- Количество слайдов: 39
Life. Cycle Cycling as a life long approach Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
A healthy city Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Health and Mobility Traffic-caused deaths in Austria, Switzerland France death through 7. 217 road accidents death through traffic-caused 28. 000 emissions death through lack of physical activities Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 42. 000 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach The „vision“ of the 60 ies FGM-AMOR Karl Reiter, and 70 ies 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference
To start already before the baby is born in pre birth classes Babies travel safe in the bike trailer Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
SPLIT 1 trips SPLIT 2 Advertising SPLIT 3 Mobility toys Source: BMVIT 1995, FGM-AMOR 2002, 2003 Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Cycling is part of the game www. mobile-bambini. eu Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Kindergarten & Mobility - Learning how to Bike - Certificate „I can bike“ - Picture stories concerning cycling - by bike to the kindergarten - change the kindergarten environment Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Learning how to bike Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Certificate „I can bike“ I can balance photo Picture stories about cycling Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Rituals and story telling Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno taxi Make a change _ Papa. Conference Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Teaching the next generation to step away from the car Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Source: Xtra. MOBIL AG Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Home zones a chance for healthy development Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Home zones generate friendschip 5 year old children and their parents No / little car traffic Lots of car traffic Number of friends on average Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach Share of trips to visit friends done without supervision of adults 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Social contacts of parents on average Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Desire and reality Mobility behaviour on the way to school children 10 -14 Modal share cycling traffic Desired modal share cycling Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Desire and reality Mobility behaviour on the way to school children 10 -14 Modal share cycling traffic Desired modal share cycling Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
ESTABLISH AWARENESS. . . • Who is to blame? 5‘ before school starts. . . Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach . . . and 5‘ after 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
„Mobility - Akupunktur“ • School streets Bolzano • Streets in front of schools are closed for motorized traffic for 15 -30 min in the morning and in the afternoon • Additionally guided walks to the school • • http: //www. eltis. org/index. php? id=13&lang 1=de&study_id=214 http: //www. eltis. org/index. php? ID 1=7&id=61&video_id=24 Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
THE TRAFFIC SNAKE GAME Slogan: Safe and eco-friendly ways to school Duration: One week Idea: Europe: Each class sets its own realistic goals, how many car trips can be shifted to more sustainable modes of transport Played in 900 schools in Belgium, 700 in the NL, in DE, AT, www. schoolway. net Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Cycling Training Primary Schools Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Bike to work • Teams go to work by bike (or by sustainable modes) • Duration of action is 2 months • On 50% of working days the team should go to work by bike • Teams consist of 2 – 4 persons within one company • Raffle to win prizes Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
ADFC New residents‘ tours in Germany Idea: Citizens who have recently moved must reorganize their mobility behaviour Goals: let them experience cycling in new city, show them cycling connections, give them information about new city Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
ADFC New residents‘ tours in Germany Realisation: • exchange of experiences with existing tours, • training workshops for tour guides, • local organization of tours, • various themes: historical, cultural, shortcuts, commuters, beergardens, . . In 2010: • 134 tours in 39 cities offered • 20 participants in average more than 2. 000 participants! Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Bike and Buy Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Bike and buy Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Cycling for elderly supported by EAHC Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Cycling for Health Schemes, UK Goal: Introduce cycling as a way to improve people’s health Target group: • participants whose health is considered to be at risk and who might benefit through regular cycling (e. g. obesity, long-term illness) • hospital patients recovering from an operation • older people taking part for social reasons All participants are referred to CTC by their General Practitioner (doctor). Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Cycling for Health Schemes, UK Key elements: • Cycling in confined, off-road area first; then progression to quiet roads • 6 -12 week programme with weekly activities • build up mileage, e. g. from 3 miles to 20 miles, • max 12 people per session • split up groups into skills levels if necessary • volunteers carry on cycling with the group as ride leaders after the programme (sustainability) Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Pedelec (E-Bike) tests for elderly Results and statement of pedelec test users • To get additional power is great – Perfect for cycling up hills – The radius of activities extends – „the city feels like smaller“ • I am not sceptic anymore • the family and friends reacted positive • It is appropriate for every day trips and leisure trips „I perceive my environment completly different and much more intensive than as car driver“ Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Children learn by imitation Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
Links to active mobility • • www. eltis. org www. bicy. it www. mobile-bambini. eu www. lifecycle. cc www. cyclelogistics. eu www. trendy-travel. eu www. healthyregion. eu www. active-acess. eu Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR
¡Thank you! Karl Reiter FGM-AMOR , Austrian Mobility Research reiter@fgm. at www. fgm. at Life. Cycle - Cycling as a life long approach 4. 10. 2012 Bike Brno Conference Karl Reiter, FGM-AMOR