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Library Workshop for Ed. D and RPg Students Learning APA Style and Ref. Works 26 Jan 2013
Outline • • Citing reference and Citation Styles Learning APA Style Managing reference with Ref. Works Q&A 2
Citing References • Allows you to use other people’s work by giving credit to the original author without plagiarizing • Provide documentation for all facts and figures that are not common knowledge • Strengthens your work by lending outside support to your arguments • Provides the source information for others who wants to find out more about your ideas • Accurately prepared references help establish your credibility as a careful researcher • Out of order/incomplete citations cause inaccurate citation network indexing 3
What’s the difference between reference list and bibliography? A reference list consists of all sources cited in the text of a paper, listed alphabetically by author’s surname. A bibliography may include resources that were consulted but not cited in the text as well as an annotated description of each one. Bibliographies may be organized chronologically, or by subject, rather than alphabetically. 4
Citation Styles APA Style Walser, R. D. , & Westrup, D. (2009). The mindful couple: How acceptance and mindfulness can lead you to the love you want. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications. Chicago Style Walser, Robyn D. , and Darrah Westrup. 2009. The mindful couple: How acceptance and mindfulness can lead you to the love you want. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications. MLA Style Walser, Robyn D. , and Darrah Westrup. The Mindful Couple: How Acceptance and Mindfulness Can Lead You to the Love You Want. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2009. Print. Harvard Style Walser, RD & Westrup, D 2009, The mindful couple: how acceptance and mindfulness can lead you to the love you want, Oakland, CA, New Harbinger Publications. 5
Citation Styles: Characteristics Citations Styles In-text citation Rules Scholarly Disciplines APA Style http: //www. apastyle. org/ MLA Style http: //www. mla. org/style Author-date style Psychology, education and other social sciences Author-page style Literature, arts and humanities Oxford Style http: //guides. is. uwa. edu. au/Oxford Documentarynote style Philosophy and history 6
Citation System of HKIEd • For more details of the requirement of citation system of HKIEd, please refer to chapter 14 of the Student Handbook: http: //www. ied. edu. hk/reg/student_handbook/chap_en 14. html 7
APA Style http: //www. apastyle. org • Developed by the American Psychological Association • Widely used in Psychology & Social Sciences journals • Latest edition (6 th ed. ) released in July 2009 • Manuscripts submitted to APA journals must conform to the 6 th edition • Students and staff of HKIEd are required to use APA style for their reference list or bibliography, unless otherwise stated 8
Resources of APA Style (6 th ed. ) American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6 th ed. ). Washington, DC: Author. APA Style Home Page http: //www. apastyle. org/ • Online Tutorials • Supplemental Materials • Sample Papers Update on APA Style • APA Style Blog http: //blog. apastyle. org/ • Facebook http: //www. facebook. com/APAStyle • Twitter http: //twitter. com/APA_Style 9
APA Style: Citing References in Text • References are cited in text with author-date system and listed Example alphabetically in the reference list • Each entry in the reference list must be cited in text • Each reference cited in text must appear in the reference list with the exception of the follow two kinds of works: 1. Classical works: Bible, Qu’ran, Dao De Jing, etc. e. g. (2 Cor. 5: 17 New International Version) (Qur’an 5: 3 -4) 2. Personal communications (non-recoverable data) e. g. B. H. Philips (personal communication, May 11, 2001) 10
Citing Works by Multiple Authors • 2 Authors Cite both authors every time Smith and Johnson (1998) found that the system … The findings confirmed with previous study (Smith & Johnson, 1998) • 3 -5 Authors First citation: Cheung, Li, Searle, Chan, and Frazer (1996) reviewed theory of … Subsequent citations: Cheung et al. (1996) further developed a measuring system … • 6 or more Authors Use et al. (not italicized) for the first and subsequent citations Kohn et al. (2007) suggested the possible causes … 11
Writing Style l DO NOT use periods with web addresses in text or in the reference list l In text: include URL in parentheses, avoid ending a sentence with a URL Example: The APA (http: //www. apa. org) has updated the rules of publication style in July 2009, with expanded discussions on ethics … Horton, M. (2009, September 9). H 1 N 1 prevention tips by Dr. Mark Horton [Video file]. Retrieved from http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=UT 2 BGE_Xy. IY 12
Footnotes • When using APA style, you need not use footnotes at the bottom of the page or at the end of your paper for reference citation. • According to Section 2. 12 of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6 th edition, use of footnotes serve two functions: 1. To provide additional content; 2. To acknowledge copyright permission status. 13
