- Количество слайдов: 14
Lessons from the Greek experience n Robert Shotton DG REGIO European Commission
The Starting Point (2002) n GR +P the least advanced n 10% GR population connected to internet n ADSL not offered n BUT 43% Greek business on internet n 10 pupils per PC
High ambition 2001 -2008 n Total cost billion n Private expenditure billion n Public expenditure billion n. EU participation € 2. 8 € 0. 57 € 2. 26 € 1. 7 billion
Seven large projects Training teachers IS n e-Commerce SMEs n Citizen information offices n Networking government n Networking SMEs n IS skills for unemployed n Police on line n € 89. 6 million € 88. 1 million € 71. 4 million € 57. 1 million € 44. 4 million € 30 million € 29. 2 million
The problems n 60% of projects are immature n Weak change management (especially public administration) n Regions unprepared n Unsuccessful bidders appeal and cause delays n Service too expensive, low quality n Re-inventing the wheel. n TOO MUCH MONEY?
Lack of maturity Project assessment n Return for improvement n Information Society SA - Turnkey management n Takes over design, tendering and procurement n Forums for debate and information n E-business, E-health, ICT skills, interregional group, etc n
Weak change management n Business plans ( IS is part of a wider project - not an end in itself) Diagnosis, strategic priorities, action plan n Dedicated team in each Ministry n A condition for funding, followed during implementation
Regions unprepared Business plan n Regional IT forum with national and international experts n Joint action plan with the centre n Priorities, not a shopping list n Technical assistance during implementation? n
Unsuccessful bidders cause delays E-business forum helps service industry prepare n Open tendering - technologically neutral n Avoid big central contracts n But decentralised contracting more difficult to manage n
Service too expensive and poor quality n Liberalisation - slow n Wholesale price of monopoly backbone n How to provide finance for local loops? n Fund infrastructure or fund service?
Re-inventing the wheel? n IT observatory - but not yet set up n Peer review - for regions but not for centre Too inward looking - cultural phenomenon?
Too much money? Slow absorption - N+2 rule a problem? n Pressure to get ahead n Delivery of technical assistance too slow/inefficient? n Quality in danger if credits are at risk
A Mini-CSF Education and culture n Better government n Business applications n Infrastructure n € 421 million € 879 million € 902 million € 569 million A model for the next generation of Structural funds? Good design: but implementation?