Lesson — 0808 March 16, 2015 Monday Semester-2

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  • Размер: 2.7 Mегабайта
  • Количество слайдов: 16

Описание презентации Lesson — 0808 March 16, 2015 Monday Semester-2 по слайдам

Lesson -- 0808 March 16, 2015 Monday Semester-2 Compound Predicate Lesson — 0808 March 16, 2015 Monday Semester-2 Compound Predicate

Lesson -- 0808 March 16, 2015 Monday Semester-2 Agenda: - Two types of Compound Predicate; -Lesson — 0808 March 16, 2015 Monday Semester-2 Agenda: — Two types of Compound Predicate; — Nominal Predicate examples; — Verbal Predicate examples.

Nominal Predicate examples Она казалась очень счастливой. У нее был усталый вид. Стало холодно. Осенью листваNominal Predicate examples Она казалась очень счастливой. У нее был усталый вид. Стало холодно. Осенью листва желтеет. She seemed very happy. She looked tired. It became cold. In autumn the leaves turn yellow.

http: //enjoy-eng. ru/grammatika/glagoly-sviazki-v-angliiskom-iazyke  http: //enjoy-eng. ru/grammatika/glagoly-sviazki-v-angliiskom-iazyke

Verbal Predicate examples Мы начали изучать английский язык три года назад. Ученики продолжали писать. Ребенок пересталVerbal Predicate examples Мы начали изучать английский язык три года назад. Ученики продолжали писать. Ребенок перестал плакать. We began to learn English three years ago. The pupils went on writing. The child stopped crying.

Verbal Predicate examples Я могу сделать это. Он должен вернуться завтра. Он хочет там работать. IVerbal Predicate examples Я могу сделать это. Он должен вернуться завтра. Он хочет там работать. I can do it. He must come back tomorrow. He wants to work there.

1. 1. During last lessons we learnt about Subject and Predicate. 2. 2. It was interesting1. 1. During last lessons we learnt about Subject and Predicate. 2. 2. It was interesting to know that they are main Parts of Sentence. 3. 3. We always have interesting lessons with so much video materials. 4. 4. I need to watch many video clips at home and it takes me much time. 5. 5. Watching video clips is time consuming, but the benefit is obvious because it develops your overall understanding. 1. 1. I I must speak English fluently. 2. 2. Lessons that I take twice a week are very helpful. 3. 3. They must help me understand spoken English easily. 4. 4. I try to make all my home assignments. 5. 5. Some of my home assignments are very much difficult. 6. 6. But they are very much encouraging. 7. 7. Spoken English is my ultimate target to master. Recording exercise

1. 1. During last lessons we learnt about Subject and Predicate. 2. 2. It was interesting1. 1. During last lessons we learnt about Subject and Predicate. 2. 2. It was interesting to know that they are main Parts of Sentence. 3. 3. We always have interesting lessons with so much video materials. 4. 4. I need to watch many video clips at home and it takes me much time. 5. 5. Watching video clips is time consuming, but the benefit is obvious because it develops your overall understanding. 1. 1. I must speak English fluently. 2. 2. Lessons that I take twice a week are very helpful. 3. 3. They must help me understand spoken English easily. 4. 4. I try to make all my home assignments. 5. 5. Some of my home assignments are very much difficult. 6. 6. But they are very much encouraging. 7. 7. Spoken English is my ultimate target to master. Simple Predicate Search

1. 1. During last lessons we learnt about Subject and Predicate. 2. 2. It It was1. 1. During last lessons we learnt about Subject and Predicate. 2. 2. It It was interesting to know that they areare main Parts of Sentence. 3. 3. We always have interesting lessons with so much video materials. 4. 4. I need to watch many video clips at home and it takes me much time. 5. 5. Watching video clips is time consuming , but the benefit is obvious because it develops your overall understanding. 1. 1. I must speak English fluently. 2. 2. Lessons that I take twice a week are very helpful. . 3. 3. They must help me understand spoken English easily. 4. 4. I try to make all my home assignments. 5. 5. Some of my home assignments are very much difficult. . 6. 6. But they are very much encouraging. . 7. 7. Spoken English is my ultimate target to master. . Nominal Compound Predicate Search

1. 1. During last lessons we learnt about Subject and Predicate. 2. 2. It was interesting1. 1. During last lessons we learnt about Subject and Predicate. 2. 2. It was interesting to know that they are main Parts of Sentence. 3. 3. We always have interesting lessons with so much video materials. 4. 4. I I need to watch many video clips at home and it takes me much time. 5. 5. Watching video clips is time consuming, but the benefit is obvious because it develops your overall understanding. 1. 1. I I must speak English fluently. 2. 2. Lessons that I take twice a week are very helpful. 3. 3. They must help me understand spoken English easily. 4. 4. I I try to make all my home assignments. 5. 5. Some of my home assignments are very much difficult. 6. 6. But they are very much encouraging. 7. 7. Spoken English is my ultimate target to master. Verbal Compound Predicate Search

1. 1. Heat can melt ice, vaporize water and cause bodies to expand. -- Тепло может1. 1. Heat can melt ice, vaporize water and cause bodies to expand. — Тепло может растопить лед, превратить воду в пар и вызвать расширение тел. 2. 2. The airplane got covered with ice and they had to make a forced landing. — Самолет обледенел, и им пришлось сделать вынужденную посадку. 3. 3. You are to follow the doctor’s prescription. — Вы должны следовать предписанию врача. 1. 1. HH е е was still asleep when the snow began to fall. — Он еще спал, когда начал идти снег. 2. 2. I want to remind you of a promise you made to me. — Я хочу напомнить вам об обещании, которое вы мне дали 3. 3. The snow had ceased falling. — Снег перестал идти. Try to find predicates…

Subject Compound Nominal Predicate Verb to be Nominal Part 1 I am student Noun  2Subject Compound Nominal Predicate Verb to be Nominal Part 1 I am student Noun 2 The book is yours Pronoun 3 She was in despair Noun with Preposition 4 She was frightened Participle 5 Sky is blue Adjective 6 My addiction will be traveling Gerund 7 My due is to teach Infinitive