Reference List • • • Arrange by authors in Alphanumerical Order Each reference cited in text must appear in the reference list (except for classical works and personal communications) Each entry in the reference list must be cited in text Entire Book Damrosch, D. (2003). What is world literature? Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Edited Book Ercikan, K. , & Roth, W-M. (Eds. ). (2009). Generalizing from educational research: Beyond qualitative and quantitative polarization. New York, NY: Routledge. Book Chapter Tian, C. (2009). Development of dialectical materialism in China. In B. Mou (Ed. ), History of Chinese philosophy (pp. 512 -538). London, England: Routledge. 14
Publication Place • Include the state abbreviation (e. g. , New York, NY) for all cities of United States • Include the Country for all locations outside United States Coles-Ritchie , M. (2009). Inciting change in secondary English language programs : The case of Cherry High School. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Haughey , J. C. (2009). Where is knowing going? : The horizons of the knowing subject. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. Hardman, A. E. , & Stensel, D. J. (2009). Physical activity and health : the evidence explained. (2 nd ed. ). London, England: Routledge. Aw, T. (2009). Map of the invisible world. Toronto, Canada: Mc. Clelland & Stewart. 15
Journal Articles Author, A. A. , Author, B. B. , & Author, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of journal, vol (issue), pp-pp. • Retain the hyphen if the author’s first name is hyphenated Hue, M. -T. (2009). Promotion of spiritual development: exploration of the self and spiritualism through the practice of Chinese calligraphy. Pastoral Care in Education, 27, 63 -76. • Include the issue no. if the journal is paginated by issue Bill, M. , & Emmy, M. (2008). Writing tutors in the economics classroom: A case study. The Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 38(3), 21 -36. 16
Publications by Multiple Authors • Up to 7 Authors: List all authors Tiihonen, J. , Lönnqvist, J. , Wahlbeck, K. , Klaukka, T. , Niskanen, L. , Tanskanen, A. , & Haukka, J. (2009). 11 -year follow-up of mortality in patients with schizophrenia: a population-based cohort study (FIN 11 study). Lancet, 374, 620 -627. • More than 7 Authors 1. List the first six authors 2. Omit all subsequent authors except the last & replaced with … 3. List the last author 17
An article with 21 authors List the first 6 and the last author Seedat, S. , Scott, K. M. , Angermeyer, M. C. , Berglund, P. , Bromet, E. J. , Brugha, T. S. , . . . Kessler, R. C. (2009). Cross-National Associations between gender and mental disorders in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. Archives of General Psychiatry, 66, 785 -795. 18
Non-English Publications • Give original title, and translate title into English with brackets Sack, F. (2006). Das offene Haus: für eine neue Architektur [Open house: towards a new]. Berlin, Germany: Jovis. Ye, Q. , Li, B. , & Cheng, J. (2006). 20世纪 西方人生哲学 [The western philosophy of life of 20 th century]. Beijing, China: Remin Chubanshe. or Ye, Q. , Li, B. , & Cheng, J. (2006). 20 shiji xifang rensheng zhexue [The western philosophy of life of 20 th century]. Beijing, China: Remin Chubanshe. 19
References of Electronic Resources • Use Digital Object Identifiers (DOI), when available, to replace as persistent and reliable links to locate sources (for both print & electronic sources) • If DOI unavailable, use home page URL of the journal • If the item cannot be easily retrieved from the source, use the full document URL (e. g. blog) • Retrieval dates no longer required unless the source material may change over time (e. g. Wikis) • Database information not required unless the item is only available in the database 20
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) • Unique identification of electronic publication • An alphanumeric string assigned by registration agency • Persistent link to its location on the Internet • Format: 10. xxxx/xxxx (e. g. 1080/02607470903220398) • Links to the document by DOI resolver provided by the registration agency, e. g. Cross. Ref. org 21
DOI 22
DOI Resolver Locate the electronic publication with DOI resolver 1. Crossref. org 2. Append the doi string to http: //dx. doi. org/ e. g. http: //dx. doi. org/10. 1080/02607470903220497 3. 中文DOI http: //www. crossref. org http: //www. chinadoi. cn/ 23
Try it out Find the article with DOI: 10. 1007/s 11516 -010 -0007 -0 Steps 1. Go to the Crossref web site http: //www. crossref. org 2. Enter the DOI in the DOI Resolver Search Box 24
