Скачать презентацию Leveraging Climate Action in Developing Countries A six Скачать презентацию Leveraging Climate Action in Developing Countries A six


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Leveraging Climate Action in Developing Countries: A six step programme Simon Maxwell Climate and Leveraging Climate Action in Developing Countries: A six step programme Simon Maxwell Climate and Development Knowledge Network

1. What’s the problem and why is it difficult to solve? 2. How theory 1. What’s the problem and why is it difficult to solve? 2. How theory helps 3. Applications to CCD: a six step programme

What’s the problem and why is it difficult to solve? http: //www. climateactiontracker. org/ What’s the problem and why is it difficult to solve? http: //www. climateactiontracker. org/

Climate Compatible Development ‘Climate compatible development means reducing poverty and securing human development in Climate Compatible Development ‘Climate compatible development means reducing poverty and securing human development in a way which reduces the extent of climate change, and also helps societies to adapt to inevitable change’

How theory helps - 1 “The whole life of policy is a chaos of How theory helps - 1 “The whole life of policy is a chaos of purposes and accidents” Clay, E. J. and Schaffer, B. B. (eds. ) (1986) Room for Manoeuvre, An Explanation of Public Policy in Agriculture and Rural Development. Heinemann: London.

How theory helps - 2 1. Policy process analysis 2. Political economy analysis How theory helps - 2 1. Policy process analysis 2. Political economy analysis

Models of Policy Change • Linear Model • Policy Space / Room for manoeuvre Models of Policy Change • Linear Model • Policy Space / Room for manoeuvre • Policy as social experiments • Street level bureaucracy • Disjointed incrementalism • Tipping Point • Crisis model • Communities of practice / Policy networks • Mixed scanning model • Policy as argument • Interactive model (policy reform as a process) • Policy Narratives

Four Styles of Policy Entrepreneurship (a) The story-teller (c) The engineer (b) The networker Four Styles of Policy Entrepreneurship (a) The story-teller (c) The engineer (b) The networker (d) The fixer

Source: http: //www. gsdrc. org/docs/open/EIRS 10. pdf Source: http: //www. gsdrc. org/docs/open/EIRS 10. pdf

Some examples: How did we do that? Incentives Leadership • MDGs Good ideas Institutions Some examples: How did we do that? Incentives Leadership • MDGs Good ideas Institutions • Business and Development Selfinterest Peer pressure Finance Motivating staff The capacity to deliver Public opinion

Applications to CCD: a six step programme 1. Find the ‘win-wins’ – e. g. Applications to CCD: a six step programme 1. Find the ‘win-wins’ – e. g. energy efficiency. 2. Look for co-benefits – e. g. reduced pollution, energy security, congestion. 3. Frame as risk management– e. g. threats to exports, climatic disasters. 4. Emphasise opportunities – e. g. renewables. 5. Build and use civil society – e. g. ‘reverse lobbying’. 6. Above all - lead.

www. cdkn. org www. cdkn. org