- Количество слайдов: 31
Limitations & Exceptions for Libraries, Archives & Museums Denise Nicholson Copyright Services Librarian University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Denise. Nicholson@wits. ac. za African-Arab Regional Seminar "Limitations and Exceptions to Copyright and Related Rights: Addressing the Needs of Affected Constituencies” Cairo, Egypt – 2 November 2009
• Access to information/knowledge – a basic human right - essential for human survival and development. • “Freedom, prosperity and the development of society depend on education, as well as on unrestricted access to knowledge, thought, culture and information. ” (IFLA/FAIFE) • “Knowledge is not a commodity, and can never be one. Knowledge is the distillation of human endeavour, and it is the most profound collective good that there is". (A. Erwin, former Minister of Trade & Industry, South Africa) • “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. (Nelson Mandela)
International copyright trends § Create new rights § Strengthen protection and enforcement § Shrink the public domain § Restrict access to knowledge § Erode information-users’ rights
Promoting balance & access International Copyright Treaties Adelphi Charter - http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Adelphi_Charter Gower’s Report on IP - www. ipo. gov. uk/policy. . . /policy-issuesgowers. htm Copy. South Dossier – www. copysouth. org WSIS Declaration of Principles http: //www. itu. int/wsis/docs/geneva/official/dop. html UK Commission on IPR - www. iprcommission. org
A F R I C A http: //www. africaguide. com/afmap. htm
Copyright in Africa Copyright vs. collective ownership Few African countries have adopted L & E’s African Copyright and Access to Knowledge (ACA 2 K) Project – www. aca 2 K. org The stricter the copyright law, the more non-compliance. Lack of resources & unaffordability of learning material Infringing activities are facilitating access – not copyright!
Copyright – a barrier to education Blind student Deaf student Translations
Copyright – a barrier (cont’d) l Medical staff l Rural teacher l Literacy facilitator
Copyright – a barrier (cont’d) • Historical Archive • Libraries • Berlin Wall Commemoration
Access to knowledge and cultural treasures Restricted!
Current Copyright system is it working in Africa? Main beneficiaries - not authors, nor Africans Scholarly authors have to assign copyright Educational institutions pay over and over Bulk of royalties paid to foreign rights-owners Africans have to buy back their research at high cost! Research outputs are negatively affected
International pressure on African countries Strict copyright rules and regulations Developed countries ‘kicking away the ladder’ African countries need time & space to develop Pressure to sign International IP agreements and Bilateral Trade Agreements, e. g. FTAs, EPAs Copyright regimes should be tailored to address North. South differences
WIPO Development Agenda WIPO’s obligations re: Millennium Declaration 45 Recommendations adopted for Development Agenda http: //www. wipo. int/ip-development/en/agenda/recommendations. html Recommendations 16, 19, 20, 21 & 22 especially relevant to access to knowledge Appropriate Limitations and Exceptions vital for access to knowledge & development.
WIPO Studies on Limitations and Exceptions Limitations & Exceptions of Copyright & Related Rights in the Digital Environment http: //www. wipo. int/meetings/en/doc_details. jsp? doc_id=16805 Automated Rights Management Systems and Copyright Limitations and Exceptions http: //www. wipo. int/meetings/en/doc_details. jsp? doc_id=59952 Limitations & Exceptions for the Visually-Impaired http: //www. wipo. int/meetings/en/doc_details. jsp? doc_id=75696 Copyright Limitations & Exceptions for Libraries & Archives http: //www. wipo. int/meetings/en/doc_details. jsp? doc_id=109192 Copyright Limitations & Exceptions for Education – final report due before end of 2009 15
WIPO SCCR/19/2009 Draft Agenda http: //www. wipo. int/edocs/mdocs/copyright/en/sccr_19/s ccr_19_1. pdf Analytical Document on Limitations and Exceptions www. wipo. int/edocs/mdocs/copyright/en/sccr_19/sccr_1 9_3. doc Please support the international library community at SCCR (14 -18 December 2009)
Libraries as Key Stakeholders Statement of Principles on “Copyright Exceptions and Limitations for Libraries and Archives” – EIFL/IFLA/LCA at WIPO SCCR May 2009 www. ifla. org/files/clm/statements/statement-ofprinciples-sccr 20. pdf
e. IFL Draft Law on Copyright with Model Exceptions & Limitations See: http: //www. eifl. net/cps/sections/docs/ip_docs/draft-law Free Uses: ¡ ¡ ¡ Reproduction for private purposes & research; Temporary Reproduction; Quotation; Translations; Educational Activities; Inter-Library Document Supply; Communication to the public for educational & research purposes; Archives, libraries, museums & galleries; Reproduction, broadcasting & communication to the public for information purposes; Caricature, parody & pastiche; Reproduction & adaptation of computer programs; Display of works; Persons with disabilities; Public/official documents
Recommendations Afford African countries time & space to develop TRIPS-Plus is NOT the answer for Africa! Review, liberalize and harmonize international and national IP laws to facilitate, not restrict access Restore balance between rights-owners & users Support the Proposed WIPO Treaty for Improved Access for Blind, Visually Impaired and other Reading Disabled Persons Consider alternative publishing options, e. g. Open Access
