lecture 7.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 30
UKRAINIAN GOVERNMENT AND ITS POLICY OF ‘UKRAINIZATION’ (UNR (The Ukrainian People's Republic), Hetmanate (Hetman State), Directorate of Ukraine (UNR-Directory) A POLICY OF ‘UKRAINIZATION’: supported the Ukrainian language, developed Ukrainian secondary and higher education and publishing, introduced scientific institutions, museums, libraries, etc.
TRENDS OF CULTURE DEVELOPMENT 1) Keeping national cultural traditions (populist theory). 2) Commitment to West-European process in the field of artistic culture (‘Europeanisation’, ‘cosmopolitanism’, ‘modernism’). Traditional trends in literature romanticism and neorealism – combined with futurism and symbolism development.
The Prosvita ('enlightenment') Society (founded in 1868) Official goals: To preserve and develop Ukrainian culture and education among population Initially headed by Anatole Vakhnianyn By the end of 1913, Prosvita had 77 affiliate societies and 2, 648 reading rooms. Early publication cover
Mykhailo Hrushevsky • The country's greatest modern HISTORIAN. • Foremost ORGANIZER of scholarship. • LEADER of the pre-revolution Ukrainian national movement. • HEAD of the Central Rada (Ukraine's 1917– 1918 revolutionary parliament). • A LEADING CULTURAL FIGURE in Soviet Ukraine in the 1920 s.
M. Hrushevsky's HISTORICAL WRITINGS ten volume History of Ukraine-Rus’, a multi-volume History of Ukrainian Literature, an Outline History of the Ukrainian People in Russian, an Illustrated History of Ukraine “Literary-scientific herald”, an editor
HRUSHEVSKY as an ORGANIZER of SCHOLARSHIP Organized the UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY in Kyiv in 1907. After the 1917 -1921 revolution, he founded the UKRAINIAN SOCIOLOGICAL INSTITUTE in exile in Vienna. In the 1920 s became a major figure in the newly founded ALL-UKRAINIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES in Kyiv (since 1923).
EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT The Ukrainian language interdiction (prohibition) was maleficent. No educational establishment in Ukraine until 1917 where teaching was conducted in Ukrainian. Beginning of World War I – massive offensive upon everything Ukrainian: 1. the language interdiction, 2. mass arrests, and 3. intelligentsia exile
EDUCATIONAL POLICY OF THE UKRAINIAN GOVERNMENT 30 Ukrainian gymnasiums started to work in the country in 1917/18 educational year. Study of the Ukrainian language, literature and history was obligatory in secondary schools and gymnasiums. Central Rada founded 53 Ukrainian schools (gymnasiums).
Elementary and secondary education under Soviet rule 1919 – the obligatory free education for children (7 -16 years) - Sovnarcom (Soviet government). 1920 – 7 -year schools of 2 levels (elementary 1 -4 classes and secondary 57 classes)- Narcompros (Ministry of education). 1920 – a special commission for the struggle against illiteracy. H. Petrovs’kyi – the Head of this commission.
THE RESULT OF LIQUIDATION AN ILLITERACY: Before the revolution there was 27, 9% of literate population, and by the end of 1920 – 51, 9%.
HIGHER EDUCATION October, 5, 1917, Kyiv Ukrainian National University was opened. The decision about opening of Kamyanets’-Podil’skyi University was also adopted
SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT - 1 Historians, ethnographers and philologists D. Yavornytskiy – the history of the Cossacks state – Zaporiz’ka Sich. I. Kryp’yakevych – the history of Cossack movement. O. Kryms’kyi (a philologist, historian, and orientalist) –a range of research papers in oriental studies (orientalism). D. Bagaliy (historian)
SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT - 2 Editions of Shevchenko Scientific Society a 100 volume ‘Proceedings of Scientific Society’. 35 volume ‘Ethnographic Collection’. 15 volume ‘Materials in Ukrainian Ethnology’. 15 volumes were composed by Section of History and Philosophy.
UKRAINIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES V. I. Vernads’kyi – the Head. 3 main departments: historical-philological, physical-mathematical, and social-economic ones.
AVIATION and AERONAUTICS DEVELOPMENT Kyiv Aeronautics Society, Kyiv, 1909. Ihor Sikors’ky - one of aeronautics pioneers, a mover of heavy aviation, the inventor of one of the world’s first helicopter (Kyiv, 1910). A. Kas’yanenko, Ye. Kas’yanenko, aviette (Kyiv, Cherkassy, 1911 -13) Yu. Kontdratyuk, ‘Interplanetary conquest’ published in 1929
MEDICINE AND MEDICAL RESEARCH microbiology, general pathology, infectious diseases, hygiene and ophthalmology I. Mechnikov and his disciples: V. Vysokovych, G. Minkh, D. Zabolotnyi, M. Gamalіya, V. Subbotin, L. Girshman, and S. Igumnov.
SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT - 3 O. Pysarzhevs’kyi (chemist) Y. Paton (bridge builder) O. Kryms’kyi (philologist, historian, and orientalist) H. Proscura (hydromechanics)
LITERATURE EVOLUTION old generation of writers (P. Myrnyi, V. Stephanyk, O. Kobylyans’ka, V. Vynnychenko, and O. Kryms’kyi). The “new school” of Ukrainian prose is distinguished, including M. Kotsubynsky, V. Stephanyk, and O. Kobylyans’ka. Futurism, M. Semenko First Futurist Literary Institution (Kyiv, 1913).
LITERARY FIGURES whose literary activity and legacy were either concealed or perverted in Soviet time V. Vynnychenko, a prose and play writer Poets B. Letant and V. Pachovsky
MUSIC National style – a combination dynamics of folklore expression and the best tradition of classical music. M. Leontovych, K. Stetsenko, and Ya. Stepovy, A. Revuts’kyi, H. Veryovka, B. Lyatoshyns’kyi. The State Symphonic Orchestra (O. Horelyi ) → the Republican Symphonic Orchestra named after M. Lysenko. The Ukrainian State Chapel (A. Koshyts’) → the Ukrainian Republican Chapel. Kyiv musical-dramatic institute opened.
FINE ARTS Painters and graphic artists O. Murashko, O. Novakivsky, I. Trut, P. Kovzhun, M. Sosenko, and M. Boichuk. Sculptor O. Arkhypenko. The Ukrainian Academy of Arts (later Institute of Arts ) (1917), first academicians: a rector - M. Boichuk; H. Burachek, M. Zhuk, H. Narbut.
NATIONAL THEATRE DEVELOPMENT - 1 M. Lysenko, Kyiv Music and Drama School, 1904 Ukrainian theatre of M. Sadovsky I. Mar’yanenko, the Society of Ukrainian Actors in 1915. Both CLASSICAL DRAMATIC WORKS and dramatical pieces by European AVANT-GARDE WRITERS are staged. The Ukrainian Theatre of Drama and Opera (1918). The New Dramatic Theatre Named after I. Franko (1920).
NATIONAL THEATRE DEVELOPMENT - 2 “The Young Theatre” of Les’ Kurbas (Kyiv, 1916). Actors: M. Sadovsky, P. Saksahansky, M. Zan’kovets’ka
UKRAINIAN CINEMA FORMATION Ukrainian topicals (news films) shot in Kharkiv. Actor O. Oleksiyenko films screens versions of dramatic plays and works by I. Kotlyarevsky, M. Hohol’, M. Starytsky. First Ukrainian film director and cameraman D. Sakhnenko filmed “Natalka from Poltava”, “Zaporiz’ka Sich”, “Bohdan Khmelnytsky”. M. Sadovsky, M. Zan’kovets’ka and L. Linnyts’ka starring.
DYNAMICS OF CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT in early 20 th century Affected by political changes. The milestones of the early 20 th century are World War I, February and October Revolutions and struggle for Ukrainian independence in 1917 -1920 s.
Seminar 7 CULTURE OF UKRAINE DURING FORMATIVE PERIOD OF STATE INDEPENDENCE (EARLY 20 TH CENTURY- BEFORE 1920). 1. National-state revival in early 20 th century. 2. Prosvitas as Ukrainian amateur cultural-educational organizations. Prosvitas’ role in development of national self-consciousness. 3. M. Hrushevs’kyi. 4. Educational system development. Ukrainization of education in 1900 -1920. 5. Science development. 6. Literature development. 7. Music. 8. Fine arts development. 9. National theatre. “The Young Theatre” of Les’ Kurbas. 10. Ukrainian cinema formation.
Individual research tasks for THEMES 7, 8, 9 Prepare a written report on either of the topics: “Prosvitas” role in the 20 th century”, “Neoromantic concept of art”, “Peculiarities of Ukrainian modern in 1900 -1910” (theme 7 ‘CULTURE OF UKRAINE DURING FORMATIVE PERIOD OF STATE INDEPENDENCE (EARLY 20 TH CENTURY- BEFORE 1920)’ ). Prepare a Power. Point presentation on Culture of soviet Ukraine (1920 -1991) (theme 8 ‘CULTURE OF SOVIET UKRAINE (1920 -1991) ‘). Present your analysis of the youth subculture in Dnipropetrovs’k region and the whole of Ukraine; trends in contemporary culture of Ukraine (use video recourses, like You. Tube (theme 9 ‘CULTURE OF INDEPENDENT UKRAINE (1991 -NOWADAYS)’).
Thank you for attention!