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«Lepta Ukraine» Presentation confidentially
History • Company LEPTA was established in April 1999 as the company focused on arrangement of works in the licensing segment, governed by Ukrainian legislation, first of all in the area of certification of conformity with the applicable state standards and specifications of Ukr. SEPRO, the national certification system. • The founders of LEPTA incorporated in its name the Biblical sense, i. e. ‘Feasible contribution'. This was an appeal to all those who encountered with the complications of a sophisticated Ukrainian certification system at the end of the 1990’s. The company name already contained the message: “Manufacture, import, promote and successfully sell your products in the Ukrainian market; and entrust the certification and other licensing issues to us, the professionals, we’re ready to take this headache from you! Don’t distract from your business, don’t spread yourself too thinly. Everyone should do what he can do the best. We will promote your success and prosperity, as the greatest efficiency is reached where the labor is allocated competently!”
Philosophy • LEPTA uses its vast experience, high qualification and skills of its employees, as well as logistical, methodological, laboratory and information basis for performance of certification works of high level and reliability, to render the excellent quality services in the licensing area, thus making a feasible contribution to development, success and prosperity of its Customers. • LEPTA works in the legitimate area only, follows the strict ethical standards, and realizes its responsibility and social consequences of its activity.
Activities • LEPTA continuously cooperates and deals with the following institutions: - Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine; - State Inspectorate of Ukraine for Protection of Consumers’ Rights; - Department for Technical Regulation of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Ukraine; - Health Ministry of Ukraine; - Sanitary and Epidemiological Agency of Ukraine; - Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine; - Technical Expert Examination Institute of the Security Service of Ukraine; - Ministry of Transport and Communication of Ukraine; - National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization;
- State Service for Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine; - Ukrainian State Center for Radio Frequencies; - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine; - Department for Energy Saving in Ukraine; - Community for Protection of the Consumers’ Rights; - Customs Committee of Ukraine; - State External Information Committee; - Market monitoring bodies (save for the State Inspectorate of Ukraine for Protection of Consumers’ Rights), - Others.
Benefits • During the past seven years LEPTA has been a confident leader at the certification market of Ukraine. The same is related to the issue of holding of sophisticated consecutive certification works and accompanying licensing procedures, as well as the guarantees of obtaining of the certificates of conformity and other licenses within the shortest time possible. Here we have no competitor at all. • It is not random that during this time more than 120 companies became our loyal customers. • The name of LEPTA is a registered trademark and intellectual property object in Ukraine.
Evolution • Besides, during these years LEPTA developing its business, experienced significant qualitative changes. Now it is a group of companies consolidated in the holding, dealing with organization and carrying out of works related to certification of goods and services and assessment of conformity at the new qualitative level. • These are such affiliates of LEPTA founders as Lepta Grows LLC (USA), Lepta Grows ОU (Estonia), Lepta Ukraine Llc, Accept 2006 LLC, P. M. Invest LLC. LEPTA holding is a co-owner of the Certification Body called “Centre for Certification of Materials and Goods” (CCM&G), having a broad range of accreditation related both to the product certification and assessment of conformity with the international standards.
Certification body • The CB CCM&G acquired the right to carry out the certification works in the telecommunications area, is a valid member of the Technical Committee for Communication, and takes an active part in its meetings, which resulted in obtaining of registration numbers of certificates of conformity for such products as cell phones, laptops, and wireless communication devices. These possibilities allow obtaining the licensing documents, such as certificates of conformity, declarations, licensing letters and permits for the customs authorities within the shortest time possible and with the greater reliability. • To make the process of certification works more profound, to optimize it and enhance is efficiency, LEPTA holding became the co-owner of testing lab “VIPROBUVACH”, accredited in Ukr. SEPRO system, which significantly expanded its accreditation area. • Presently the accreditation of the second testing lab for electromagnetic compatibility, owned by the holding and managed by Lepta Ukraine LLC, is being prepared. One of the most important components of the testing basis of the said lab in the availability of one of the best echoless chambers in Ukraine.
Partners The following organizations are LEPTA holding partners: - Commission of the Ministry of Industrial Policy and Ministry of Economic Affairs for radioelectronics development (Lepta is the committee member); - Association for Communication Development in Ukraine (CB CCM&G is one of its founders and a panel member); - Institute of Technical Expert Examination of the Security Service of Ukraine (Lepta Ukraine LLC is a partner for technical expert examination and drafting of specifications for subsequent monitoring).
Provided services Clients of LEPTA, Customers of the certification works receive highlevel services, namely: • Particular attention to the needs and wishes of Customer; • Guarantees of fulfilment of all tasks set by Customer to LEPTA, i. e. lack of negative results. Proposing of special solution schemes in case of timely non-conformity of peculiarities of the set tasks with the national requirements; • Short terms of work performance. As regards the work performance terms, LEPTA is an absolute leader in the Ukrainian market of certification services; • Minimum requirements to the requested technical information and production technologies. In case of lack of the required scope of technical information, the missing data are searched in the technical files database subject to subsequent adjustment of the recreated data after product delivery;
• Minimum requirements to product samples (their types, number and condition). Carrying out of the dominating scope of works without provision of samples (save for the communication devices); • Approval of schemes and models of certification and other licensing works depending on the terms, scopes and duration of the planned deliveries and sales; • Legitimacy, protection from challenging by the third parties and complete sufficiency of certificates of conformity, registered declarations, expert conclusions, licensing letters and other licensing documents obtained as a result of works. • Readiness to defend the positive results of certification and other licensing works confirming the high consumption quality and safety of Customer products in various instances, including in courts; • Work according to the pre-agreed minimum market price rates only; • Receipt of payment for the carried out certification works after their completion only; • Stability of the approved timeframes, costs and substantial terms and conditions for performance of works, even if the complicacy of works or regulatory changes require performance of additional works or interfere with their performance;
• Liability, including the financial one, for assumed obligation to provide the certificates of conformity and other licensing documents within the agreed term; • Provision of information and consulting services and performance of the other works accompanying the certification actions free of charge; • Rendering of services related to the customs clearance of samples for certification of demonstration/exhibition, warehousing and transportation services, if required. The financial services related to writing off of samples and other material valuables by arrangement of the process of their consecutive sale and purchase; • Carrying out of special studies in the interests and by order of Customer in the structures of the Health Ministry, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources , National Commission for State Regulation of Communications and Informatization, State Service for Special Communication and Information, Ministry of Emergencies and other instances for marketing projects; • Confidentiality of certification works.
Our customers
Thank you for your attention! “Lepta Ukraine“ Ltd. Viborgskaya St. , 103, office 503, 04680, Kyiv, Ukraine ALEKSEY PODGORNYI mobile. : 067 -501 -03 -76 e-mail: alex@lepta. net. ua SERGII PSHENYCHNYI mobile : 067 -501 -03 -75 e-mail: pshenych@lepta. net. ua VADIM GARKAVYI mobile : 050 -496 -58 -52 e-mail: gvaster@lepta. net. ua