Lewis and Clark 1804 -1806 Linda Harris TTL-Para Parkston, SD
Lewis and Clark leave St. Louis in May of 1804
1 st official meeting of whites and western Indian tribes at Council Bluffs in 1804
The only casualty on the entire trip
August – October 1804 Lewis and Clark met The Indian tribes of South Dakota The Yanktons were Hunters and traders Who lived near Gavins Point Dam
Lewis and Clark met the Lakota, or Teton, Indians in central South Dakota
The Arikaras were a farming tribe who Welcomed Lewis and Clark
Lewis and Clark spent the winter of 1804 In a Mandan Indian village
Sacagawea and her infant son Pomp were Guides for Lewis and Clark on their journey west
June 1805 Great Falls of the Missouri River
Lemhi Pass August 1805 No river leading to the Pacific Ocean
In Idaho Lewis and Clark Met the Shoshone Indians Sacagawea is the sister of the chief The explorers buy horses to cross the Mountains for eleven days
The Nez Perce teach Lewis and Clark to make Canoes from logs to speed down the Snake And Columbia Rivers toward the ocean
Mt. Hood Pacific Ocean ahead!
Fort Clatsop Winter of 1805
Pompy’s Pillar is named for Sacagawea’s son
July 1806 In the only battle of the whole Expedition, two Blackfeet warriors are killed
Sacagawea says good-bye in August 1806
Lewis and Clark arrived back in St. Louis on September 23, 1806 To a hero’s welcome
Lewis and Clark are remembered today • Statues • Books • Parades • Reenactments • Trail Markers • Celebrations • Museums
Pictures taken from: • www. altavista. com/image/default • www. sd 4 history. com Timeline guide taken from: • www. sd 4 history. com