Lecture 8 Language materials development
Teaching Pronunciation
Experiment (take a sheet of paper)
Pleasant light
Sentences Students' mistakes Draw a sheep on the board. Spanish speakers draw a ship. Explanation often Write the letter "P" above the sheep Arabic speakers often write "B". Use the “P” as the start of the word "pleasant" and write the word. Japanese speakers often write "present". Write "light" "pleasant". to Japanese speakers often write "right". Draw a mouse next to the word "light". Spanish and Japanese speakers often draw a mouth. Draw a pear next to the mouse. Arabic speakers often draw a bear. next there is no [I: ] in the Spanish language
What are the peculiarities of interference in phonetic aspect of Kazakh students?
Techniques for teaching Pronunciation and Intonation are as follows: pronunciation drills: • listen and imitate exercises. • Phonetic description (sound charts) • Minimal pair drill: fill-feel • tongue twisters: This thin feather is thinner than that thick leather. • etc.
http: //englisheffect. britishcouncil. org/accents/index. php Home task: • Listen, analyze and fill in the table given below
Home task: • Listen, analyze and fill in the table given below • Source: http: //englisheffect. britishcouncil. org/accents/index. php Friendliness (1 -5) Edinburgh Cardiff Belfast Birmingham London Devon Home Counties Liverpool Manchester Newcastle Attractiveness (1 -5) Intelligence (1 -5) Trustworthiness (1 -5) Analyses of sound, intonation, etc.
Form Active Meaning Usage Types of grammar Passive Form Meaning
The 3 -phaze framework for TG: • presentation • practice • production
The ways of Presentation of new grammar: Deductive Inductive Lexical
The ways of Presentation of new grammar: Deductive • from rules to examples Inductive • from examples to rules Lexical • no rules • only examples
Word Form Sound Meaning Graphic Morphological Usage
Types of Vocabulary (Rakhmanov) Active • reproductive Passive Potential • receptive • word formation • free and individual
Definition Synonyms Verbal Antonyms Context Direct Etymology Pictures Ways of semantization Non-verbal Indirect (translational) Gestures Proper translation Actions Translationinterpretation
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