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Lecture 4 Introductory Econometrics INTRODUCTION TO LINEAR REGRESSION MODEL II September 27, 2014 Lecture 4 Introductory Econometrics INTRODUCTION TO LINEAR REGRESSION MODEL II September 27, 2014

On previous lecture • We studied PRM vs SRM • We listed the classical On previous lecture • We studied PRM vs SRM • We listed the classical assumptions of regression models: • • • model linear in parameters, explanatory variables linearly independent (normally distributed) error term with zero mean and constant variance, no serial autocorrelation no correlation between error term and explanatory variables • We saw that if the assumptions hold, OLS estimate is • • consistent unbiased efficient normally distributed

On today’s lecture • We will show that under these assumption, OLS is the On today’s lecture • We will show that under these assumption, OLS is the best estimator available for regression models • See the distribution, mean and variance of linear regression model parameters • We are going to discuss how hypothesis about coefficients can be tested in regression models • We will explain what significance of coefficients means • We will learn how to read regression output

Distribution of parameters . Distribution of parameters .

Probability density function for linear regression model parameters with Normal distribution PDF for b Probability density function for linear regression model parameters with Normal distribution PDF for b 1 b 1 2

1. Mean of (1) 0 . 1. Mean of (1) 0 .

1. Mean of (2) BLUE -linear estimation random variable . =0 =1 Demonstrate 1. Mean of (2) BLUE -linear estimation random variable . =0 =1 Demonstrate

1. Mean of Random variable . (3) Random variable =0 BLUE 1. Mean of Random variable . (3) Random variable =0 BLUE

2. Variance of Random variable (1) Random Variable Square RHS &LHS and take the 2. Variance of Random variable (1) Random Variable Square RHS &LHS and take the expected value .

2. Variance (2) =0. 2. Variance (2) =0.

2. Variance - minimum VARIANCE. BLUE 2. Variance - minimum VARIANCE. BLUE

Now we will study 1. How to check coefficients for significance 2. Construct confidence Now we will study 1. How to check coefficients for significance 2. Construct confidence intervals for parameters

We demonstrated that the distribution of . We demonstrated that the distribution of .

If are normally distributed, then i=0, 1. k- number of estimated model parameters k=2 If are normally distributed, then i=0, 1. k- number of estimated model parameters k=2

PDF for Student’s t-distribution f(t) Region of acceptance Critical or rejection region 0 t PDF for Student’s t-distribution f(t) Region of acceptance Critical or rejection region 0 t Probability of getting into the critical region 2

Significance of the coefficients i=0, 1 Rule: reject null hypothesis H 0 if i=0, Significance of the coefficients i=0, 1 Rule: reject null hypothesis H 0 if i=0, 1 . at significance level

PDF for Student’s t-distribution f(t) Critical or rejection region 0 t Probability of getting PDF for Student’s t-distribution f(t) Critical or rejection region 0 t Probability of getting into the critical region 2

Example from E-Views Real Consumption (CONS 1); Real GDP (GDP 1) Dependent Variable: CONS Example from E-Views Real Consumption (CONS 1); Real GDP (GDP 1) Dependent Variable: CONS 1 Method: Least Squares Sample: 2003: 1 2007: 4 Included observations: 16 Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. GDP 1 0. 106038 0. 027689 3. 829529 0. 0018 C 4. 695067 0. 814695 5. 762976 0. 0000 R-squared 0. 511604 Mean dependent var 7. 7125 Adjusted R-squared 0. 476719 S. D. dependent var 1. 1451 S. E. of regression 0. 828308 Akaike info criterion 2. 5777 Sum squared resid 9. 605324 Schwarz criterion 2. 6742 F-statistic 14. 666 Prob(F-statistic) 0. 0018 Log likelihood Durbin-Watson stat -18. 62085 1. 061248

Приклад CONS 1 = 4. 7 + 0. 11 GDP 1 (0. 81) s. Приклад CONS 1 = 4. 7 + 0. 11 GDP 1 (0. 81) s. e. (0. 028) RULE: Reject H 0, if i=0, 1 . with significance level Reject H 0 Conclusion: Intercept is statistically significant

Check for the slope CONS 1 = 4. 7 + 0. 11 GDP 1 Check for the slope CONS 1 = 4. 7 + 0. 11 GDP 1 (0. 81) . (0. 028) s. e.

