Liver and blood biochemistry.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 41
Liver 30% dry residue 70% H 2 O >50% proteins 90% globulins
Liver functions Metabolic function Storage Detoxification Digestive function Excretory function Homeostatic function
Carbohydrate metabolism Glucose 10 -15% Glycogen synthesis 60% Oxidation 30% Fatty acid synthesis
Glycogen Glucose-6 phosphate Glycolysis Pentose phosphate pathway Glucose
Lipid metabolism VLDL HDL Liver Phospholipids TAG Cholesterol Ketone bodies
Niemann - Pick disease is caused by mutations in a gene of lysosomal sphingomyelinase. Gaucher disease is caused by deficiency of the enzyme glucocerebrosidase.
Regulation of cholesterol synthesis
Liver Parenchymal damage Obstructive jaundice Hypocholesterolemia Hypercholesterolemia
Bile acids synthesis Cholesterol 7 - -hydroxylase 7 - -hydroxy cholesterol Reduction, hydroxylation 3 - , 7 - - diol Side chain oxidation Chenodeoxycholic acid Cholic acid
Anino acid and protein metabolism
albumins -globulins Liver -globulins
Ceruloplasmin catalyzes the oxidation of polyphenols and polyamines. It’s concentration is increased in inflammatory processes. Wilson's disease (hepatolenticular disease) is an inborn error of copper metabolism. Menkes disease ("disease of curly hair”) is a violation of the cellular transport of copper due to a defect of ATPase.
α-1 -antitrypsin inhibits proteases in biological fluids of the body. Deficiency of α-1 -antitrypsin is associated with emphysema and liver cirrhosis. Plasma clotting factors: prothrombin, fibrinogen, prothrombin conversion factor (proconvertin) Elements of anticoagulation system: heparin, antithrombin, antiplasmin.
Urea Cycle
Vitamins Absorption: А, D, Е, К Deposition: А, В 1, Р, Е, К, РР Activation: В 1, В 2, В 6 Participation in chemical reactions: В 1, В 2, В 5, В 12, С, К
Detoxifying Liver Function Hydroxylation: R–Н R–ОН Epoxidation: R–CН=СН–R' R–CH–CH–R' O Sulfoxidation: R–S–R' О Dealkylation: RОСН 3 RОН + Н 2 С=О RNHСН 3 RNH 2 + Н 2 С=О Reduction of nitro compounds: RNО 2 RNH 2
Metabolism of acetylsalicylic acid
Chemical composition of blood Proteins: albumin, globulins Functions: - , V, p. H - Viscosity - Transport - Blood clotting - Immunity - Amino acids
Chemical composition of blood Lipoproteins C-reactive protein Interferon Antitrypsin Enzymes: - excretory - secretory - indicator
Chemical composition of blood Non-protein nitrogen components Nitrogen-free organic compounds Electrolytes Micronutrients
Blood buffer systems СО 2 + Н 2 О ↔ Н 2 СО 3 ↔ Н+ + НСО 3 - ↔ Н+ + НРО 2 Н 2 РО 4 4 KHb + Н 2 СО 3 КНСО 3 +
Bohr effect
O 2 and CO 2 transport
The scheme of blood coagulation
Blood clotting factors Factor I (fibrinogen) Factor II (prothrombin) Factor III (tissue factor, or tissue thromboplastin) Factor IV (Ca 2 + ions) Factor V (proaccelerin) Factor VII (prothrombinogen, proconvertin) Factor VIII (antihemophylic globulin A)
Blood clotting factors Factor IX (antihemophylic globulin B, Christmas factor) Factor X (Stuart - Power factor) Factor XI (Rosenthal factor, plasma thromboplastin) Factor XII (Hageman factor) Factor XIII (fibrin-stabilizing factor, transglutaminase) Factors of platelets.
The formation of the -carboxyglutamate residue
Colorized scanning electron micrograph of a whole blood clot
Liver and blood biochemistry.ppt