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LIGHT ACTION Cholesterol Prevention
We all like to eat testy. But do tasty means healthy? According to researches of Epidemiology Institute for Circulation System Diseases, Cardiology Institute’s in Anin 70% adult population of our country has increased risk for being ill on coronary heart disease. It is the main cause of sudden demise, high mortality especially in male population in middle-aged as well as numerous of their after-effects e. g. heart failure. Mainly it cause, that the average length life of Pole’s is definitely shorter compared with the population of western countries. Coronary Heart Disease is typical disease that expands on arteriosclerosis basis. One of the most important factors that affects on progress of arteriosclerosis changes is excess of cholesterol, especially so-called „bad”. To the raising of cholesterol level in blood leads mainly bad diet rich in fats, specially those saturated one with large content of table salt and lack of exercise. For Coronary heart disease we are „working” through many years, by eating to many fats, meats and to little vegetables, fruits, poultry and fishes. Reinventions in the recent years prove, that reduce of the cholesterol concentration in blood gives as a chance to avoid the heart attack and longer life for those people that don’t have the coronary heart disease and those, who’s already have it. That’s why beginning from the youngest years we should take care of our hearts by avoiding food that raise cholesterol level and taking into consideration of our diet those products, that will let us retain good health and slender figure. Konspol Company, caring for your health, creates a special batch of products, which thank to its quality as well as very low fat content (lowest then 1%) received from „Health Promotion” Foundation a cholesterol prevention sign. You don’t have to make choices any more between: health and pleasure for palate. Those products are made from 100% chicken meat, they are not only healthy, but also very tasty, they will be a perfect component of slimming diet, and your children will gorge with them. So if good of your own hearts” you have at heart” start caring for them as soon as possible. Maybe you should start from today’s supper?
Konspol-Holding: • over 100 products assortments, all of it produced on basis of unique technology 100% chicken meat • healthy products - low fat and a small cholesterol content • Modern technology allows ”to bond crispy” (in its consistency) chicken meat with no additives of other meats, fats, chemicals.
Warsaw’s” Ham 550 g Made from 100% chicken leg meat with addition of natural spices in net, prepared by using traditional recipe and technology. Durability 40 days
“President’s” Chicken Ham 100% pure chicken thigh meat specialty, prepared strictly following old recipe, steamed, smoked, winner of a „Certified Healthy Food” mark, durability : in vacuum packaging 30 days- temp. +1° C - +10°C.
”Vienna’s” Chicken Ham 600 g Made from the highest quality 100% chicken breast and thigh meat with a dash of natural spices, excellent dainty taste; minimal fat content, ; durability in a barrier casing 40 days in a temp. +20 C to +100 C.
“Royal” Chicken Sausage 350 g Made from 100% chicken breast meat, steamed, with a dash of natural spices and supplementary ingredients ; durability in a barrier casing which makes it durable for 40 days.
Traditional Chicken Sirloin 420 g Made from 100% chicken breast, smoked; vacuum packaging durability 30 days in a temp. +20 C to +100 C.
Cracow’s” Dry Chicken Sausage 290 g Made from the highest quality chicken thigh and chicken breast meat with addition of natural spices just like traditional cracow’s sausage, durability in vacuum packaging 50 days.
Chicken Nuggets cutlets Produced from 100% chicken breast fillet, with a dash of natural spices; not battered, fried, durability 16 days; recommended to serve as snack, with sauces.
Fried Chicken Breast 300 g. – tray Chicken Breast marinated, fried standardized, chilled. Ready to eat after taking off the upper foil and warming up in microwave kitchen in oven or on a frying pan. Recommended to serve with sauces. Durability 16 days.
Light program will be support with following promotion action: • • • Promotion articles in women and healthy press Information in company newspaper Commercial posters Brochures Animations and tastings in sale places
Confirmations for high product quality are: • • • Prestige Medals and Honourables Chief Veterinary Surgeon hereby Certificate, certifies, that Konspol Ltd. Is entered in register of companies complying with the veterinary and health’s standards established by appropriate veterinary authorities of the European Union Implemented HACCP System Cholesterol Prevention Certificate More then 30 Medals for quality, taste and nutritious values on the domestic and international exhibitions
To our Partners we offer: PRICE : Individual negotiations Attractive trade conditions DELIVERY TERMS : Punctuality of deliveries Reliability of deliveries DISTRIBUTION : Modern Trucks with freezerscontinuous temperature logging
Thank you for your attention Contact: KONSPOL HOLDING Sp. z o. o. Nowy Sącz, ul. Grottgera 40 Tel. +48 018 449 55 00 Fax. +48 018 443 57 43 E-mail: konspol@konspol. com. pl www. konspol. com. pl