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Lecture Notes Operating Systems Dr. Ming Zhang Tel: +1 (757) 594 7065 Fax: +1 Lecture Notes Operating Systems Dr. Ming Zhang Tel: +1 (757) 594 7065 Fax: +1 (757) 594 7919 Office: Gosnold Hall 223 Email: mzhang@pcs. cnu. edu URL: http: //www. pcs. cnu. edu/~mzhang http: //www. Dr. Ming. Zhang. com http: //j 2 ee. pcs. cnu. edu/moodle Operating Systems Subject Introduction Dr. Ming Zhang

Contents of Operation Systems (1) * * * * Operation System Processes Concurrency& UNIX Contents of Operation Systems (1) * * * * Operation System Processes Concurrency& UNIX Concurrency Mechanisms Memory - Memory Management - Virtual Memory Scheduling - Uniprocessor Scheduling - Multiprocessor Scheduling Input/Output and Files Distributed Systems (CPSC 450) Security(CPSC 450) Network Programming Overview Dr. Ming Zhang

Contents of Operation Systems (2) * Processes • • • Process Description Process Environment Contents of Operation Systems (2) * Processes • • • Process Description Process Environment Process Control Threads SMP (symmetric Multiprocessing) Microkernel Operating Systems Subject Introduction Dr. Ming Zhang

Contents of Operation Systems (3) * Concurrency • • Mutual Exclusion Synchronization Dead Lock Contents of Operation Systems (3) * Concurrency • • Mutual Exclusion Synchronization Dead Lock Starvation Operating Systems Subject Introduction Dr. Ming Zhang

Contents of Operation Systems (4) * Memory Management Ø buddy System Ø Paging * Contents of Operation Systems (4) * Memory Management Ø buddy System Ø Paging * Scheduling (Uniprocessor Scheduling) Ø First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) Ø Round-Robin (RR): q=1; q=4 Ø Shortest Process Next (SPN) Ø Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) Ø Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN) Ø Feedback q=1; q=2 i * Input/Output and Files Ø Disk Scheduling Ø Fire Organization Network Programming Overview Dr. Ming Zhang

Prescribed Text William Stalling Operating Systems - Internal and Design Principles 2005, Fifth Edition Prescribed Text William Stalling Operating Systems - Internal and Design Principles 2005, Fifth Edition Prentice Hall INSB: 0 - 13 - 147954 Winner of the 1998 text award for the best computer science and engineering textbook Operating Systems Subject Introduction Dr. Ming Zhang

Exercises/Homework Exercise/Homework Operating Systems Subject Introduction Dr. Ming Zhang Exercises/Homework Exercise/Homework Operating Systems Subject Introduction Dr. Ming Zhang

Tests * Test 1: * Test 2: * Test 3: Operating Systems Subject Introduction Tests * Test 1: * Test 2: * Test 3: Operating Systems Subject Introduction Dr. Ming Zhang

Project: Construction of a Larger System Programming: 2, 000 -3, 000 Lines Project Report: Project: Construction of a Larger System Programming: 2, 000 -3, 000 Lines Project Report: 3, 000 words Oral Presentation: 5 minutes person Operating Systems Subject Introduction Dr. Ming Zhang

Final Examination * Time 2. 5 hours Operating Systems Subject Introduction Dr. Ming Zhang Final Examination * Time 2. 5 hours Operating Systems Subject Introduction Dr. Ming Zhang

Operating Systems History z z z z z Operating systems Subroutine Batch monitor Buffering Operating Systems History z z z z z Operating systems Subroutine Batch monitor Buffering and interrupt Multiprogramming Interactive timesharing Preemptive scheduling Distributed operating systems Network and Computer Security

Operating System z A program that controls the execution of application programs z An Operating System z A program that controls the execution of application programs z An interface between the user and hardware z Masks the details of the hardware

What is an operating system? z Hard to define precisely because operating systems arose What is an operating system? z Hard to define precisely because operating systems arose historically as people needed to solve problems associated with using computers. z In the beginning: Expensive Hardware, Cheap People Goal: maximize hardware, utilization. z Now: Cheap Hardware, Expensive People Goal: make it easy for people to use computer

Layers and Views of a Computer System End User Programmer Application Programs Utilities Operating-System Layers and Views of a Computer System End User Programmer Application Programs Utilities Operating-System Computer Hardware Operating. System Designer

Problem: code to manipulate external I/O devices Solution: z Build a subroutine library (device Problem: code to manipulate external I/O devices Solution: z Build a subroutine library (device drivers) to manage the interaction with the I/O devices. z The library is loaded into the top of memory and stays there. z This is the first example of something that would grow into an operating system. z Because the machine is so expensive, it is important to keep it busy.

