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Leveraging. NET in Sales. Logix Building Customizations in. NET for your Current Version of Sales. Logix and a Look at the Future Ryan Farley Customer FX Corporation
CPE Credit § To receive CPE credit for this session you must attend the entire session • • Session code: CRM 120 CPE credit = 1 Delivery Method = Group-Live Field of Study = Specialized Knowledge and Applications • Enter your credits at the CPE kiosks available in the Tennessee and Presidential Lobbies
Introduction § Ryan Farley - Customer FX Corporation • customerfx. com – CRM and Sales. Logix News & Training § “. NET Advocate” – Developed in. NET (C#) since first public beta § Worked with Sales. Logix since first public release • slxdeveloper. com – Sales. Logix Articles & Forums • saleslogixblog. com – My blog on Sales. Logix development • ryanfarley. com – My blog on. NET development
Objectives § After participating in this session, you will be able to: • Understand the benefits of using. NET for Sales. Logix customizations • Identify cases where customizations in. NET make more sense than customizations built in Architect • Understand what is available today to develop for Sales. Logix using. NET • Understand what changes for all this in version 7
Session Perspectives § Managers, Sales. Logix users, Sales. Logix Administrators • Benefits, pros & cons • Examples of. NET customizations in Sales. Logix § Developers • “Geek speak” detailing: • Tools available today for developing in. NET for Sales. Logix • How this changes in Sales. Logix version 7 • Pre-Requisites: • Sales. Logix familiarity and basic. NET experience
Benefits of using. NET § Lessens the learning curve • Utilize in-house developers • Abundance of. NET references, resources, & training available § Take advantage of modern tools & technology • • Developing in Visual Studio vs. Architect Using C#/VB. NET/Chrome/etc vs. VBScript Debugging, Source Control, Unit Testing, list goes on…. NET Framework
Benefits of using. NET (Continued) § Think “outside the box” § Make the presentation of your data “make sense” for end users § Make difficult tasks easy for complex customizations § Build the kinds of customizations that “are not possible” in Sales. Logix
Sample. NET Customizations Sample Customizations • Better Presentation of Data • Make difficult tasks easy • Do what can’t be done
Development Tools Available § Sales. Logix COM Library • Sales. Logix. Slx. Application § Sales. Logix OLE DB Provider § Win 32 API for embedding in Sales. Logix §. NET Com. Visible. Attribute and registering. NET assemblies for COM
Sales. Logix COM Library § Sales. Logix “Application” object • Same object exposed in scripts § Only available while the Sales. Logix client is running.
Sales. Logix COM Library Sales. Logix. ISlx. Application slx = null; try { slx = new Sales. Logix. Slx. Application. Class(); Message. Box. Show(“Current Account. ID: “ + slx. Basic. Functions. Current. Account. ID()); //access anything available in Sales. Logix scripts (ie: Application object) //invoke a plugin slx. Basic. Functions. Do. Invoke(“Form”, “System: My. Form”); } finally { Marshal. Release. Com. Object(slx); }
Sales. Logix OLE DB Provider § Standard OLE DB Provider § Used by all Sales. Logix application for data access • Enforces Sales. Logix rules • Provides record access security • Ensures data will synchronize § Use with ADO. NET classes (Data. Sets, Ole. Db. Data. Reader, Ole. Db. Connection, Ole. Db. Command, etc) § Connection Strings – provides all details and login info to provider (See slxdeveloper. com for samples)
Win 32 API § Provide ability to embed in Sales. Logix § Gives info about host form in Sales. Logix to. NET code
Win 32 API § Set. Parent • Change parent of your. NET control to a control in Sales. Logix [Dll. Import("user 32. dll”)] public static extern Int. Ptr Set. Parent(Int. Ptr h. Wnd. Child, Int. Ptr h. Wnd. New. Parent);
Win 32 API § Get. Window. Rect • Get bounds/size of parent control where your. NET control is embedded [Dll. Import("user 32. dll”)] public static extern bool Get. Window. Rect(Int. Ptr h. Wnd, out RECT lp. Rect); § RECT struct [Serializable, Struct. Layout(Layout. Kind. Sequential )] public struct RECT { public int Left; public int Top; public int Right; public int Bottom; }
COM Exposed. NET Assemblies § Com. Visible. Attribute (found in System. Runtime. Interop. Services) • Marks a class as “accessible via COM” (use a. NET class via a COM reference in a Sales. Logix VBScript) • You can make a class “COM visible” and registration is not required • Can also specify Prog. Id attribute [Com. Visible(true), Prog. Id(“My. Namespace. My. Class”)] public class My. Class { //… }
COM Exposed. NET Assemblies § Registering Assembly for COM Interop • Registers the assembly to be instanciated via COM (can be instanciated via Create. Object in VBScript plugins) • Required to instanciate the. NET class in script [. NET] [Com. Visible(true), Prog. Id(“My. Namespace. My. Class”)] public class My. Class { public void Do. Something() {} } [VBScript] Dim obj Set obj = Create. Object(“My. Namespace. My. Class”) obj. Do. Something() Set obj = Nothing
What Changes in Sales. Logix version 7? § How do these concepts apply to. NET Extensions in Sales. Logix v 7? § What does the. NET Extensions feature offer for. NET development?
Discussion § Questions or Comments?
Additional Learning Opportunities § To discuss & learn more about building customizations for your Sales. Logix system using. NET visit http: //www. slxdeveloper. com/ • Articles • Forums • Associate with the best in the Sales. Logix community! § Webcasts on Sales. Logix development topics via http: //www. customerfx. com/Events/Webcasts. fx
Your Feedback is Important to Us! § Your feedback helps us improve future conferences § Please complete the evaluation form for this session § Please include your session code on the evaluation form CRM 120 § Contact me via the forums on slxdeveloper. com! § Thank you for your participation