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Описание презентации Life of the Great People: Charlotte по слайдам
Life of the Great People: Charlotte Bronte Made by Molotova Kate 10”C”
Charlotte Bronte was born on April 21 st 1816 at Thornton, Bradford in Yorkshire, third child of the six Bronte children.
• The major event of her childhood is when her mother, Maria Branwell, died.
Conditions there were very bad even by standarts of the time, and it was not long before both Maria and Elizabeth became ill enough to be sent home, where they both died of consumption in the spring of 1825.
• In 1824 she attended the newly opened Clergy Daughters’ School at Cowan Bridge. In June 1825 Charlotte and her sisters were finally taken away from the school for good.
In 1846, Charlotte persuaded her sisters to publish a collection of poems under male pseudonyms Carrere, Ellis and Acton Bell
“ Jane Eyre” by Charlotte had a great success
In December 1852 Charlotte gets a marriage proposal from the vicar (the second parish priest) of his father, Arthur Bell Nicholls.
The great writer, died May 31, 1855 at the age of 38 years
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