Services Provided by the Operating System z Program creation y editors and debuggers z Services Provided by the Operating System z Program creation y editors and debuggers z z Program execution Access to I/O devices Controlled access to files System access

Services Provided by the Operating System z Error detection and response y internal and Services Provided by the Operating System z Error detection and response y internal and external hardware errors x memory error x device failure y software errors x arithmetic overflow x access forbidden memory locations y operating system cannot grant request of application

Services Provided by the Operating System z Accounting y collect statistics y monitor performance Services Provided by the Operating System z Accounting y collect statistics y monitor performance y used for billing users

Operating System z It is actually a program z Directs the processor in the Operating System z It is actually a program z Directs the processor in the use of system resources z Directs the processor when executing other programs z Processor stops executing the operating system in order to execute other programs

Operating System as a Resource Manager Computer System Memory I/O Controller Operating System Software Operating System as a Resource Manager Computer System Memory I/O Controller Operating System Software I/O Controller . . . Programs and Data I/O Controller Processor . . . Processor O/S Programs Data

Problem: computer idles while programmer sets things up Solution: z Build a batch monitor. Problem: computer idles while programmer sets things up Solution: z Build a batch monitor. z Store jobs on a disk (spooling), have computer read them in one at a time and execute them. z Big change in computer usage: y debugging now done offline from print outs and memory dumps. y No more instant feedback.

Monitors z Software that controls the running programs z Batch operating system z Jobs Monitors z Software that controls the running programs z Batch operating system z Jobs are batched together z Resident monitor is in main memory and available for execution z Monitor utilities are loaded when needed

Memory Layout For a Resident Monitor Interrupt Processing Device Drivers Job Sequencing Control Language Memory Layout For a Resident Monitor Interrupt Processing Device Drivers Job Sequencing Control Language Interpreter User Program Area Monitor Boundary

Problem: At any given time, job is actively using either the CPU or an Problem: At any given time, job is actively using either the CPU or an I/O device, and the rest of the machine is idle and therefore unutilized Solution: z Allow the job to overlap computation and I/O. Buffering and interrupt handling added to subroutine library.

Hardware Features z Memory protection y do not allow the memory area containing the Hardware Features z Memory protection y do not allow the memory area containing the monitor to be altered z Timer y prevents a job from monopolizing the system y an interrupt occurs when time expires

Hardware Features z Privileged instructions y executed only by the monitor y an interrupt Hardware Features z Privileged instructions y executed only by the monitor y an interrupt occurs if a program tries these instructions z Interrupts y provides flexibility for controlling user programs

Problem: one job can't keep both CPU and I/O devices busy. Get poor utilization Problem: one job can't keep both CPU and I/O devices busy. Get poor utilization either of CPU or I/O devices. Solution: z multiprogramming - several jobs share system. Dynamically switch from one job to another when the running job does I/O.

Multiprogramming or Multitasking Allows the processor to execute another program while one program must Multiprogramming or Multitasking Allows the processor to execute another program while one program must wait for an I/O device. Run Wait Time Run A Run B Time Wait Run A Run B Wait

Example JOB 1 JOB 2 JOB 3 Type of job Heavy compute Heavy I/O Example JOB 1 JOB 2 JOB 3 Type of job Heavy compute Heavy I/O Duration 5 min. 10 min. Memory required 50 K 100 K 80 K Need disk? No No Yes Need terminal No Yes No Need printer? No No Yes

Effects of Multiprogramming Uniprogramming Multiprogramming Processor use 17% 33% Memory use 30% 67% Disk Effects of Multiprogramming Uniprogramming Multiprogramming Processor use 17% 33% Memory use 30% 67% Disk use 33% 67% Printer use 33% 67% Throughput rate 6 jobs/hr 12 jobs/hr Mean response time 18 min. 10 min.

Big issue: protection z Don't want one job to affect the results of another. Big issue: protection z Don't want one job to affect the results of another. z Memory protection and relocation added to hardware, OS must manage new hardware functionality. z OS starts to become a significant software system. z OS also starts to take up significant resources on its own.

Phase shift: Computers become much cheaper. People costs become significant. z Issue: It becomes Phase shift: Computers become much cheaper. People costs become significant. z Issue: It becomes important to make computers easier to use and to improve the productivity of the people.

Problem: having to wait for batch output. So, it is important to run interactively. Problem: having to wait for batch output. So, it is important to run interactively. But computers are still so expensive that you can't buy one for every person. Solution: z interactive timesharing.

Time Sharing z Using multiprogramming to handle multiple interactive jobs z Processor’s time is Time Sharing z Using multiprogramming to handle multiple interactive jobs z Processor’s time is shared among multiple users z Multiple users simultaneously access the system through terminals

Problem: Old batch schedulers were designed to run a job for as long as Problem: Old batch schedulers were designed to run a job for as long as it was utilizing the CPU effectively. But now, people need reasonable response time from the computer. Solution: z Preemptive scheduling.

Scheduling and Resource Management z Fairness y give equal and fair access to all Scheduling and Resource Management z Fairness y give equal and fair access to all processes z Differential responsiveness y discriminate between different classes of jobs z Efficiency y maximize throughput, minimize response time, and accommodate as many uses as possible

Phase shift: Computers become even cheaper. It becomes practical to give one computer to Phase shift: Computers become even cheaper. It becomes practical to give one computer to each user. Issue: z OS resource consumption becomes a big issue

Problem: People need to share data and information with other people Solution: z Networking, Problem: People need to share data and information with other people Solution: z Networking, distributed operating systems and modern operating systems

Problem: Networking becomes very important, and as sharing becomes an important part of the Problem: Networking becomes very important, and as sharing becomes an important part of the experience z Issue: z Network security z Computer security

The major problem facing computer science today is how to build large, reliable software The major problem facing computer science today is how to build large, reliable software systems. z Operating systems are one of very few examples of existing large software systems. z By studying operating systems, we may learn lessons applicable to the construction of larger systems.