Lecture 9.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 9
Lecture 9 Phonostylistics as a New Branch of Phonetics
Plan 1. Phonetic Styles and their Classification 2. The Phonetic Style-Forming Means
List of Terms n n phonetic style phonostylistics
Extralinguistic Factors that Cause Phonetic Modifications in Speech: n the aim of speech n the extent of spontaneity of speech n the nature of interchange (i. e. the use of a form of speech which may either suggest only listening, or both listening and an exchange of remarks) n social and psychological factors which determine the extent of formality of speech and the expressed attitudes
Phonetic styles or styles of pronunciation are different ways of pronunciation caused by extralinguistic factors and characterised by definite phonetic features. Classifications of Phonetic Styles 1. According to the degree of carefulness of speech (L. Shcherba): * the full style * the colloquial style 2. According to the degree of carefulness of speech (R. Avanesov, L. Bulanin): * the full style or elevated style * the neutral style * the colloquial style
3. According to the rate of speech (D. Jones): * the rapid familiar style * the slower colloquial style * the natural style used in addressing an audience * the acquired style of the stage * the acquired styles used in singing 4. According to the level of formality (J. Kenyon): * familiar colloquial * formal colloquial * public—speaking style * public—reading style 5. According to the social situations (D. Crystal, D. Davy) (there as many phonetic styles as there are many social situations)
6. According to the interconnection between phonetic and speech styles (S. Gaiduchik): * phonetic styles of spontaneous speech (a) official style (b) informal style (c) familiar (careless) style * phonetic styles of prepared speech * phonetic styles of reading aloud Phonostylistics is a branch of phonetics which is concerned with the problem of giving a more detailed classification of phonetic styles and the identification of the style-forming means, i. e. the phonetic features that enable the native speaker to distinguish intuitively between different styles of pronunciation.
Until now it was considered that the phonetic style-forming means are the degree of assimilation, reduction and elision, all of which depend on the degree of carefulness of pronunciation. Besides these segmental features, there are prosodic features which enable people to distinguish between different phonetic styles: (1) each speaker has a norm of loudness which he may depart from in different circumstances ((2) each speaker has a norm of tempo and he may depart from in different circumstances, the tempo of speech also depends on whether the audience is large or not 3) pauses also help to distinguish different varieties of speech
List of Literature 1. 2. 3. Борисова, Л. В. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка: учеб. пособ. для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. / Л. В. Борисова, А. А. Метлюк; под ред. Л. В. Борисовой. – Минск: Выш. шк. , 1980. – 144 с. Леонтьева, С. Ф. Теоретическая фонетика современного английского языка: учеб. для студентов педагогических вузов и университетов / С. Ф. Леонтьева. – М. : Издательство «Менеджер» , 2004. – 336 с. Соколова, М. А. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка: учеб. для студ. высш. учеб. заведений / М. А. Соколова, К. Г. Гинтовт, И. С. Тихонова, Р. М. Тихонова. – М. : Гуманитар. Изд. Центр ВЛАДОС, 2004. – 289 с.
Lecture 9.ppt