Lecture for 23 June: Second Coming/Parousia Ø Greek parousia best defined as several comings, or stages of a continuous process surrounding the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Zodhiates, 1123 -4) Ø Greek erchomai defined as “to come” /erchomenon = coming/arrival Ø In Aramaic, maranatha = “Lord, come” (translated by the Church as, “Come! Lord Jesus”)
Ø The 2 nd Coming/Parousia of Jesus Christ occurs at the end of the Tribulation (Battle of Armageddon) per Rev 19 and in fulfillment of the Perfect/Complete Gospel of Both Comings of Jesus Christ (Phil 1: 6)
§ Parousia prophesied by OT writers o Gen 49: 8 -12 o Pss 2; 24; 83; 96: 13; 97; 98: 8; 110 o Isa 9: 7; 61: 2 b-11; 66: 15 -24 o Dan 2: 34 -35, 44 -45; 7: 13 -4 o Mic 5: 4 -15 o Zech 14: 3 -21 o Mal 4: 1 -5
Ø Confirmed by: • Jesus Himself in Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 17 and 21, and John 14; • His actions in Luke 19: 28 -44 (triumphal entry into Jerusalem); • and the 2 angels at Jesus’ Ascension (Acts 1: 10 -11)
Ø Incorporated into Complete/Perfect Gospel by NT writers: § Acts 2: 14 -47; 3: 13 -26; 7: 1 -53; 13: 32 -47; 15: 1 -21; 28: 23 -27; Rom 2: 1 -16; 4 – 5; 8: 1 -30; 9 – 11; 13: 11 -14; 14: 8 -12; 15: 813; § 1 Cor 10: 1 -11; 11: 23 -36; 15; § 2 Cor 12: 1 -4; § Gal 3: 1 – 4: 7; § Eph 1: 11 – 2: 7; 3: 4 -13; 5: 27; 6: 10 -20; § Phil 1: 3 -6, 10; 1 § Col 1 § 1 Thess 1: 10; 2: 19 -20; 3: 13; 4: 13 – 5: 24; § 2 Thess 1: 5 – 2: 14;
Ø Incorporated into Complete/Perfect Gospel by NT writers: (continued) § 1 Tim 4: 1 -5; § 2 Tim 1: 8 -12; 2: 8 -13; 3: 1 -9; 4: 1 -8; § Titus 2: 11 -14; 3: 5 -7; § Heb 9: 12 -28; 10: 37 – 12: 2, 26 -7; § Jas 5: 3, 7 -9; § 1 Pet 1: 3 -12; 2: 4 -10; 4: 1 -7; § 2 Pet 1: 11, 16, 19; 3; § Jude 14 -23; § 1 John 2: 14 – 3: 3; § Revelation Ø See Paul R. Rabe’s “Eagerly Awaiting for the Blessed Hope, ” 1999
Ø Then, carried throughout Church History as the Perfect/Complete Gospel (Strong foundation laid by Early Church Fathers’ premillennial eschatological perspective till early 5 th century & Origen/Augustine)
Ø Eschatological Judgments associated w/Parousia addressed by Matt 25; Rom 14: 10 -12; 1 Cor 3: 9 -15; 2 Cor 5: 10 Jude 6; Rev 20 (Judgment Seat of Christ, Israel, Nations, Fallen Angels, Great White Throne) § Judgment Seat of Christ (Rom 14: 10 -12; 1 Cor 3: 9 -15; 2 Cor 5: 10 – after Rapture of the Church/before Second Coming in Heaven)
Eschatological Judgments. . . (continued ) § Judgment of Israel (Matt 25: 1 -30 – after Second Coming in Jerusalem) § Judgment of Nations/Gentiles (Matt 25: 31 -46/Sheep and Goats – immediately after Judgment of Israel) § Judgment of Fallen Angels (Jude 6 – In conjunction with Satan after Millennium and before Great White Throne Judgment/Rev 20) § Great White Throne Judgment (Rev 20: 11 -15 – final judgment of unbelieving dead/before time is no more/New Heaven and New Earth
For next time: Ø Read Geisler, pp. 1421 -1426; Hebert, Sections 1. 2. 5, 1. 3. 3. 3 ; Ø Study for devotion: § Pss 45: 1 -7; 68; 89; § Isa 60: 1 -3, 15 -22; 65: 17 -25; 66: 22 -23; § Joel 3: 17 -21; § Zeph 3: 8 -20; § Zech 14; § Rev 20