Скачать презентацию Lingua Folio A Tool for Reflective Learning Скачать презентацию Lingua Folio A Tool for Reflective Learning


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Lingua. Folio A Tool for Reflective Learning & Student Self-Assessment Accountability Conference February 11, Lingua. Folio A Tool for Reflective Learning & Student Self-Assessment Accountability Conference February 11, 2008 Helga Fasciano NC Department of Public Instruction

Today we will…. Discuss “Balanced Assessment” ELP and Lingua. Folio Research Share ESL Lingua. Today we will…. Discuss “Balanced Assessment” ELP and Lingua. Folio Research Share ESL Lingua. Folio Pilot

Lingua. Folio is a standards-based, selfdirected formative assessment tool that records ongoing learner progress Lingua. Folio is a standards-based, selfdirected formative assessment tool that records ongoing learner progress and, along with external summative assessment results, provides a comprehensive view of student performance.

A Comprehensive Balanced Assessment System Aligned to State Standards Statewide Assessments (Summative) Interim/Benchmark Assessments A Comprehensive Balanced Assessment System Aligned to State Standards Statewide Assessments (Summative) Interim/Benchmark Assessments (Summative) Classroom Assessment (Formative and Summative) Future Ready Schools

Focus on the Importance of Classroom Assessment Classroom assessment guides students’ judgment of “what Focus on the Importance of Classroom Assessment Classroom assessment guides students’ judgment of “what is important to learn, affects their motivation and self perceptions of competence, structures their approaches to and timing of personal study…consolidates learning and affects the development of enduring learning strategies and skills. It appears to be the most potent force influencing education” Crooks (1988) Future Ready Schools

Formative & Summative Assessment Options • Self-assessments of language competencies and intercultural experiences • Formative & Summative Assessment Options • Self-assessments of language competencies and intercultural experiences • Work samples • Benchmark • ELP • STAMP • End-of-Course exam • OPI • Performance task

LANGUAGE BIOGRAPHY Language learning background Can-do statements Learning goals PASSPORT Summarized snap shot of LANGUAGE BIOGRAPHY Language learning background Can-do statements Learning goals PASSPORT Summarized snap shot of selfassessments DOSSIER Text, audio, Text and digital work samples Record of summative external assessment results

Lingua. Folio allows learners n to examine their language competencies n to consider their Lingua. Folio allows learners n to examine their language competencies n to consider their cultural interactions n to develop reflective learning skills n to manage their own language learning n provide a holistic view of their language performance


EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO EUROPÉEN DES LANGUES Common Scale of Reference (CSR) a description of EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO EUROPÉEN DES LANGUES Common Scale of Reference (CSR) a description of what people can do at 6 different levels of language performance and competence A-Basic User A 1 A 2 B-Independent User B 1 B 2 C-Proficient User C 1 C 2

Watching TV and Film l l l C 1/C 2 Can follow films employing Watching TV and Film l l l C 1/C 2 Can follow films employing a considerable degree of slang and idiomatic use B 2 Can understand most TV news and current affairs programs B 2 Can understand a large part of many TV programs on topics of personal interest B 1 Can follow many films in which visuals and action carry much of the story line & language is straightforward A 2 Can identify main points and follow changes of topic of factual TV news items & form an idea of the main content

European Common Scale of Reference LF TESOL Student Standards ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines and European Common Scale of Reference LF TESOL Student Standards ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines and Proficiency Guidelines Lingua. Folio

Language Biography Can-dos Language Biography Can-dos

Classroom Activity Easily p I can identify 5 rooms in a house. With help Classroom Activity Easily p I can identify 5 rooms in a house. With help __ __ p I can make a chore list for my family members. p I can answer questions about my room. p I can write a 4 -sentence description of my house for a realtor.

Reflecting on Interculturality Learners also need to be able to selfassess their intercultural activities. Reflecting on Interculturality Learners also need to be able to selfassess their intercultural activities. n Are learners aware of the multiple aspects of culture? n Do they know where to find and how to engage in intercultural activities?

Research from the ELP pilot Increased motivation n Increased self-confidence n Increased active learning Research from the ELP pilot Increased motivation n Increased self-confidence n Increased active learning n Increased time thinking about learning n Improved relations between learner/teacher n Increased parent awareness n

Reflective Teaching The teacher uses the target language n helps learners to communicate by Reflective Teaching The teacher uses the target language n helps learners to communicate by scaffolding speech n engages learners in activities that produce language n involves learners regularly in evaluating their progress & thinking about how they learn n

Reflective Learning The learners think about their own learning through a deliberate step-by-step process. Reflective Learning The learners think about their own learning through a deliberate step-by-step process. n gradually develop a useful repertoire of learning strategies. n demystify the learning process through ongoing teacher, peer and self-evaluation. n

Learners’ reflections include connecting what they already know to what they are learning n Learners’ reflections include connecting what they already know to what they are learning n checking frequently to see what they can and cannot do yet n determining which activities help them learn most effectively n setting small, achievable goals n planning and monitoring future learning n

Student Self-Check What am I learning? n Why am I learning it? n How Student Self-Check What am I learning? n Why am I learning it? n How successful is my learning? n How can I demonstrate my learning? n What am I going to do next? n

Student Reflection Activity About my learning n I have learned… n I can… n Student Reflection Activity About my learning n I have learned… n I can… n I am good at… n I haven’t managed… n I don’t understand… n I have difficulty in… About the lessons n I like best… n The most interesting thing is… n I don’t like… n The most boring thing is…

Learner Autonomy Does not mean. . . n Self-instruction n Teacher transferring all control Learner Autonomy Does not mean. . . n Self-instruction n Teacher transferring all control to learners Does mean. . . n Learners accept responsibility for their learning, review their learning and evaluate its effectiveness n Learners exhibit a capacity for reflection

Lingua. Folio Nebraska Study Dr. Ali Moeller, University of Nebraska n the impact of Lingua. Folio Nebraska Study Dr. Ali Moeller, University of Nebraska n the impact of goal setting on student achievement n the role of self-assessment n the implementation of LF as an assessment tool to promote articulated K-16 language programs

ESL Lingua. Folio p NC districts volunteered to explore possibilities in 2007 p ESL ESL Lingua. Folio p NC districts volunteered to explore possibilities in 2007 p ESL teachers and coordinators trained and began task of adapting checklists to meet the needs of ESL learners

ESL Lingua. Folio p Created 3 -5, 6 -8, and 9 -12 checklists p ESL Lingua. Folio p Created 3 -5, 6 -8, and 9 -12 checklists p Spring pilot focusing on advanced level students p Continue the collaboration with other states: Georgia, Kentucky, Nebraska, South Carolina and Virginia

Next Steps p Work with national experts on TESOL standards alignment p Spring pilot Next Steps p Work with national experts on TESOL standards alignment p Spring pilot participants will review and revise p Online professional development opportunities

Resources n European Language Portfolio http: //culture 2. coe. int/portfolio/ n Lingua. Folio 5 Resources n European Language Portfolio http: //culture 2. coe. int/portfolio/ n Lingua. Folio 5 -State Pilot http: //www. doe. virginia. gov/linguafolio/ n Lingua. Folio Nebraska http: //www. nde. state. ne. us/FORLG/Pre. K 16. htm n National Council of State Supervisors for Languages http: //www. ncssfl. org

Contact n Helga Fasciano Section Chief, K-12 Programs 919 -807 -3864 hfascian@dpi. state. nc. Contact n Helga Fasciano Section Chief, K-12 Programs 919 -807 -3864 hfascian@dpi. state. nc. us