- Количество слайдов: 21
Licensing procedure Workshop on Postal Communication Systems - Armenia 46798 Section 314 – Postal Licensing and International Affairs 1
Content - Principles - Experience in Germany - Licence Classes (till the end of 2007) - Proposal for Measures 2
Principles Basics: - - Written application for a licence Directed to the authority that is in charge of granting a licence Any applicant has the right to receive an answer independent whether the application is complete, unjustified or correct In case of incomplet applications (part of information is missing) the authority responsible for granting the licences has to inform the applicant 3
Principles Application Details: - Any application has to include - the applicants name and address - The legal status of the applicant (company) - Details of ownership of the applicant (company) - Name and telephone and fax numbers of the applicant´s authorized representative(s) - Description of the activity to be licensed - Definition of the licence area - Planned start-up date 4
Principles Supporting Documents - The following documents should be annexed by the applicant: - Certified copy of the commercial register entry or registration of business - Certificate of Good Conduct (Federal Central Register) - Central Trade Register entry - Bank statement or risk management statement - Documents 2 -4 must relate to - The owner, for a sole proprietorship - The shareholder, for a company constituted under civil law - The managing partners, for a general partnership - The managing directors, for a limited liability company 5
Principles Proof - The applicant shall proof his - Efficiency - Personal and material resources - Planned investments and their financing - Reliablity - Previous activities in the postal or adjacent markets - Specialized knowledge - Knowledge, experience and skills of the staff - Plan, how to maintain the qualification of the staff 6
Principles License grant: - - Any license shall be granted in writing, specifying - The holder of the license - The activity for which the license is granted - The geographical area covered by the license - The fee for the granting of the license Additional secondary provisions or conditions - May be included within the license - May be added to a later stage, if this possibility is clearly stated in the license already 7
Principles License holder´s duties - Any license holder has to inform the authority in written form about - The actual start-up of the business - Any change/modification of activity - Any new activity - Any change in ownership - The intended transfer of a license - The termination of the business 8
Principles Post-grant checks (cont. ) - The market can be monitored in various ways: - Regular checks (request for information) focussing on the nature and scope of the actual business avtivities - Regular on-site tests and checks focussing on - the license area, - the reliablity, - the specialized knowledge - the efficiency - Weight and price limits - Features of the services 9
License classes A) > 50 g / 2, 5 B) > 50 g + min. 50 pieces of same content (determined 1 January 2006) C) Document Exchange Services D) Higher Quality services E) Take Services F) Bring Services G) Outgoing Cross-border Mail (1 January 2003) H) Incomming Cross-border Mail (1 January 2003) 10
The D – Licence Ø Features not clearly defined by the Postal Act § Distinct from Universal Services § Having special features § Being of higher quality Ø Need for decision criteria § Based on service features § Taking into account the requirements § Giving enough flexibility to react to the needs of the market 11
Common D-Licence Features Ø Ø Subsequent accounting of the actual service rendered + Changing of delivery arrangements and recallability respectively of items between the times of collection and start of delivery + Non-payment of fees in the event of late delivery + No categorically exclusion of liability for loss/damage. 12
The D – Licence Ø D – 1: Same day Ø D – 2: Overnight Ø D – 3: Time-certain Ø D – 4: Mail tracking Ø Other criteria 13
D-1: Same-Day Delivery Service Ø Workday collection of letter post items from the customers + Ø Same day delivery of such items + Ø Common Features 14
D-2: Services with Overnight Delivery Ø Workday collection of letter post items from the customers after 5 p. m. + Ø Delivery of such items by 12 a. m. the next workday at the latest + Ø Common features 15
D-3: Services with time-certain Delivery Ø Collection of letter post items from the customers + Ø Delivery of such items at a time fixed by the customer but not next day + Ø Common features 16
D-4: Mail tracking Services Ø Ø Ø Recorded Collection from the contract customer as agreed and transport of the items to the processing centre in transportation containers secured against unauthorised access + In the processing centre, electronic recording of the letter post items including individualising criteria (sender, addressee, format, weight) by means of an identcode + Recording of the items for each individual delivery district, electronically or manually in an itemised list including details concerning the addressee +. . . 17
D-4: Mail tracking Services (cont. 1) Ø Transport of the items in receptacles, secured against unauthorised access, to the delivery depots and recorded delivery to the individual delivery carrier + Ø Delivery of the letter post items the next workday after mailing + Ø Electronic or manual recording of the delivery of the letter post items to the addressee or the substitute addressee, with the time of delivery recorded + Ø Return of undeliverable items to the sender +. . . 18
D-4: Mail tracking Services (cont. 2) Ø Ø Ø Possibility of redirecting undeliverable items and communication of redirection addresses + Subsequent periodical accounting of the services rendered + Liability for loss or damage of items + Possibility of indicating the current status of individual items + Common features 19
D: Other Criteria Ø Services with criteria differing from the standardised criteria (D-1 – D-4) may nevertheless meet the requirements: • To be examined in the individual case Ø Sufficient detail of the intended activity Ø Explanation where the intended service § is distinct from the Universal Services + § offers special features + § provides higher quality. 20
Thank you very much for your attention! 21