- Количество слайдов: 29
What is ACCENT? Intonation (Speech Music) Liaisons (Word Connections) AC ENT C Pronunciation (Spoken Sounds)
A Few Words On Pronunciation Tense Vowels Lax Vowels Symbol Sound Spelling Example ā ē ī ō ū ä æ æo εi ee äi ou ooh ah ä+ε æ+o take [tak] eh get [gεt] eat [et] ih it [it] Ice [is] ih+uh took [tük] hope [hop] ε i ü ə A uh some [səm] a car k. Ar smooth [smuth] caught [kät] cat [kæt] down [dæon] SEMIVOWELS ər əl er ul her dull [hər] [də əl]
[æ] 1. Ann 2. ban 3. can 4. cat 5. Dan 6. fan 7. gap 8. hat 9. Jan 10. lam p 11. ma n 12. matt er 14. gnat 15. pan 16. ran 17. san d 18. cha nce 19. tac k 20. van 21. wax 22. yam 23. zap
[ä] 1. on 2. bond 3. con 4. caught/ cot 5. Don/ dawn 6. fawn 7. gone 8. hot 9. John 10. lawn 11. monst er 12. motto 14. not/ knot 15. paw n 16. Ron 17. sa wn 18. Sea n 19. cha lk 20. talk 21. Von 22. want 23. yawn
[ə] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. un bun come cut done fun gun hut jump lump Mond ay 12. mutter 13. none/ 14. nut 15. pun 16. run 17. sun 18. shut 19. chuck 20. tuck 21. vug 22. won/ one 23. young 24. result
[o] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. own bone coat don’t phone goat hotel Joan loan motor known 14. note 15. pony 16. roan 17. sewn/s own 18. show 19. choke 20. token 21. vogue 22. won’t 23. yo! 24. zone
[a] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ain’t bane cane Kate Dane feign gain hate Jane lane main made her 13. name 14. Nate 15. pain/pa ne 16. rain/rei gn 17. sane 18. Shane 19. chang e 20. take 21. vague 22. wane 23. yea! 24. zany
[ε] 1. end 2. Ben 3. Ken 4. ketch 5. den 6. fend 7. again 8. het up 9. Jenny 10. Len 11. men 12. met her 13. nemesi s 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. net pen wren send Shen check tech vent when yen zen
CONTRASTED SOUNDS o æ ä æ ü ā œ ə ε Prepared by Bryant Acar Trainer Call Center Academy (2014)
FIRST PAIR CAP HAT TAP SACKS LAG COP HOT TOP SOCKS LOG ADD LACK PAD BLACK DAD ODD LOCK POD BLOCK DOD Dad and Dod hid the cap of the cop. Did Sally and Sonny tap the top of their desks? Black blocks of wood and pairs of socks are in the sacks.
SECOND PAIR BEND SNED LEND BECK SAID BAND SAND LAND BACK SAD GEM BEG LED MEN TEN JAM BAG LAD MAN The lad who led sadly said, “Bend the band. ” Ten tanned women and a man begged Ben in the ban to bring out their bags. For what are the pen in the pan and the gem in the jam.
THIRD PAIR FEEL SEAL FEAT REACH SCENE FILL SILL FIT RICH SIN BEAT DEAN LEAP BEAN DEED BIT DIN LIP BIN DID Is it true, Ric, that the rich in this area are hard to reach? Is it really a sin to make a scene in public? Who told you that I did not do a good deed? I kept the beans in the bin.
FOURTH PAIR LETTER BELLY SAID PEGGY LITTER BILLY CID PIGGY PET LEFT BELT RED BEN Peggy’s piggy band is on Billy’s belly. Cid said that she lifted Pete’s pet. She left the lift and took the bin from Ben. PIT LIFT BUILT RID BIN
FIFTH PAIR LUKE SUIT POOL FOOL LOOK SOOT PULL FULL WOOED COOED SHOOED STEWED WOULD COULD SHOULD STOOD I stood still as I looked at Luke seriously. The fool was full of delight as he washed his suit full of soot. How would you turn down a suitor who has wooed you for years?
