- Количество слайдов: 22
Lesson Plan – Parallelograms, Kites, Trapeziums. Objectives and Habits of Mind Level 4 - To accurately measure the length and width of rectangles to the nearest mm. Level 5– To find the area and perimeter of rectangle using formula. Level 6 – To find the area of triangles, parallelogram, rhombuses and trapeziums using formula. • I can work well in a group, listening attentively and taking on different roles when needed. • I can negotiate and follow ground rules, to ensure fairness and cooperation when working with others. • I can identify the best information to help complete a task and put it into my own words. Keywords: Area, Base, Height, Formula Mental and Oral Starter Pupils to complete the table provided by drawing a picture of each polygon and writing in the formula for finding the area. Once they have had a go at doing this on their own give them a copy of a correct completed table to stick into their books. Main Activity Demonstrate how to find the area of kites, parallelograms and trapeziums using slides 7 -10 to prove how / why the formulas work. Give out the ‘today’s task’ instruction sheet to each group and briefly talk through the instructions with the class. Make sure that pupils understand their role. Discuss the learning outcomes and explain that the anyone working out the rectangular parts of the house should also calculate the perimeters. Give each group slides 13 -15 to cut out and fit together to make the house. Remind pupils that they should refer to their formula sheet they completed as the starter activity and make sure they show all their working out. Plenary Pupils to reflect on the success criteria for the Habits of Mind and Maths Objectives
LO To find the area of other polygons RAG Key Words: Area, Perimeter, Length, Width Starter Activity Complete the table provided by drawing a picture of each polygon and writing in the formula for finding the area. 19 -Mar-18
Level 3 4 5 6 7 8 Shape Space Measure I understand can explain the difference between area and perimeter. I can find the area and perimeter of shapes by counting squares. I can find the area of rectangles and squares using a formula. I can find the area of triangles, kites, parallelogram trapeziums and circles. I can use formulae for the volume of cuboids. I can find the volume and surface area of cuboids. I can calculate volumes and surface area of prisms and cylinders. I understand the difference between formulae for area, perimeter and volume by considering dimensions. rning e lea we ar Today I am starting the lesson on level ___________ By the end of this lesson I want to be able to ___________
Key Words Polygon Length Width Height Perimeter Area Surface Area Volume Circumference Radius Diameter Pi
Polygon Name Formula for Area Rectangle Area = Triangle Area = Parallelogram Area = Kite Area = Trapezium Area =
Polygon Name Formula for Area Rectangle Area = Triangle Area = Parallelogram Area = Kite Area = Trapezium Area =
Polygon Name Formula for Area Rectangle Area = length x width Triangle Area = (base x height) ÷ 2 Parallelogram Area = base x perpendicular height Rhombus Area = ½ base x height Trapezium Area = ½ (sum of parallel sides) x height
4 cm 5 cm So area of a parallelogram is ; Base x perpendicular height = 20 cm 2
8 cm Height hasn’t changed – still 8 cm Width has halved to 3 cm. 6 cm 3 cm So – area of a kite or rhombus is; Half of base x height =3 x 8 = 24 cm 2
Now for the tricky one; 1 cm 6 cm 1 cm 4 cm 1 cm 10 cm
Now for the tricky one; 6 cm 4 cm The width of the rectangle is the same as the height of the trapezium. The length of the rectangle is the same as the bottom and top of the trapezium added together and then halved. 10 cm So – area of a Trapezium is; Half the sum of the parallel sides x the gap between them. = (6+10)/2 x 4 = 32 cm 2
Today’s Task • Work out the area of each polygon, you will need to measure the sides. • Fit them together to create a house • Find the total area of the house.