Your application should include: How to Find a Job : Your application in Germany Your application should include: § CV and cover letter § photo (optional) Use the Europass CV for your application! https: //europass. cedefop. europa. eu/cvonline/ § online application training http: //www. berufe. tv/BA/weitere. Filme/? family. ID=1000027&family =Bewerbungstraining § online application training for academics https: //lernboerse. arbeitsagentur. de/aktiv/media/akademiker/101 005_bewerbungstraining/index. htm Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn Seite 18

Be our guest at our jobfair next month! From 1 th to the 2 Be our guest at our jobfair next month! From 1 th to the 2 nd November at the main campus will be a JOBFAIR for interested Graduates in Medicine and students Program: information presentation 15 employers will be in Thessaloniki presenting their job offers § in total we have job vacancies from about 40 employers( hospitals) § around 60 individual job offers Our Service for you Career advise at our stand during the event Long-term consultance, coaching and guidance during your job seeking process Feel welcome! Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn Seite 19

Contact Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung Internationaler Personalservice Villemombler Str. 76 53123 Bonn Germany Phone: Contact Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung Internationaler Personalservice Villemombler Str. 76 53123 Bonn Germany Phone: +49 228 713 -1313 e-mail: workingermany@arbeitsagentur. de www. zav. de Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn Seite 20

Living and Working in Germany Thank you for your attention! Living and Working in Germany Thank you for your attention!

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