Lecture 4 Noun. Part I. 1. Noun: lexico grammatical, morphological and syntactic characteristics. 2. Noun in Combination with Other Nouns: “Cannon ball” Problem. 3. Subclasses of Nouns. 4. Noun: The Category of Gender. 5. Noun: The Category of Number.
Features of the Noun Meaning: thingness Form: simple/ derived/ compound/composite Function: all syntactic functions right hand left hand connections with practically all parts of speech prepositional combinability casal combinability
2. “The Caanon Ball Problem” B. A. Ilyish A. I. Smirnitsky and O. S. Akhmanova B. I. Rogovskaya and B. S. Khaimovich M. Y. Blokh
3. Subclasses of Nouns Proper/common Animate/inanimate human/non human Concrete/abstract
4. The Category of Gender
5. The Category of Number Countable/uncountable nouns Uncountable nouns: Singularia Tantum (the absolute singular) Pluralia Tantum (the absolute plural)
Singularia Tantum abstract notions (peace, love, joy, courage, friendship, etc. ) the names of the branches of professional activity (chemistry, architecture, mathe matics, linguistics, etc. ) the names of mass materials (water, snow, steel, hair, etc. ) the names of collective inanimate objects (foliage, fruit, furniture, machinery, etc. )
Pluralia Tantum objects consisting of two halves (trousers, scissors, tongs, spectacles, etc. ) the nouns expressing some sort of collective meaning, both concrete and abstract (supplies, outskirts, clothes, parings; tidings, earnings, contents, politics; police, cattle, poultry, etc. ) the nouns denoting some diseases of the body and mind (measles, mumps, creeps, hysterics, etc. )
Absolute Plural. Oppositional Reduction. (1)countable nouns having the form of the sin gular ("nouns of multitude", multitude plural); The family were gathered round the table. (2) uncountable nouns having the form of the plural (expressive transposition; stylistically marked; descriptive plural); Cf: . the sands of the desert; the snows of the Arctic; the waters of the ocean; the fruits of the toil; etc. (3) countable nouns having the meaning of plural in repetition groups (repetition plural). Cf: . There were trees and trees all around us. I lit cigarette after cigarette.
Singular Form oneness (individual separate object – a cat); generalization/abstraction (the meaning of the whole class – The cat is a domestic animal. Waltz is a lovely dance); indiscreteness (нерасчлененность) of uncountables (money, milk).
Plural Form the existence of several objects (cats); the inner discreteness (внутренняя расчлененность, pluralia tantum, jeans; types of substance, wines, steels; nouns of multitude: My family are good speakers. ); indefinitely vast amount of objects or substance (trees and tress, snows of the Arctic).