Electronic Journal Articles • Journal article with DOI Bore, A. , & Wright, N. (2009). The wicked and complex in education: developing a transdisciplinary perspective for policy formulation, implementation and professional practice. Journal of Education for Teaching, 35, 241 -256. doi: 10. 1080/02607470903091286 • Journal article without DOI Dresser, R. (2007). The effects of teacher inquiry in the bilingual language arts classroom. Teacher Education Quarterly, 34(3), 53 -66. Retrieved from http: //www. teqjournal. org/ • Advance online publication with DOI Guerra, S. (2009). Colonizing bodies: Corporate power and biotechnology in young adult science fiction. Journal Children‘s Literature in Education. Advance online publication. doi: 10. 1007/s 10583 -009 -9086 -z 25
http: //blog. apastyle. org/apastyle/2009/09/a-doi-and-url-flowchart. html 26
Newspaper Articles Newspaper article Cheng, A. (2009, September 23). Education system fails those most in need. South China Morning Post, p. EDT 12. Online newspaper article • To avoid nonworking URLS, give the home page URL Andrew, E. L. (2009, April 19). U. S. May Convert Banks’ Bailouts to Equity Share. The New York Times. Retrieved from http: //www. nytimes. com 27
Web pages Author. (Year). Title of web page. Retrieved from URL • Examples Education Bureau. (2008). Qualifications framework. Retrieved from http: //www. hkqf. gov. hk/guie/home. asp International Association of Universities. (2008). IAU: For a worldwide higher education community. Retrieved from http: //www. unesco. org/iau/association/index. html Hong Kong Institute of Education. (n. d. ). Vision & mission. Retrieved from http: //www. ied. edu. hk/about_hkied/vision-mission. html 28
More Reference List Examples See Library Online Tutorials on Citing Information http: //www. lib. ied. edu. hk/is/tutorial/Module_Citing_Info/1_1_content. htm 29
Cannot find the information needed in the APA Manual? • Refer to the APA Blog for new update • Some posting on citing references: • How Do You Cite an E-Book (e. g. , Kindle Book)? • Can You Cite Personal Life Experience? • How to Cite Wikipedia in APA Style • How to Cite Something You Found on a Website in APA Style • How to Cite Facebook: Fan Pages, Group Pages, and Profile Information 30
APA 6 th edition is supported in major Bibliographic Management Tools like Ref. Works and End. Note Ref. Works Create Bibliography > Output Style 31
Ref. Works Your personal reference database @Internet 32
About Ref. Works • Web-based Bibliographic Management Tool • Create your own reference databases • Import references from library catalogues & databases • Manage & organize your references in folders • Search your references • Adding your own keywords & comments • Can be integrated with MS-Word to create in-text citations & reference list in preferred style • Accessible by computers connected to Internet 33 33
Create your Ref. Works account 34
Create/Access your Ref. Works account • Click the Ref. Works link at library web site 35
Ref. Works Login Useful Help for Ref. Works 36
1. 2. 3. Remote Access Go to http: //www. refworks. com Use the Group Code to login (HKIEd members only) Login personal account for HKIEd users Get the Group Code Enter Group Code 37
1. Ref. Works User Login for HKIEd 2. Sign up / Login 1 2 38
Ø Sign up a new Ref. Works account 39
The menu bar allows you to access all functionalities of Ref. Works. Simply move your mouse pointer over the entries and further options will drop down. 40
Export the record to Ref. Works Export record to Ref. Works directly 41
Last Imported Folder • The result imported will be placed in the last imported folder. • If you repeat importing records, this folder will only contain the results of the very last import. • All previously imported records are stored in the database, but not associated with a folder. 42
Try yourself l Go to HKIEd Library Catalogue Search for Author = “Loreman, Tim” Save and export all found records Import the records to your Ref. Works account 43
Example: ERIC (EBSCOhost) Export records 44
You’ll be asked to login Ref. Works if not login yet 45
Last Imported Folder 46
Many databases support direct exporting references to Ref. Works, e. g. Pro. Quest 47
Try yourself l Go to ERIC (EBSCOhost) Databases – Library homepage > E-Resources > By Alphabet: E > ERIC (via EBSCOhost) l Search Title = inclusive education Mark 5 records found & export to Ref. Works 48
Creating a Bibliography • Create bibliography from your references • Bibliography created in preferred style e. g. APA • References arranged and sorted automatically • Output bibliography in HTML or Word format • Create bibliography from all references or selected folder 49
1 Click Bibliography 2 Select Output Style Select Output Format 3 (HTML/Word) 4 Select Folder / All 5 Click to Create 50
References sorted and formatted in APA Style 51
HKIEd Chinese citation style (for reference only) Refer to Citation System in Student Handbook for details 52
Need Help? • Check it out at the Library Ref. Works webpage • Consult Information Counter at the Library 53 53
Need Help? • Join the Library initiated workshops; you may also browse the workshop materials from our webpage: http: //www. lib. ied. edu. hk/instruct/workshops/materials/index. html http: //www. lib. ied. edu. hk/instruct/workshops/ materials/Learning%20 Ref. Works_2013. ppt 54 54
Thank You Ask your Librarian @ o Information Counter o Tel: 2948 6653 o Email: libinfo@ied. edu. hk 55