SIXTH PAIR HALL BALL CAUGHT BOUGHT RAW HOLE BOWL COAT BOAT ROW SAW LAW GNAW CLAUSE PAUSE SOW LOW KNOW CLOSE Paul and Pol found a ball and a bowl inside the hold in the hall. Let’s pause as we pose beside the new sailboat the officer just bought. Rose knows that I saw her sewing her robe gnawed by Robert’s dog.
SEVENTH PAIR CURL FIR BERT SIR HURT CARL FAR BART CZAR HEART LURK PERT PERSON CURT PERCH LARK PART PARSON CART PARCH Sir, who among the three is a czar: Carl, Bert or Bart? The person who lurked in the lark is like a parson, isn’t he? Surely, Carl perched on the log to parch his curly hair, didn’t he?
EIGHT PAIR RAID GATE WAIT PAIN MAIN RED GET WET PEN MEN CANE WADE YALE FAIL TAIL KEN WED YELL FELL TELL Ken, bring your cane down and yell for the Yales. The main objective of the men was to raid the Reds, wasn’t it, Joe? Wait! I’m so wet, so I can’t tell the tales now.
NINTH PAIR PAN PIN PAINT PULL PAIL FAN FIN FAINT FULL FAIL LAP TOP STEEP CLIP STOP LAUGH TOUGH STIFF CLIFF STUFF Don’t fail to pull the pail full of paint, Paul. Peter, definitely, a pin cannot serve as a fin! Felipe, place the pan and the fan on my lap, but please don’t laugh at me.
TENTH PAIR BUY BEER BAN BALLET BANE VIE VEER VAN VALET VANE ROBE LOBES CURB BULB VERB ROVE LOAVES CURVE VALVE VERVE What is the difference between curb and curve? Big Vic is both a valet and a ballet dancer. The loaves of bread were packed between the bags of cookies looking like ear lobes.
ELEVENTH PAIR TIN BAT WRIT BET BOOT THIN BATH WREATH BETH BOOTH TANK SHEET PAT TREE TICKETT THANK SHEATH PATH THREE HICKET The thin tin sheets cannot be made into sheaths Thank the tank security guard for keeping the bat in the bath. Were there lottery tickets hidden under the thickets near the three trees, Thomas?
TWELFTH PAIR DEN THEN DAN THAN BREATHE DO THOUGH LADDER LATHER WORDY WORTHY FODDER BREED FATHER RIDE DAY DARE WRITHE THEY THERE Is it not worthy to be very wordy in speech? Father was breathing heavily as he prepared the fodder for the horse that he was breeding.
THIRTEENTH PAIR SUE SIP CES SEE PRICE ZOO ZIP SAYS Z PRIZE PLACE ICE PASS ACE RACE PLAYS EYES PAZ A’S RAISE Zed said, “I see your Z not properly written, Zosimo. ” That is the price of your winning the prize. In the zoo, Sue saw a chimpanzee placing a cube of ice on his eyes.
FOURTEENTH PAIR SEAT SIGH SOW CLASS PERSON SHEET SHY SHOW CLASH PERSIAN SUN SOP SAID LASS SAM SHUN SHOP SHED LASH SHAM She said, “Under the shade, could you shed light by showing me how it is to be sowing radish seed? The missing person is a Persian who had a clash with his class. Don’t shun the sun. Take your seat, spread your sheet and have a tan.
FIFTEENTH PAIR ALEUTIAN CONFUCIAN GLACIER DILUTION ALLUSION CONFUSION GLAZIER DELUSION The glacier frightened the glazier so much. Because of his delusion, he did notice the dilution to the paint. In his poetry, the poet made great allusion to the Aleutian Islands.
SIXTEENTH PAIR WEAL WAIL WATT WHEEL WHALE WHAT WET WITTIER WINE Do you think you are wittier than Whittier? What watt are you talking about? Which witch wails like a whale? WHET WHITTIER WHINE