Скачать презентацию LEFIS Legal Framework of Information Society Meeting Rotterdam Скачать презентацию LEFIS Legal Framework of Information Society Meeting Rotterdam


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LEFIS Legal Framework of Information Society Meeting Rotterdam June 06 Mainstreaming Information Law: in LEFIS Legal Framework of Information Society Meeting Rotterdam June 06 Mainstreaming Information Law: in Warwick LLM Programmes Prof. Abdul Paliwala, Univeristy of Warwick; Director Electronic Law Journals; Law Courseware Consortium Senior Consultant (ICT) UK Centre for Legal Education © Ch. COLLARD, département Sciences Juridiques

Specialism v Mainstreaming n Two approaches to information law Special Masters o Mainstreaming o Specialism v Mainstreaming n Two approaches to information law Special Masters o Mainstreaming o n n n Plan for a Masters in Law in Global Information Society Mainstreaming also very important Discuss three elements in three programmes © Ch. COLLARD, département Sciences Juridiques

LLM Programmes n LLM: Five programmes o o o n Structure o o n LLM Programmes n LLM: Five programmes o o o n Structure o o n International Economic Law (100 students) International Development Law and Human Rights (40 Students) Legal Education European Law in a Global Society Comparative Corporate Law and Governance 12 months Core Course + 4/8 Units + Dissertation Brief: o o Integrating IT Developing a new programme © Ch. COLLARD, département Sciences Juridiques

IDLHR: Technologies and Materialities of Globalisation n n Globalisation & Human Rights key part IDLHR: Technologies and Materialities of Globalisation n n Globalisation & Human Rights key part of international development discourse Link between technologies, globalisation and law Castells – Network Society o Lessig – Code as Law o Baxi – Material link between digitalisation and globalisation o © Ch. COLLARD, département Sciences Juridiques

Network Society In the information age, the critical organisational form is networking. The most Network Society In the information age, the critical organisational form is networking. The most critical distinction in this organisational logic is to be or not to be – in the network. Be in the network, and you can share and, over time, increase your chances. Be out of the network, or become switched off, and your chances vanish since everything that counts is organised around a world wide web of interacting networks (Castells 1998). © Ch. COLLARD, département Sciences Juridiques

Technologies and Materialities of Globalisation: Techno Divides n n Module explores the phenomenon of Technologies and Materialities of Globalisation: Techno Divides n n Module explores the phenomenon of global technological divides including digital, nano and bio-technologies Digital Divides and Amelioration eg DOT Report, WSIS, WIPO o Role of International Regulation in exacerbating DD eg WTO- TRIPS o Alternative Strategies – eg Piracy o © Ch. COLLARD, département Sciences Juridiques

International Economic Law: International Intellectual Property Law and Policy n IEL Programme o o International Economic Law: International Intellectual Property Law and Policy n IEL Programme o o o n transnational perspective mainstreaming eg Broadcasting & Telecoms Law International Intellectual Property Law and Policy o o o international perspective. political economy of intellectual property in global economy. international harmonisation Specific forms of intellectual property (i. e. patents, copyright, trade marks, design rights) Case Studies International Enforcement © Ch. COLLARD, département Sciences Juridiques

COPYRIGHT AND THE DIGITAL ECONOMY n n n Recent developments in national and international COPYRIGHT AND THE DIGITAL ECONOMY n n n Recent developments in national and international copyright law enhancing the protection afforded to copyright owners in the digital environment. Examination of the key provisions of WIPO ‘Internet Treaties’ - the 1996 WIPO Copyright Treaty (full text) and WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (full text). Implementation of these treaties at national and regional level, o o o US Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (full text or US Copyright Office summary) EC Directive of 8 June 2000 on legal aspects of information society (“Ecommerce Directive”) (full text) EC Directive of 22 May 2001 on Copyright “Copyright in the Information Society Directive”) (full text). © Ch. COLLARD, département Sciences Juridiques

Mainstreaming e-Learning: LLM in Legal Education n n Objective of new LLM to introduce Mainstreaming e-Learning: LLM in Legal Education n n Objective of new LLM to introduce law lecturers worldwide to reflective and innovative approaches to legal education. Complements UKCLE role Modular approach – Whole LLM or selected modules Mainstreaming of IT throughout the programme © Ch. COLLARD, département Sciences Juridiques

Learning and Practice in Legal Education n n n n Core course The students Learning and Practice in Legal Education n n n n Core course The students will be organised into learning groups of 4/5. A variety of tasks so they can experience and critically examine the range of methods, activities and styles in legal education. Lectures, seminars and other activities Active Learning and innovation Each group will be responsible for the planning and delivering teaching Reflection through a learning log Preparation and delivery of a project o o o teaching of a part of the curriculum, an e learning sequence or a programme of assessment. © Ch. COLLARD, département Sciences Juridiques

Teaching and Learning Environment n n n Nationally funded (including UKCLE) project led by Teaching and Learning Environment n n n Nationally funded (including UKCLE) project led by Glasgow Graduate School’s Paul Maharg 4 law schools to start – but creative commons license afterwards Providing an e-learning environment for Transactional Learning Eg virtual Town Woxbridge o Student firms litigating o Learning how to do e-learning o © Ch. COLLARD, département Sciences Juridiques

Conclusions: Mainstreaming: Pros & Cons n Pros Contextualisation o Introduction of IT issues to Conclusions: Mainstreaming: Pros & Cons n Pros Contextualisation o Introduction of IT issues to non-specialists o n Cons Not enough space o Depends on the will of course teacher o n Third Way o Both Specialism and Mainstreaming? © Ch. COLLARD, département Sciences Juridiques

© Ch. COLLARD, département Sciences Juridiques © Ch. COLLARD, département Sciences Juridiques