Lecture 4. Personality Humanistic and Social-learning approach Humanistic

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>Lecture 4. Personality Humanistic and Social-learning approach Humanistic Theories Roger’s Theory of self Maslow’s Lecture 4. Personality Humanistic and Social-learning approach Humanistic Theories Roger’s Theory of self Maslow’s Self-Actualization Theory 2) Behavior and social learning theories Skinner’s Behaviorism and Personality Rotter’s Locus of control Theory.

>Humanistic Theories -concentrate on the uniqueness of a human -emphasize the ‘self’ (what’s part Humanistic Theories -concentrate on the uniqueness of a human -emphasize the ‘self’ (what’s part of oneself and what is not) -view individuals as active in determining the potential course of life -are optimistic about humans focusing on their strengths not weaknesses

>Rogers and his Theory of Self Main features: He sees our basic motives as Rogers and his Theory of Self Main features: He sees our basic motives as good, healthy, and positive There is an inherent tendency in each of us toward self-actualization To develop all our capacities made available to us by our heredity is our main goal in life Healthy psychological environment is needed

>Rogers’ personality is a triangle. Perceived Ideal (what you perceive (what you yourself through Rogers’ personality is a triangle. Perceived Ideal (what you perceive (what you yourself through would like interactions with SELF to be) people) Real (what you are really like) Congruence  fit among the aspects of self Incongruence conflict between the self-image and the individual’s true nature.

>Main ideas: Every person has a need for a positive self-regard, as well as Main ideas: Every person has a need for a positive self-regard, as well as positive regard from others The person must spend time and effort protecting a false image, these tensions can cause psychological maladjustment The individual strikes to be fully functioning person in the good life.

>3 characteristics of the process of developing the good life Increasing openness to experience 3 characteristics of the process of developing the good life Increasing openness to experience (open to feelings and events without becoming defensive) Increasing tendency to live fully moment to moment Developing trust , feeling comfortable with others These will lead to a sense of freedom

>Maslow’s self-actualization theory Hierarchy of needs: Physiological needs – hunger, thirst, sex, exercise, rest Maslow’s self-actualization theory Hierarchy of needs: Physiological needs – hunger, thirst, sex, exercise, rest Safety needs – security, stability, protection, freedom from fear and anxiety. Belonging and Love needs – love, affection desire for friends, family, and social contact Esteem needs – high evaluation of oneself, self-respect, achievement, recognition by others Self-actualization – realizing one’s potential.

>Self-actualized people’s characteristics: Efficient perception of reality Acceptance of self and others Spontaneity Problem Self-actualized people’s characteristics: Efficient perception of reality Acceptance of self and others Spontaneity Problem centering Need for privacy Autonomy Freshness of appreciation Peak experiences Deep interpersonal relationship Democratic character structure Strong ethics Creativeness ! A warm and supportive environment is vital for self-actualization.

>Skinner’s Behavioral Theory Main ideas and beliefs: An individual is not free to make Skinner’s Behavioral Theory Main ideas and beliefs: An individual is not free to make decisions He’s controlled by his environment and his past experiences So, personality is defined as learned ways of behaving which like any behavior follow the principles of reinforcement (reward and punishment)

>Rotter’s Social Learning Main ideas and beliefs: Reinforcement is influential in shaping behavior of Rotter’s Social Learning Main ideas and beliefs: Reinforcement is influential in shaping behavior of personality Cognition and expectances are also significant Particular behavior will be shown in a particular situation

>The theory is based on internal-exte4rnal locus of control Internal people believe that if The theory is based on internal-exte4rnal locus of control Internal people believe that if they work hard, they will be rewarded. The prefer situation they have control over. See the world predictable and dislike gambling. External people perceive that reinforcement is independent of their behavior. Everything is controlled by external forces or by luck. External expectancy leads to helplessness and depression.

>Seminar questions on lecture 4. Control questions for the seminar: Representatives of Humanistic theories Seminar questions on lecture 4. Control questions for the seminar: Representatives of Humanistic theories and their view and approach to a human being. Roger’s Theory of Self. Describe the concepts: real self, perceived self, and ideal self. Name 3 characteristics of the process of the developing and good life. Describe a hierarchy of needs ( Maslow’s Self Actualization Theory) What is really important for self-actualization? Characterize self-actualized people. Skinner’s behavioral theory of personality. What should be done to change a person’s behavior according to Skinner. How important reinforcement and punishment in behavioristic approach to a human being? Describe an internal –external locus of control. Social –learning theory of Julian Rotter.

>Do C. Jung Personality Inventory to identify your personality indicator. (www.humanmetrics.com) Do the internet Do C. Jung Personality Inventory to identify your personality indicator. (www.humanmetrics.com) Do the internet Temperament Eysenck’s test to get more insight into your personality. (similarminds.com)