Lipid metabolism 2.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 35
Selforganization of phospholipids
Cleavage sites of phospholipases
Phosphatidyl inositol calcium system Pi. P 2
Phospholipase A 2 of bee venom
The synthesis of acetylcholine Choline acetyltransferase acetylcholine
Phospholipid synthesis
Violations of complex lipid metabolism 2 1 3 4 1 - Gaucher disease (glucocerebrosidase deficiency) 2 - Krabbe disease (galactocerebrosidase deficiency) 3 - Farber disease (ceramidase deficiency) 4 - Niemann-Pick disease (sphingomielinidase deficiency)
Polyunsaturated fatty acids Linoleic acid (18: 2; 9, 12) Linolenic acid (18: 3; 9, 12, 15) Arachidonic acid (20: 4; 5; 8, 11, 14)
Eicosanoids Arachidonic acid Leukotrienes Prostaglandins Thromboxanes
Eicosanoids synthesis
Cholesterol ester
Classification of steroids С 27 (8) С 21 (2) С 24 (5) С 18 (0)
Cholesterol synthesis Acetyl. Co. A acetyltransferase 2 Acetoacetyl-Co. A
mevalonate ATP farnesyl pyrophosphate (С 15) NADPH+H+ squalene (C 30)
Cholesterol ester metabolism Acylcholesterol + Н 2 О Fatty acid + Cholesterol
Cholesterol 7 - -hydroxylase 7 - -hydroxy cholesterol Reduction, hydroxylation 3 - , 7 - - diol Side chain oxydation Chenodeoxycholic acid Cholic acid
Bile acid synthesis Cholesterol Chenodeoxycholic acid Cholic acid Lythocholic acid Deoxycholic acid
Stationary state (Cholesterol endog + Cholesterol exog) = = (Cholesterol excr + Bile acids excr)
Joseph L. Goldstein
Atherosclerotic plaque
Atherosclerotic plaque
Atherosclerotic plaque is surgically scraped from artery
Lipid metabolism 2.ppt