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Linearity of HBTs for RF power application 2002 -21535 배성준 Outline 1. Linearity in PA 2. Intercept points, Volterra analysis 3. Volterra analysis – Maas 4. Volterra analysis – Pavlidis 5. Volterra analysis – Asbeck 6. Volterra analysis – Bumman Kim 7. Others 8. Conclusion S. Bae 06/22 1 Millimeter-wave Integrated Systems Lab.
Linearity in PA PA Y=a 1 X+a 2 X 2+a 3 X 3+…. . BPF rejection Intermodulation Product Hard to remove specification of PA S. Bae 06/22 2 Millimeter-wave Integrated Systems Lab.
Intercept points : linear parameters, small signal linearity IP 5 IP 3 fundamental IM 3 IM 5 Pin The difference between fundamental and IM : large signal linearity S. Bae 06/22 3 Millimeter-wave Integrated Systems Lab.
Volterra analysis Volterra series analysis is more general methods than power series analysis, is standard method to analysis weekly nonlinear circuits, is limited only at small signal levels, but gives inspection of intermodulation mechanism at large signal level. Detailed descriptions for Volterra series : S. A. Maas, Nonlinear Microwave Circuits, Norwood, MA: Artech House, 1988 S. Bae 06/22 4 Millimeter-wave Integrated Systems Lab.
Volterra analysis – Maas 3 nonlinearities : resistive junction, capacitive junction, nonlinear current source depletion cap is dominant at forward bias = zero S. Bae 06/22 5 Millimeter-wave Integrated Systems Lab.
Volterra analysis – Pavlidis 4 nonlinearities : resistive junction(gje), capacitive junction(Cje), nonlinear current source( ), Cbc S. Bae 06/22 6 Millimeter-wave Integrated Systems Lab.
210 Partial cancellation of and gje S. Bae 06/22 7 Millimeter-wave Integrated Systems Lab.
Volterra analysis – Asbeck Wc=4000 A Vce=2. 7 V Longer collector : degraded small signal linearity, but not degraded large signal linearity. S. Bae 06/22 8 Millimeter-wave Integrated Systems Lab.
gm Cbc A : gm B : Ic dependence of the collector depletion layer C : Kirk effect S. Bae 06/22 9 Millimeter-wave Integrated Systems Lab.
Volterra analysis – Bumman Kim No Kirk effect Linear Cbc Normal Nonlinear Cbc S. Bae 06/22 10 Punch -though Nonlinear +linear Linear Millimeter-wave Integrated Systems Lab.
Others – input matching vs. linearity Self-linearization Large Signal Linearization !! S. Bae 06/22 11 Millimeter-wave Integrated Systems Lab.
Others - IMD Asymmetry Memory effect at Envelope frequency. 1. Base band termination ( imaginary ) 2. Thermal resistance S. Bae 06/22 12 Millimeter-wave Integrated Systems Lab.
Conclusion v v v High IP 3 of HBTs ( good LFOM ) Partial cancellation of emitter and collector current nonlinearities The negative feedback from RE, RB linearization Improved IP 3 with punch-through, thin collector structures Thin collector structure results low Bvceo The epi-structures for GSM, CDMA may be different. S. Bae 06/22 13 Millimeter-wave Integrated Systems Lab.
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