Скачать презентацию Lingvo-cultural facts of translation political texts from English Скачать презентацию Lingvo-cultural facts of translation political texts from English


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Lingvo-cultural facts of translation political texts from English into Ukrainian Ziziukina V. О. , Lingvo-cultural facts of translation political texts from English into Ukrainian Ziziukina V. О. , pupil of 9 B form Kharkivska gymnasia № 34 Харківської міської ради Харківської області Вишневська Альона Сергіївна, teacher of English Kharkivska gymnasia № 34

The topicality is coursed by an study of lingvocultural factors, The success of language The topicality is coursed by an study of lingvocultural factors, The success of language and cultural communication in the sphere of contacts between representatives from different professional backgrounds depends on a careful approach to the language as the national picture of the world

The aim of our research: to ascertain the lingvo cultural facts, the character and The aim of our research: to ascertain the lingvo cultural facts, the character and the level of its influence on the process and the result of the translator’s decision.

Tasks: to find out and illustrate the level of influence and determination of socio Tasks: to find out and illustrate the level of influence and determination of socio historical and cultural factors on the interpreter’s activity; to work out a theoretical explanation of a comparative cultural research of the political texts; to reveal the methods of the translation of political literature; to investigate grammatical, lexical, stylistic and phraseological difficulties of the translation of political literature.

The object of our work political literature in English and Ukrainian The object of our work political literature in English and Ukrainian

The subject lingvo cultural peculiarities between Ukrainian and English languages in the definite sphere The subject lingvo cultural peculiarities between Ukrainian and English languages in the definite sphere of their functioning

Methods of research lingvocultural interpretation; comparable analysis of language. contextual analysis; comparative analysis of Methods of research lingvocultural interpretation; comparable analysis of language. contextual analysis; comparative analysis of lexical definitions

 The scientific novelty of the research lies in its creative approach to the The scientific novelty of the research lies in its creative approach to the study and methods of translation, besides it contains a detailed review of ways and methods of the translation.

 The practical significance is that its theoretical points, conclusions, materials and some facts The practical significance is that its theoretical points, conclusions, materials and some facts of crosscultural analogy can be used in comparative linguistics, in theory of translation, in translation theory of Ukrainian and English languages, in lexicography, in practice of political translation.

 Our research comprises an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography list. Our research comprises an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography list. The total volume of the paper is 32 pages

The first chapter “Translation as a branch of modern linguistics” gives a detailed review The first chapter “Translation as a branch of modern linguistics” gives a detailed review of the study of theory of translation: a historical background of the translation; the information about an equivalence and adequacy of the translation; some pragmatic peculiarities of the translation of political texts with a focus on a political discourse.

The second chapter “Lingvocultural problems of translation” deals with a detailed study of grammatical, The second chapter “Lingvocultural problems of translation” deals with a detailed study of grammatical, lexical, stylistic difficulties. Political terminology cause some difficulties. The usage of names and nominations require some background knowledge.

 The Pentagon ― Пентагон (Міністерство Оборони США ), or Міністерство Оборони США Massachusetts The Pentagon ― Пентагон (Міністерство Оборони США ), or Міністерство Оборони США Massachusetts - штат Массачусетс СТВ Treaty (comprehensive test ban treaty) – договір про всеохопну заборону випробовувань АВМ (anti-baliistic missile) system – система ПРО (протиракет ої оборони) н

Lexical transformation (concretization) The participating States intend to further the development of contacts and Lexical transformation (concretization) The participating States intend to further the development of contacts and exchanges among young people by encouraging…the further development of youth tourism and the provision to this end of appropriate facilities. Держави-учасники мають намір сприяти розвитку контактів і обмінів між молоддю, заохочуючи. . . подальший розвиток молодіжного туризму та надання для цієї мети відповідних пільг.

Grammatical transformation – transposition Progress in transition was sustained at a somewhat slower pace, Grammatical transformation – transposition Progress in transition was sustained at a somewhat slower pace, though (Дж. Буш, “The Times”) У справі переходу прогрес став стійким, лише його темпи дещо сповільнилися.

Lexico-grammatical transformation More light was shed yesterday on the effect of C. S. gas, Lexico-grammatical transformation More light was shed yesterday on the effect of C. S. gas, which was claimed by Pentagon to be virtually harmless to health [35]. Вчора надійшли додаткові свідчення про шкідливу дію газу C. S. , який, згідно з твердженням Пентагону, нібито безпечний для здоров’я.

Conclusions Translation is a diverse process that demands from the translator a lot of Conclusions Translation is a diverse process that demands from the translator a lot of efforts. Political translation is complicated process. It requires from the translator accuracy and adequacy during the translation The lack of an appropriate form, an overlap, differences in the nature and use of forms have the result in grammatical transformations in translation such as substitution, omission, transposition and supplementation.

 Original clichés are produced in each language In the lexical systems of English Original clichés are produced in each language In the lexical systems of English and Ukrainian languages, there are discrepancies The political texts are full of lexical coloring, expressivity of the language. They have stylistic coloring, genre direction and some intertextuality.

 Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention!