- Количество слайдов: 26
Lesson 13
Angi vessel (usually blood) n Angiology- angi(blood vessel) logy(study of) n Angiosperm- angi(vessel) sperm (seed) n n Flowering plants in which the seed is contained in a pericarp, wall of mature ovary (peri=around and carp=fruit) Angina pectoris- angi(vessel) pectus(chest) n Chest pain due to insufficient blood flow to heart muscles
Bas low n Basement- bas(low) ment(result, process) n Bassoon- bas(low) n n Double-reed woodwind with low, curved mouthpiece Debase- de(down, from) bas(low) n To lower in character, quality or value
Clud (clus) close, shut n Exclude- ex(out) clud(shut n Preclude- pre(before) clud(close) n n Avoid; prevent Recluse- re(back) clus(shut)
Corn horn n Unicorn- uni(one) corn(horn) n Capricorn- capri(goat) corn(horn) n Cornucopia- corn(horn) copia(plenty)
Crac (crat) government, rule, power n Democracy- demos(people) crac(government) y(result of) n Autocrat- auto(self) crat(power) n n One ruler with unlimited power; a despot Theocracy- theo(god) crac(government) y(result of) n Ruled by divine guidance
Dom house n Dome- dom(house) n Domestic- dom(house) ic(related to) n Domicile- dom(house) ile(pertaining to)
Ev time, age n Inevitable- in(in) ev(time) able(able) n Medieval- medi(middle) ev(age) al(related to) n Primeval- prim(first) ev(time, age) al(related to)
Frater brother n Fraternal- frat(brother) al(related to) n Fraternity- frat(brother) ity(state, quality) n Fratricide- frat(brother) cid(kill)
Gymn naked, nude n Gymnasium- gymn(naked) sium(place) n Place to exercise in the nude n Gymnosperm- gymn(naked) sperm(seed) n Gymnosophist- gymn(naked) soph(wise) ist(one who) n Ancient Hindu sect of ascetics who contemplated in the nude
Hum earth, ground n Humble- hum(earth) ble(related to) n n Humiliate- hum(earth) ate(make, cause) n n Lowly; close to the ground To make one feel lowly Exhume- ex(out) hum(earth, ground)
Lud (lus) laugh, mock, play Ludicrous- lud(laugh) ous(full of) n Collusion- col(together, with) lus(play) ion(act of) n n n Conspiring for illegal purposes Prelude- pre(before) lud(play)
Mater (metr) mother Maternal- mater(mother) al(related to) n Matrimony- matr(mother) mony(state of) n n n State of motherhood Metropolis- metr(mother) polis(city) n Largest or more important city
Meso middle Mesoderm- meso(middle) derm(skin) n Mesopotamia- meso(middle) potamos(river) n n n An ancient country of southwest Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, included in modern Iraq Mesozoic- meso(middle) zo(animal) ic(related to)
Oo (ov) egg Oogamy- oo(egg) gamy(marriage). n Ovicide- ov(egg) cid(kill) n n n Killing eggs of insects Ovoviviparous- ov(egg) viv(living) paradous(produce) n Eggs that hatch internally
Ophthalm eye Ophthalmic- ophthalm(eye) ic(related to) n Ophthalmologist- ophthalm(eye) log(study) ist(one who) n Ophthalmoscope- ophthalm(eye) scop(look) n n Instrument for examining eye
Pater (patri) father Paternity- pater(father) ity(state of) n Patriarch- patri(father) arch(rule) n Repatriate- re(back) patri(father) ate(make or cause) n n Return to fatherland
Phag eat n Esophagus- osiophagos(eat) n n Dysphagia- dys(bad) phag(eat) ia(condition) n n Tube from pharynx to stomach Trouble swallowing Anthropophagous- anthrop(man) phag(eat) ous(full of) n cannibal
Platy broad, flat Plateau- plat(flat) n Platypodia- plat(flat) pod(foot) ia(condition) n Platitude- plat(flat) tude(state of) n n Trite expression; lack of originality
Polis (polit) city Police- polis(city) n Acropolis- acro(high) polis(city) n n n Built at highest point of city Megalopolis- megal(large) polis(city) n Densely populated urban area, usually including one or more cities
Rod gnaw Rodent- rod(gnaw) ent(that which) n Corrode- cor(together, with) rod(gnaw) n Erode- e(out) rod(gnaw) n
Soror sister Sorority- soror(sister) ity(state of) n Sororal- soror(sister) al(pertaining to) n Sororicide- soror(sister) cid(kill) n
Term (termin) end, limit Terminate- termin(end) ate(cause) n Interminable- in(not) termin(end) able(able) n Terminology- termin(limit) ology(study) n n Words with limited or specialized meaning
Test witness Testify- test(witness) fy(make) n Testimony- test(witness) mony(result) n Intestate- in(no) test(witness) ate(cause) n n Dying without a will
Tut (tui) teach, guide, guard Tutor- tut(teach) or(one who) n Tutelage- tut(teach) age(state of) n Intuition- in(in) tui(teach) tion(act of) n n Knowledge from within that is not taught
Vir man Virile- vir(man) ile(like, pertaining to) n Virility- vir(man) ity(state, condition) n Triumvirate- trium(three) vir(man) ate(make) n