PFLT Lecture 10.ppt

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LECTURES 10. SOCIAL-CONSTRUCTIVIST APPROACH TO TEACHING: FEURSTEIN’S THEORY OF MEDIATION. Key features of Feurstein’s LECTURES 10. SOCIAL-CONSTRUCTIVIST APPROACH TO TEACHING: FEURSTEIN’S THEORY OF MEDIATION. Key features of Feurstein’s theory of mediation. a. Concerned for all learning tasks b. Concerned with taking control of learning. c. Concerned with fostering social development 2. Application of mediation theory 3. Teacher Mediation questionnaire. 1.

Feurstein’s theory of mediation states: - - Mediation must be concerned with empowering with Feurstein’s theory of mediation states: - - Mediation must be concerned with empowering with helping learners to acquire knowledge and strategies they will need to function effectively in particular culture and a changing society. It involves interaction between a mediator and a learner, who is active participant The learner reciprocates the intentions of the mediator Learner –autonomy is needed to become truly self-directed

The first 3 features. Significance The teacher needs to make learners aware of the The first 3 features. Significance The teacher needs to make learners aware of the significance of the learning task so that they can see the value of it to them personally, and in a broader cultural context. Purpose beyond the here and now. In addition, learners must be aware of the way in which the learning experience will have wider relevance to them beyond the immediate time and place. Shared intention. In presenting a task, the teacher must have a clear intention, which is understood and reciprocated.

To understand these features ask these questions: -what are my reasons for selecting a To understand these features ask these questions: -what are my reasons for selecting a particular activity for my learners? -what significance (or value) does that activity hold for these learners personally or in a wider cultural sense? -how can I help the learners to perceive this value? -how might the activity lead to learning that will be useful to the learners in the future? -how can I help the learners to understand this? -how can I introduce the activity to the learners in a manner that conveys clearly what I want them to do and why? -how can I ensure that the learners are ready, willing and able to attempt the task?

Feature concerned with taking control of learning: A sense of competence: The feeling that Feature concerned with taking control of learning: A sense of competence: The feeling that they are capable of coping successfully with any particular task with which they are faced; Control of own behavior: The ability to control and regulate their own learning, thinking and actions; Goal- setting: The ability to set realistic goals and to plan ways of achieving them; Challenge: An internal need to respond to challenges, and to search for new challenges in life.

Awareness of change: An understanding that human beings are constantly changing, and the ability Awareness of change: An understanding that human beings are constantly changing, and the ability to recognize and asses changes in themselves; A belief in positive outcomes: A belief that even when faced with an apparently intractable problem, there is always the possibility of finding a solution.

Successful learners tend on the whole to be those who feel competent and capable Successful learners tend on the whole to be those who feel competent and capable of learning. In order to foster such feelings teachers should encourage a positive self-image, self-esteem, selfconfidence: a feeling of ‘I can’, or ‘I am capable of doing this’. Climate: confidence is built up! Mistakes can be made without fear. All contribution are valued activities lead to feelings of success, not failure.

Features concerned with fostering social development. Sharing: Co-operation among learners, together with the recognition Features concerned with fostering social development. Sharing: Co-operation among learners, together with the recognition that some problems are better solved co-operatively; Individuality: A recognition of their own individuality and uniqueness; A sense of belonging: A feeling of belonging to a community and a culture.

Powerful teaching approach. No matter how difficult it may appear to learn a language Powerful teaching approach. No matter how difficult it may appear to learn a language for some people, everyone is capable of doing so. So long as classroom teachers believe that their learners are all capable of succeeding, they will continue to seek effective ways of helping to bring this about.

Application of mediation theory. Teachers will need to select which areas of mediation to Application of mediation theory. Teachers will need to select which areas of mediation to consider for a particular activity with the needs of specific class and context in mind. Once teachers become accustomed to mediation, experience shows that finding appropriate ways to mediate will pervade everything that they do in class.

Seminar: Teacher Mediation Questionnaire: Significance Did the teacher convey purpose, for example: Did the Seminar: Teacher Mediation Questionnaire: Significance Did the teacher convey purpose, for example: Did the learners find some personal value in the task? Was there any evidence? Feeling of competence How did the teacher help the learners to foster a positive self-image and a feeling of confidence? By providing a secure environment By valuing all responses from the learners By encouraging learners to take risks, such as guessing unfamiliar vocabulary, etc. By praising appropriately By helping learners to learn from their errors Other ways ___________________. Control Did the teacher encourage the learners: To plan their work? Not to be impulsive? To think before answering? To check their own work? Others _____________________.

Co-operation How did the teacher encourage learners: To help each other? To listen to Co-operation How did the teacher encourage learners: To help each other? To listen to each other? To respect the feelings of other? To work together? Individuality Did the teacher select tasks which: -enabled individuals to express themselves? Provided opportunities for all the learners to contribute? How did the teacher encourage individuality? Goal-setting In what way did the teacher show the learners how to set their own goals? Awareness of change Did the teacher set tasks which allowed learners to Make self-assessments? Monitor their progress? Review their work? Review the strategies that they used? LITERATURE: Psychology for Language Teachers. Ch. 4. pp 65 -85.