Solution A Balanced International Framework that enshrines ALL Users’ Rights
Thank you Denise Rosemary Nicholson Copyright Services Librarian University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, SA Denise. Nicholson@wits. ac. za Wits Copyright Information http: //web. wits. ac. za/Library/Services/COPYRIGHT. htm Wits Copyright Portal http: //web. wits. ac. za/Library/Research. Resources/Subject. Portals/Copyright+and+Rel ated+Issues. htm Copyright Blogs http: //kim. wits. ac. za and http: //aca 2 k. org
Some Resources on L & Es § § § Guideline Document on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions http: //www. col. org/resources/know. Services/copyright/Pages/default. aspx/s ummary. htm Copyright Limitations & Exceptions – Why they are important for access to knowledge http: //www. aca 2 k. org/index. php? option=com_idoblog&task=viewpost&id=7 9&Itemid=69 Exceptions and Limitations in copyright vital in South countries http: //www. twnside. org. sg/title 2/intellectual_property/info. service/2008/twn. i pr. info. 081102. htm L & Es - http: //www. cptech. org/ip/copyright/le. html Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries http: //www. aallnet. org/aallwash/LCAPosition 110308. pdf Wits Copyright Portal http: //web. wits. ac. za/Library/Research. Resources/Subject. Portals/Copyright +and+Related+Issues. htm
Resources for African countries WIPO Development Agenda and related issues Article 27(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 7 of the TRIPS Agreement on Objectives The Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health (2001) UK Commission on Intellectual Property Rights Report (2002) Geneva Declaration of Principles ( Paragraph 42) (2003) ICTSD/UNCTAD Policy Discussion Paper on IP and Development (2003) and its Resource Book on TRIPS and Development (2005) World Summit on the Information Society (2003 and 2005) Chile’s proposal on Exceptions and Limitations to WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright (2004) Commonwealth of Learning – Guidelines on copyright L & Es (2005) IFLA & e. IFL position papers and their statements made at WIPO Access to Knowledge (A 2 K) Movement (Yale University) Gowers’ Review of Intellectual Property (UK) (2006) International Right to Read Campaign (WBU) Proposed WBU Treaty for the Blind at WIPO
Useful Copyright Handbooks e. IFL Handbook on Copyright & Related Issues: http: //www. eifl. net/cps/sections/docs/ip_docs/draft-law “Introducing Copyright – a plain language guide to copyright” (Commonwealth of Learning): http: //www. col. org/resources/publications/monographs/P ages/Copyright. aspx
ACA 2 K Project Research Findings & Resources See: www. aca 2 k. org
Tips for Developing Countries See: www. aca 2 k. org (click on Blog)
International A 2 K initiatives IFLA – (1700 member organizations/150 countries) – www. ifla. org e. IFL. net - (member organizations in 50 developing/intransition countries) - www. eifl. net EBLIDA (150 European library/archive associations, etc. )www. eblida. org Commonwealth of Learning – (53 Commonwealth countries)www. col. org Consumers International – www. consumersinternational. org
International A 2 K initiatives (cont’d) Transatlantic Consumers’ Dialogue (TACD) – www. tacd. org Knowledge Ecology International - www. keionline. org www. Consumer Project on Technology (CPTech) www. cptech. org A 2 K Global Social Movement (Yale University, USA)http: //research. yale. edu/isp/ Copy South (Kent Law School, UK – www. copysouth. org
Regional A 2 K initiatives African Copyright & Access to Knowledge (ACA 2 K) Project www. aca 2 k. org Access to Learning Materials for Southern Africa Project – www. access. og. za (2005) (website now closed) African Access to Knowledge Alliance – Ugandan Chapter, 2005 Continental Organization, 2007 (currently in partnership with ACA 2 K) http: //www. col. org/Site. Collection. Documents/Copyright_Alliance_artic le. pdf Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) – www. osisa. org African Digital Commons - www. commons-sense. org Southern African Regional Universities Association (SARUA) – www. sarua. org Publishing and Alternative Licensing Model of Africa (PALM) http: //www. idrc. ca/acacia/ev-117012 -201 -1 -DO_TOPIC. html SADC-Centre for Distance Education - www. sardec. org. bw
South African A 2 K initiatives Creative Commons/i. Commons (South Africa) icommons. org Wits Link Centre - http: //link. wits. ac. za/ Library Association of SA (LIASA)/FAIFE – www. liasa. org Shuttleworth Foundation – www. shuttleworthfoundation. org African Virtual Open Initiatives and Resources (AVOIR) http: //avoir. uwc. ac. za/ Sivulile Open Access Project - http: //www. sivulile. org/ CSIR research Space http: //researchspace. csir. co. za/dspace/ Human Sciences Research Council (South Africa) http: //www. hsrc. ac. za
SA National A 2 K initiatives SA Government – adopted Open Source policy www. info. gov. za/view/Download. File. Action? id=94490 The National Research Foundation (NRF) – advocacy role re: OA National Electronic Theses & Dissertations Repository - www. nrf. ac. za Academy of Science of South Africa - SCIELO-South Africa OA publishing project - www. assaf. co. za