Type I and Type II Errors • It would be unrealistic to think that Type I and Type II Errors • It would be unrealistic to think that conclusions drawn from regression analysis will always be right • There are two type of errors we can make: – Type I: We reject a true null hypothesis – Type II: We do not reject a false null hypothesis Example: H 0: HA : Type I error: it holds that Type II error: it holds that we conclude that

Type I and Type II Errors Correct Accept True decision (1 -a)- significance level Type I and Type II Errors Correct Accept True decision (1 -a)- significance level Type I error Reject. We reject a true null hypothesis Probability of Error Type 1 error = α – significance level Incorrect Type 2 error We do not reject a false null hypothesis Probability of accepting incorrect H 0 = β True decision Probability = 1 -β = power of the test

Type I and Type II Errors Example: • H 0 : The defendant is Type I and Type II Errors Example: • H 0 : The defendant is innocent • HA : The defendant is guilty • Type I error = Sending an innocent person to jail • Type II error = Freeing a guilty person • Obviously, lowering the probability of Type I error means increasing the probability of Type II error • In hypothesis testing, we focus on Type I error and we ensure that its probability is not unreasonably large

Decision Rule • A sample statistic must be calculated that allows the null hypothesis Decision Rule • A sample statistic must be calculated that allows the null hypothesis to be rejected or not depending on the magnitude of that sample statistic compared with a preselected critical value found in tables • The critical value divides the range of possible values of the statistic into two regions: acceptance region and rejection region • The idea is that if the value of the coefficient is not such as stated under H 0, the value of the sample statistic should not fall into the rejection region • If the value of the sample statistic falls into the rejection region, we reject H 0

Two-sided rejection region • H 0: vs HA : • Distribution of : Two-sided rejection region • H 0: vs HA : • Distribution of :

P-value Concept (probability value) p-value . -the lowest level of significance at which we P-value Concept (probability value) p-value . -the lowest level of significance at which we reject H 0

Two-sided t-test We reject H 0 if Two-sided t-test We reject H 0 if

Example from Stata Example from Stata

Example: P-value for intercept = 0. 000 It means that at any significance level Example: P-value for intercept = 0. 000 It means that at any significance level we reject H 0 for intercept, including 10% , 5 % and 1%. . . Conclusion Intercept is statistically significant

Example: i=0, 1 RULE: Reject H 0 , if i=0, 1 At. significance level Example: i=0, 1 RULE: Reject H 0 , if i=0, 1 At. significance level -significance level is usually given - critical value

PDF for Student’s t-distribution f(t) Critical Region 0 t Critical Value 2 PDF for Student’s t-distribution f(t) Critical Region 0 t Critical Value 2

+ . = + . =

Example i=0, 1 Rule: Reject H 0, if i=0, 1 s. e. (0. 1397). Example i=0, 1 Rule: Reject H 0, if i=0, 1 s. e. (0. 1397). (0. 01958) - critical value

Example s. e. (0. 1397) . (0. 01958) Example s. e. (0. 1397) . (0. 01958)

PDF of Student’s t-distribution f(t) Critical region 0 t Critical value=3. 18 2 PDF of Student’s t-distribution f(t) Critical region 0 t Critical value=3. 18 2

Simplified test of statistical significance of parameters 1. For (n – k) > 8 Simplified test of statistical significance of parameters 1. For (n – k) > 8 critical value RULE: Reject If . k- number of estimated parameters of the model n - number of observations i=0, 1

Test for parameters’ statistical significance 2. When n > 30 RULE: We reject : Test for parameters’ statistical significance 2. When n > 30 RULE: We reject : at α = 10% , if at α = 5% , if. at α = 1% , if i=0, 1

Confidence intervals construction for parameters Confidence intervals construction for parameters

A 95% confidence interval of such that is an interval centered around with probability A 95% confidence interval of such that is an interval centered around with probability 95% PDF of Student’s t-distribution f(t) (1 -α) 0 Critical region t 2

. .

. .

Exercise • Construct confidence intervals for parameter Exercise • Construct confidence intervals for parameter

The first practical example how to built the simple regression model and choose the The first practical example how to built the simple regression model and choose the correct functional form. bananas income (lbs) ($10, 000) household Y X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. 71 6. 88 8. 25 9. 52 9. 81 11. 43 11. 09 10. 87 12. 15 10. 94 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Suppose that you have data on annual consumption of bananas and annual income for a sample of 10 households. You need specify the relationships between consumption of bananas and annual income. 8

Here is the output from a linear regression. . reg Y X Source | Here is the output from a linear regression. . reg Y X Source | SS df MS -----+---------------Model | 58. 8774834 1 58. 8774834 Residual | 27. 003764 8 3. 3754705 -----+---------------Total | 85. 8812475 9 9. 54236083 Number of obs F( 1, 8) Prob > F R-squared Adj R-squared Root MSE = = = 10 17. 44 0. 0031 0. 6856 0. 6463 1. 8372 ---------------------------------------Y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -----+----------------------------------X |. 8447878. 2022741 4. 176 0. 003. 378343 1. 311233 _cons | 4. 618667 1. 255078 3. 680 0. 006 1. 724453 7. 512881 --------------------------------------- As you would expect from seeing the scatter diagram, the coefficient of X is highly significant, and the fit, as measured by R 2, is quite good. 10