Скачать презентацию LES Italy 2016 Events IP Day Cocktail Скачать презентацию LES Italy 2016 Events IP Day Cocktail


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LES Italy 2016 Events • IP Day Cocktail Reception (Milan, April 2016) • IP LES Italy 2016 Events • IP Day Cocktail Reception (Milan, April 2016) • IP Manager Course (Vicenza, May 2016) • EU Trademark Reform (Torino, June 2016) • IP Manager Workshop (Venezia, June 2016) • IP Manager Course (Torino, September 2016) • Licensing Course (Firenze, October 2016) • The Latest News Affecting Intellectual Property in Italy and Europe (Milan, October 2016) BE INFORMATIVE and INTERESTING! 2

2 day courses BE RELEVANT FOR THE INDUSTRY On average 30 -40 attendees 2 day courses BE RELEVANT FOR THE INDUSTRY On average 30 -40 attendees

2 day courses PADOVA TORINO Licensing March 2017 Milano Licensing April 2015 IP Manager 2 day courses PADOVA TORINO Licensing March 2017 Milano Licensing April 2015 IP Manager October 2016 VICENZA IP Manager May 2016 FIRENZE Licensing October 2016 Roma BE LOCAL Bari

IP Day Cocktail Reception INCENTIVATE NEW MEMBERSHIP Enroll a Friend More than 50 attendees IP Day Cocktail Reception INCENTIVATE NEW MEMBERSHIP Enroll a Friend More than 50 attendees 5

How to increase membership? Make your event available for free to LES members • How to increase membership? Make your event available for free to LES members • All LES Italy events were and are at no cost for LES Members. Non-members shall pay a registration fee slightly higher than the LES Italy annual membership fee in order to facilitate the membership. Ask for professional credits • All LES Italy events are acknowledged by the Italian Association of the Industrial Property Consultants and by the Italian Law Society and entitle the participants to get a number of credits depending of the quality and duration of the events: a given number of credits are requested on a yearly basis by the Law Society in order to prove the continuous professional education. Create partnerships with Institutions • Most of the events organized by LES Italy are in partnership with other Italian IP Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Industry Associations, Research Centre or Universities. 6

How to increase membership? Make your event more international • One of the wishes How to increase membership? Make your event more international • One of the wishes of my Presidency is to increase the cooperation with the other LES chapters worldwide and with the international institutions like WIPO, EUIPO and possibly replicate the very well attended Judges conference on an international level inviting Judges of different jurisdiction as speaker on cross boarder issues (for example on interim measures and preliminary injunctions). Take advantage of the specificity of LES towards other IP associations: make your event more industry based • The second pillar is to involve representatives from the industry and in-house counsels both as speakers and as attracting force for their colleagues. The presence of representatives of the industry shall be stressed out as powerful attracting tool in order to increase the membership of new attorneys at law. 7

How to increase membership? Choose multidisciplinary topics for seminars • Evaluate a case under How to increase membership? Choose multidisciplinary topics for seminars • Evaluate a case under different aspects involving patent attorneys, attorney at law, In-house lawyers and representatives of the industry. Contact Business Newspaper and develop Media Partnership • Sole 24 Ore, La Repubblica, Corriere delle Sera • Legal Community 8

The next event 9 The next event 9

How to increase membership? A strategic question In order to increase the members from How to increase membership? A strategic question In order to increase the members from the industry, should we do not evaluate to offer the membership to a given corporation by accepting for example the attendance up to 2 representatives of this corporation? 10

Thanks for the attention Mattia Dalla Costa President LES Italy www. les-italy. org Thanks for the attention Mattia Dalla Costa President LES Italy www. les-italy. org