Lewis Carroll ( 1832 -1898) ( Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ) Сорохманюк А. 466 гр.
L. Carroll was third child and eldest son of the eleven children of the Reverend Charles Dodgson and Frances Lutwidge. He attended Rugby school from 1846 to 1850, and was quite a good student, especially in mathematics. The following year , he began attending Christ Church, Oxford, his father’s alma mater. Two days after he started, his mother died. Charles received his degree with a first in mathematics in 1854. In spite of his stutter, he enjoyed teaching math.
Around the same time, Oxford’s new dean, Henry George Liddell, arrived on the scene, and Charles became very attached to the Liddell children, especially the middle daughter, Alice.
Already Charles was getting various poems and short stories published in magazines. About 1855, he wrote a “Stanza of Anglo-Saxon Poetry”. Also he had hobby, Charles received a camera. Carroll took photographs of young girls without any clothes on. He stopped photographing altogether in 1880, when it seemed as though gossip about the nude pictures might reach the ears of the girls.
4 July 1862 Charles, now ordained as a deacon, told the Liddell sisters and a friend of his named Robinson Duckworth the story that was then called “Alice’s Adventures Under Ground”. Unusually for her, Alice Liddell pestered Charles to write up the story for her , which he did.
His works: “Alice ‘s Adventures Under Ground” “Alice in Wonderland” “Alice Through the Looking-Glass” “Sylvie and Bruno Concluded” “Phantasmagoria and Other Poems”
Charles died on 14 January 1898 of a severe bronchial infection, possibly aggravated by the newfangled asbestos fires he had installed in his room to replace the unsafe coal fires.
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